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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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class ObjectScriptApi
import { ObjectScriptApi } from "";


configuration: Configuration,
requestFactory?: ScriptApiRequestFactory,
responseProcessor?: ScriptApiResponseProcessor,


archive script by hash

archive script by path

createScript(param: ScriptApiCreateScriptRequest, options?: Configuration): Promise<string>

create script

delete script by hash (erase content but keep hash)

inspect deno code to infer jsonschema of arguments

exists script by path

get hub script content by path

get script by hash

get script by path

inspect go code to infer jsonschema of arguments

list all available hub scripts

listScripts(param: ScriptApiListScriptsRequest, options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Script>>

list all available scripts

inspect python code to infer jsonschema of arguments

raw script by hash

raw script by path