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Placeholder for Worker-based middleware solution
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport type { StorageArea } from '';import { WebUUID } from '';import { Base64Decoder, Base64Encoder } from '';
import { createDraft, finishDraft, enableMapSet } from '';import { Encoder as BinaryEncoder, Decoder as BinaryDecoder } from '';
import type { Context } from './context.ts';import type { Awaitable } from './utils/common-types.ts';import type { UnsignedCookiesContext, SignedCookiesContext, EncryptedCookiesContext } from './cookies.ts';import type { FlushedContext } from './flushed.ts';
type Rec = Record<PropertyKey, any>;type CookieContext = Context & (EncryptedCookiesContext | SignedCookiesContext | UnsignedCookiesContext);
interface SessionContext<S extends Rec = Rec> { session: S }export interface CookieSessionContext<S extends Rec = Rec> extends SessionContext<S> { cookieSession: S}export interface StorageSessionContext<S extends Rec = Rec> extends SessionContext<S> { storageSession: S}
export interface CookieSessionOptions<S extends Rec = Rec> { /** The name of the session cookie. Defaults to `sid`. */ cookieName?: string,
/** Session expiration time in seconds. Defaults to five minutes. */ expirationTtl?: number,
/** Provide a record that serves as the default session object. Also used for type inference. */ defaultSession?: S,}
export interface StorageSessionOptions<S extends Rec = Rec> extends CookieSessionOptions<S> { /** The storage area where to persist the session objects. */ storage: StorageArea,}
const stringifySessionCookie = <T>(value: T) => new Base64Encoder({ url: true }).encode(new BinaryEncoder({ structuredClone: true }).encode(value));
const parseSessionCookie = <T>(value: string) => <T>new BinaryDecoder({ structuredClone: true }).decode(new Base64Decoder().decode(value));
/** * Cookie session middleware for worker runtimes. * * Requires a cookie store, preferably encrypted or signed. * * Important: This will serialize the entire session data and store it in a cookie. It is sent with every request! * Only applicable for small session objects. Use `storageSession` for a traditional, KV store-backed session. */export function cookieSession<S extends Rec = Rec>( options: CookieSessionOptions<S> = {}): <X extends CookieContext>(ax: Awaitable<X>) => Promise<X & CookieSessionContext<S>> { return async ax => { const ctx = await ax; const { cookieStore, cookies } = ctx; const { defaultSession, cookieName = 'obj', expirationTtl = 5 * 60 } = options
const cookieVal = cookies[cookieName] const original = cookieVal ? parseSessionCookie<S>(cookieVal) : defaultSession ?? <S>{}; const session = createDraft(original)
const newContext = Object.assign(ctx, { session, cookieSession: session })
ctx.effects.push(() => { const next: S = finishDraft(session) if (next !== original) { cookieStore.set({ name: cookieName, value: stringifySessionCookie(next), expires: new Date( + expirationTtl * 1000), sameSite: 'lax', httpOnly: true, }); } })
return newContext; };}
/** * Session middleware for worker runtimes. * * Need to provide a `StorageArea` to persist the session between requests. * See `@worker-tools/kv-storage`. * */// FIXME: Will "block" until session object is retrieved from KV => provide "unyielding" version that returns a promise?export function storageSession<S extends Rec = Rec>( options: StorageSessionOptions<S>): <X extends CookieContext & Partial<FlushedContext>>(ax: Awaitable<X>) => Promise<X & StorageSessionContext<S>> { return async ax => { const ctx = await ax; const { cookies, cookieStore } = ctx; const { storage, defaultSession, cookieName = 'sid', expirationTtl = 5 * 60 } = options
const cookieVal = cookies[cookieName] const sid = cookieVal ? new WebUUID(cookieVal) : WebUUID.v4() const original = (await storage.get<S>(sid)) ?? defaultSession ?? <S>{}; const session = createDraft(original)
const newContext = Object.assign(ctx, { session, storageSession: session })
ctx.waitUntil((async () => { await ctx.handled; await ctx.flushed; const next: S = finishDraft(session) if (next !== original) { await storage.set(sid, next, { expirationTtl }); } })())
if (!cookieVal) { ctx.effects.push(() => { cookieStore.set({ name: cookieName, value:, expires: new Date( + expirationTtl * 1000), sameSite: 'lax', httpOnly: true, }); }); }
return newContext; }; }