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Deno library to download YouTube videos
type alias VideoInfo
import { type VideoInfo } from "";
definition: { attestation: { playerAttestationRenderer: PlayerAttestationRenderer; }; captions: { playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer: PlayerCaptionsTracklistRenderer; }; cards: { cardCollectionRenderer: CardCollectionRenderer; }; videoDetails: { videoId: string; title: string; lengthSeconds: string; keywords: string[]; channelId: string; isOwnerViewing: boolean; shortDescription: string; isCrawlable: boolean; thumbnail: { thumbnails: { url: string; width: number; height: number; }[]; }; allowRatings: boolean; viewCount: string; author: string; isPrivate: boolean; isUnpluggedCorpus: boolean; isLiveContent: boolean; }; playerConfig: PlayerConfig; storyboards: { playerStoryboardSpecRenderer: { spec: string; }; }; microformat: { playerMicroformatRenderer: { thumbnail: { thumbnails: { url: string; width: number; height: number; }[]; }; embed: { iframeUrl: string; flashUrl: string; width: number; height: number; flashSecureUrl: string; }; title: { simpleText: string; }; description: { simpleText: string; }; lengthSeconds: string; ownerProfileUrl: string; externalChannelId: string; isFamilySafe: boolean; availableCountries: string[]; isUnlisted: boolean; hasYpcMetadata: boolean; viewCount: string; category: string; publishDate: string; ownerChannelName: string; uploadDate: string; }; }; trackingParams: string; frameworkUpdates: { entityBatchUpdate: { mutations: { entityKey: string; type: string; payload: { offlineabilityEntity: { key: string; addToOfflineButtonState: string; }; }; }[]; timestamp: { seconds: string; nanos: number; }; }; }; responseContext: { serviceTrackingParams: { service: string; params: { key: string; value: string; }[]; }[]; mainAppWebResponseContext: { loggedOut: boolean; }; webResponseContextExtensionData: { hasDecorated: boolean; }; }; playabilityStatus: { status: string; playableInEmbed: boolean; miniplayer: { miniplayerRenderer: { playbackMode: string; }; }; contextParams: string; }; streamingData: { expiresInSeconds: string; formats: Format[]; adaptiveFormats: Format[]; }; playbackTracking: { videostatsPlaybackUrl: { baseUrl: string; }; videostatsDelayplayUrl: { baseUrl: string; }; videostatsWatchtimeUrl: { baseUrl: string; }; ptrackingUrl: { baseUrl: string; }; qoeUrl: { baseUrl: string; }; atrUrl: { baseUrl: string; elapsedMediaTimeSeconds: number; }; videostatsScheduledFlushWalltimeSeconds: number[]; videostatsDefaultFlushIntervalSeconds: number; }; }