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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import * as z from "../index.ts";import { Mocker } from "./Mocker.ts";
const literalStringSchema = z.literal("asdf");const literalNumberSchema = z.literal(12);const literalBooleanSchema = z.literal(true);const literalBigIntSchema = z.literal(BigInt(42));const stringSchema = z.string();const numberSchema = z.number();const bigintSchema = z.bigint();const booleanSchema = z.boolean();const dateSchema =;const nullSchema = z.null();const undefinedSchema = z.undefined();const stringSchemaOptional = z.string().optional();const stringSchemaNullable = z.string().nullable();const numberSchemaOptional = z.number().optional();const numberSchemaNullable = z.number().nullable();const bigintSchemaOptional = z.bigint().optional();const bigintSchemaNullable = z.bigint().nullable();const booleanSchemaOptional = z.boolean().optional();const booleanSchemaNullable = z.boolean().nullable();const dateSchemaOptional =;const dateSchemaNullable =;
const val = new Mocker();
test("literal string correct", () => { expect(literalStringSchema.parse("asdf")).toBe("asdf");});
test("literal string incorrect", () => { const f = () => literalStringSchema.parse("not_asdf"); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal string number", () => { const f = () => literalStringSchema.parse(123); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal string boolean", () => { const f = () => literalStringSchema.parse(true); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal string boolean", () => { const f = () => literalStringSchema.parse(true); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal string object", () => { const f = () => literalStringSchema.parse({}); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal number correct", () => { expect(literalNumberSchema.parse(12)).toBe(12);});
test("literal number incorrect", () => { const f = () => literalNumberSchema.parse(13); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal number number", () => { const f = () => literalNumberSchema.parse(val.string); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal number boolean", () => { const f = () => literalNumberSchema.parse(val.boolean); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal number object", () => { const f = () => literalStringSchema.parse({}); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal boolean correct", () => { expect(literalBooleanSchema.parse(true)).toBe(true);});
test("literal boolean incorrect", () => { const f = () => literalBooleanSchema.parse(false); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal boolean number", () => { const f = () => literalBooleanSchema.parse("asdf"); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal boolean boolean", () => { const f = () => literalBooleanSchema.parse(123); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal boolean object", () => { const f = () => literalBooleanSchema.parse({}); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal bigint correct", () => { expect(literalBigIntSchema.parse(BigInt(42))).toBe(BigInt(42));});
test("literal bigint incorrect", () => { const f = () => literalBigIntSchema.parse(BigInt(43)); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal bigint number", () => { const f = () => literalBigIntSchema.parse("asdf"); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal bigint boolean", () => { const f = () => literalBigIntSchema.parse(123); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("literal bigint object", () => { const f = () => literalBigIntSchema.parse({}); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse stringSchema string", () => { stringSchema.parse(val.string);});
test("parse stringSchema number", () => { const f = () => stringSchema.parse(val.number); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse stringSchema boolean", () => { const f = () => stringSchema.parse(val.boolean); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse stringSchema undefined", () => { const f = () => stringSchema.parse(val.undefined); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse stringSchema null", () => { const f = () => stringSchema.parse(val.null); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse numberSchema string", () => { const f = () => numberSchema.parse(val.string); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse numberSchema number", () => { numberSchema.parse(val.number);});
test("parse numberSchema bigint", () => { const f = () => numberSchema.parse(val.bigint); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse numberSchema boolean", () => { const f = () => numberSchema.parse(val.boolean); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse numberSchema undefined", () => { const f = () => numberSchema.parse(val.undefined); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse numberSchema null", () => { const f = () => numberSchema.parse(val.null); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse bigintSchema string", () => { const f = () => bigintSchema.parse(val.string); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse bigintSchema number", () => { const f = () => bigintSchema.parse(val.number); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse bigintSchema bigint", () => { bigintSchema.parse(val.bigint);});
test("parse bigintSchema boolean", () => { const f = () => bigintSchema.parse(val.boolean); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse bigintSchema undefined", () => { const f = () => bigintSchema.parse(val.undefined); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse bigintSchema null", () => { const f = () => bigintSchema.parse(val.null); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse booleanSchema string", () => { const f = () => booleanSchema.parse(val.string); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse booleanSchema number", () => { const f = () => booleanSchema.parse(val.number); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse booleanSchema boolean", () => { booleanSchema.parse(val.boolean);});
test("parse booleanSchema undefined", () => { const f = () => booleanSchema.parse(val.undefined); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse booleanSchema null", () => { const f = () => booleanSchema.parse(val.null); expect(f).toThrow();});
// ==============
test("parse dateSchema string", () => { const f = () => dateSchema.parse(val.string); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse dateSchema number", () => { const f = () => dateSchema.parse(val.number); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse dateSchema boolean", () => { const f = () => dateSchema.parse(val.boolean); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse dateSchema date", () => { dateSchema.parse(;});
test("parse dateSchema undefined", () => { const f = () => dateSchema.parse(val.undefined); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse dateSchema null", () => { const f = () => dateSchema.parse(val.null); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse dateSchema invalid date", async () => { try { await dateSchema.parseAsync(new Date("invalid")); } catch (err) { expect((err as z.ZodError).issues[0].code).toEqual( z.ZodIssueCode.invalid_date ); }});// ==============
test("parse undefinedSchema string", () => { const f = () => undefinedSchema.parse(val.string); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse undefinedSchema number", () => { const f = () => undefinedSchema.parse(val.number); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse undefinedSchema boolean", () => { const f = () => undefinedSchema.parse(val.boolean); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse undefinedSchema undefined", () => { undefinedSchema.parse(val.undefined);});
test("parse undefinedSchema null", () => { const f = () => undefinedSchema.parse(val.null); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse nullSchema string", () => { const f = () => nullSchema.parse(val.string); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse nullSchema number", () => { const f = () => nullSchema.parse(val.number); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse nullSchema boolean", () => { const f = () => nullSchema.parse(val.boolean); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse nullSchema undefined", () => { const f = () => nullSchema.parse(val.undefined); expect(f).toThrow();});
test("parse nullSchema null", () => { nullSchema.parse(val.null);});
export type AssertEqualTest = boolean | undefined extends true ? true extends boolean | undefined ? true : never : never;
type AssertEqual<X, Y> = (<T>() => T extends X ? 1 : 2) extends < T>() => T extends Y ? 1 : 2 ? true : never;
test("primitive inference", () => { const literalStringSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof literalStringSchema>, "asdf" > = true; const literalNumberSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof literalNumberSchema>, 12 > = true; const literalBooleanSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof literalBooleanSchema>, true > = true; const literalBigIntSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof literalBigIntSchema>, bigint > = true; const stringSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof stringSchema>, string > = true; const numberSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof numberSchema>, number > = true; const bigintSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof bigintSchema>, bigint > = true; const booleanSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof booleanSchema>, boolean > = true; const dateSchemaTest: AssertEqual<z.TypeOf<typeof dateSchema>, Date> = true; const nullSchemaTest: AssertEqual<z.TypeOf<typeof nullSchema>, null> = true; const undefinedSchemaTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof undefinedSchema>, undefined > = true; const stringSchemaOptionalTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof stringSchemaOptional>, string | undefined > = true; const stringSchemaNullableTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof stringSchemaNullable>, string | null > = true; const numberSchemaOptionalTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof numberSchemaOptional>, number | undefined > = true; const numberSchemaNullableTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof numberSchemaNullable>, number | null > = true; const bigintSchemaOptionalTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof bigintSchemaOptional>, bigint | undefined > = true; const bigintSchemaNullableTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof bigintSchemaNullable>, bigint | null > = true; const booleanSchemaOptionalTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof booleanSchemaOptional>, boolean | undefined > = true; const booleanSchemaNullableTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof booleanSchemaNullable>, boolean | null > = true; const dateSchemaOptionalTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof dateSchemaOptional>, Date | undefined > = true; const dateSchemaNullableTest: AssertEqual< z.TypeOf<typeof dateSchemaNullable>, Date | null > = true;
[ literalStringSchemaTest, literalNumberSchemaTest, literalBooleanSchemaTest, literalBigIntSchemaTest, stringSchemaTest, numberSchemaTest, bigintSchemaTest, booleanSchemaTest, dateSchemaTest, nullSchemaTest, undefinedSchemaTest, stringSchemaOptionalTest, stringSchemaNullableTest, numberSchemaOptionalTest, numberSchemaNullableTest, bigintSchemaOptionalTest, bigintSchemaNullableTest, booleanSchemaOptionalTest, booleanSchemaNullableTest, dateSchemaOptionalTest, dateSchemaNullableTest, ];});
test("get literal value", () => { expect(literalStringSchema.value).toEqual("asdf");});
test("optional convenience methd", () => { z.ostring().parse(undefined); z.onumber().parse(undefined); z.oboolean().parse(undefined);});