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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import * as z from "../index.ts";
test("function parsing", () => { const schema = z.union([ z.string().refine(() => false), z.number().refine(() => false), ]); const result = schema.safeParse("asdf"); expect(result.success).toEqual(false);});
test("union 2", () => { const result = z .union([z.number(), z.string().refine(() => false)]) .safeParse("a"); expect(result.success).toEqual(false);});
test("return valid over invalid", () => { const schema = z.union([ z.object({ email: z.string().email(), }), z.string(), ]); expect(schema.parse("asdf")).toEqual("asdf"); expect(schema.parse({ email: "" })).toEqual({ email: "", });});
test("return dirty result over aborted", () => { const result = z .union([z.number(), z.string().refine(() => false)]) .safeParse("a"); expect(result.success).toEqual(false); if (!result.success) { expect(result.error.issues).toEqual([ { code: "custom", message: "Invalid input", path: [], }, ]); }});
test("options getter", async () => { const union = z.union([z.string(), z.number()]); union.options[0].parse("asdf"); union.options[1].parse(1234); await union.options[0].parseAsync("asdf"); await union.options[1].parseAsync(1234);});
test("readonly union", async () => { const options = [z.string(), z.number()] as const; const union = z.union(options); union.parse("asdf"); union.parse(12);});