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The Deno Standard Library
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** * Utilities for dealing with {@linkcode Date} objects. * * ## Constants * * Constants such as {@linkcode SECOND}, {@linkcode MINUTE} and {@linkcode HOUR} * can be found in the {@linkcode ./constants.ts | constants} module. * * ## Day of year * * {@linkcode dayOfYear} returns the number of the day in the year in the local * timezone. {@linkcode dayOfYearUtc} does the same but in UTC time. * * ```ts * import { dayOfYear } from "$STD_VERSION/datetime/day_of_year.ts"; * * dayOfYear(new Date("2019-03-11T03:24:00")); // 70 * ``` * * ## Difference between dates * * {@linkcode difference} calculates the difference of the 2 given dates in * various units. * * ```ts * import { difference } from "$STD_VERSION/datetime/difference.ts"; * * const date0 = new Date("2018-05-14"); * const date1 = new Date("2020-05-13"); * * difference(date0, date1); * // { * // milliseconds: 63072000000, * // seconds: 63072000, * // minutes: 1051200, * // hours: 17520, * // days: 730, * // weeks: 104, * // months: 23, * // quarters: 7, * // years: 1 * // } * ``` * * ## Formatting date strings * * {@linkcode format} formats a date to a string with the specified format. * * ```ts * import { format } from "$STD_VERSION/datetime/format.ts"; * * const date = new Date(2019, 0, 20, 16, 34, 23, 123); * * format(date, "dd-MM-yyyy"); // "20-01-2019" * * format(date, "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS"); // "01-20-2019 16:34:23.123" * * format(date, "'today:' yyyy-MM-dd"); // "today: 2019-01-20" * ``` * * ## Detecting leap years * * {@linkcode isLeap} returns whether the given year is a leap year. * {@linkcode isUtcLeap} does the same but in UTC time. * * ```ts * import { isLeap } from "$STD_VERSION/datetime/is_leap.ts"; * * isLeap(new Date("1970-01-02")); // false * * isLeap(1970); // false * * isLeap(new Date("1972-01-02")); // true * * isLeap(1972); // true * ``` * * ## Parsing date strings * * {@linkcode parse} parses a date string using the specified format string. * * ```ts * import { parse } from "$STD_VERSION/datetime/parse.ts"; * * parse("20-01-2019", "dd-MM-yyyy"); // 2019-01-19T13:00:00.000Z * * parse("01-20-2019 04:34 PM", "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm a"); // 2019-01-20T05:34:00.000Z * * parse("01-20-2019 16:34:23.123", "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS"); // 2019-01-20T05:34:23.123Z * ``` * * ## Week of year * * {@linkcode weekOfYear} returns the number of the week in the year in the local * timezone. * * ```ts * import { weekOfYear } from "$STD_VERSION/datetime/week_of_year.ts"; * * weekOfYear(new Date("2020-12-28T03:24:00")); // 53 * * weekOfYear(new Date("2020-07-10T03:24:00")); // 28 * ``` * * @module */export * from "./constants.ts";export * from "./day_of_year.ts";export * from "./difference.ts";export * from "./format.ts";export * from "./is_leap.ts";export * from "./parse.ts";export * from "./week_of_year.ts";