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The Deno Standard Library
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright the Browserify authors. MIT License.
import { assertEquals } from "../assert/mod.ts";import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";import { isSamePath } from "./_is_same_path.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "isSamePath() works correctly for win32", ignore: !== "windows", fn() { const pairs: (string | URL | boolean)[][] = [ ["", "", true], ["C:\\test", "C:\\test", true], ["C:\\test", "C:\\test\\test", false], ["C:\\test", path.toFileUrl("C:\\test"), true], ["C:\\test", path.toFileUrl("C:\\test\\test"), false], ];
for (const p of pairs) { const src = p[0] as string | URL; const dest = p[1] as string | URL; const expected = p[2] as boolean;
assertEquals( isSamePath(src, dest), expected, `'${src}' should ${expected ? "" : "not"} be the same as '${dest}'`, ); } },});
Deno.test({ name: "isSamePath() works correctly for posix", ignore: === "windows", fn() { const pairs: (string | URL | boolean)[][] = [ ["", "", true], ["/test", "/test/", true], ["/test", "/test/test", false], ["/test", "/test/test/..", true], ["/test", path.toFileUrl("/test"), true], ["/test", path.toFileUrl("/test/test"), false], ];
for (const p of pairs) { const src = p[0] as string | URL; const dest = p[1] as string | URL; const expected = p[2] as boolean;
assertEquals( isSamePath(src, dest), expected, `'${src}' should ${expected ? "" : "not"} be the same as '${dest}'`, ); } },});