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The Deno Standard Library
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** * Utilities for mocking time while testing. * * @module */
import { RedBlackTree } from "../data_structures/red_black_tree.ts";import { ascend } from "../data_structures/comparators.ts";import type { DelayOptions } from "../async/delay.ts";import { _internals } from "./_time.ts";
/** An error related to faking time. */export class TimeError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); = "TimeError"; }}
function FakeTimeNow() { return time?.now ??;}
const FakeDate = new Proxy(Date, { construct(_target, args) { if (args.length === 0) args.push(; // @ts-expect-error this is a passthrough return new _internals.Date(...args); }, apply(_target, _thisArg, args) { if (args.length === 0) args.push(; // @ts-expect-error this is a passthrough return _internals.Date(...args); }, get(target, prop, receiver) { if (prop === "now") { return FakeTimeNow; } return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver); },});
interface Timer { id: number; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any callback: (...args: any[]) => void; delay: number; args: unknown[]; due: number; repeat: boolean;}
export interface FakeTimeOptions { /** * The rate relative to real time at which fake time is updated. * By default time only moves forward through calling tick or setting now. * Set to 1 to have the fake time automatically tick forward at the same rate in milliseconds as real time. */ advanceRate: number; /** * The frequency in milliseconds at which fake time is updated. * If advanceRate is set, we will update the time every 10 milliseconds by default. */ advanceFrequency?: number;}
interface DueNode { due: number; timers: Timer[];}
let time: FakeTime | undefined = undefined;
function fakeSetTimeout( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any callback: (...args: any[]) => void, delay = 0, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...args: any[]): number { if (!time) throw new TimeError("no fake time"); return setTimer(callback, delay, args, false);}
function fakeClearTimeout(id?: unknown) { if (!time) throw new TimeError("no fake time"); if (typeof id === "number" && dueNodes.has(id)) { dueNodes.delete(id); }}
function fakeSetInterval( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any callback: (...args: any[]) => unknown, delay = 0, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...args: any[]): number { if (!time) throw new TimeError("no fake time"); return setTimer(callback, delay, args, true);}
function fakeClearInterval(id?: unknown) { if (!time) throw new TimeError("no fake time"); if (typeof id === "number" && dueNodes.has(id)) { dueNodes.delete(id); }}
function setTimer( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any callback: (...args: any[]) => void, delay = 0, args: unknown[], repeat = false,): number { const id: number =; delay = Math.max(repeat ? 1 : 0, Math.floor(delay)); const due: number = now + delay; let dueNode: DueNode | null = dueTree.find({ due } as DueNode); if (dueNode === null) { dueNode = { due, timers: [] }; dueTree.insert(dueNode); } dueNode.timers.push({ id, callback, args, delay, due, repeat, }); dueNodes.set(id, dueNode); return id;}
function overrideGlobals() { globalThis.Date = FakeDate; globalThis.setTimeout = fakeSetTimeout; globalThis.clearTimeout = fakeClearTimeout; globalThis.setInterval = fakeSetInterval; globalThis.clearInterval = fakeClearInterval;}
function restoreGlobals() { globalThis.Date = _internals.Date; globalThis.setTimeout = _internals.setTimeout; globalThis.clearTimeout = _internals.clearTimeout; globalThis.setInterval = _internals.setInterval; globalThis.clearInterval = _internals.clearInterval;}
function* timerIdGen() { let i = 1; while (true) yield i++;}
function nextDueNode(): DueNode | null { for (;;) { const dueNode = dueTree.min(); if (!dueNode) return null; const hasTimer = dueNode.timers.some((timer) => dueNodes.has(; if (hasTimer) return dueNode; dueTree.remove(dueNode); }}
let startedAt: number;let now: number;let initializedAt: number;let advanceRate: number;let advanceFrequency: number;let advanceIntervalId: number | undefined;let timerId: Generator<number>;let dueNodes: Map<number, DueNode>;let dueTree: RedBlackTree<DueNode>;
/** * Overrides the real Date object and timer functions with fake ones that can be * controlled through the fake time instance. * * ```ts * import { * assertSpyCalls, * spy, * } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/mock.ts"; * import { FakeTime } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/time.ts"; * * function secondInterval(cb: () => void): number { * return setInterval(cb, 1000); * } * * Deno.test("secondInterval calls callback every second and stops after being cleared", () => { * using time = new FakeTime(); * * const cb = spy(); * const intervalId = secondInterval(cb); * assertSpyCalls(cb, 0); * time.tick(500); * assertSpyCalls(cb, 0); * time.tick(500); * assertSpyCalls(cb, 1); * time.tick(3500); * assertSpyCalls(cb, 4); * * clearInterval(intervalId); * time.tick(1000); * assertSpyCalls(cb, 4); * }); * ``` */export class FakeTime { constructor( start?: number | string | Date | null, options?: FakeTimeOptions, ) { if (time) time.restore(); initializedAt =; startedAt = start instanceof Date ? start.valueOf() : typeof start === "number" ? Math.floor(start) : typeof start === "string" ? (new Date(start)).valueOf() : initializedAt; if (Number.isNaN(startedAt)) throw new TimeError("invalid start"); now = startedAt;
timerId = timerIdGen(); dueNodes = new Map(); dueTree = new RedBlackTree( (a: DueNode, b: DueNode) => ascend(a.due, b.due), );
overrideGlobals(); time = this;
advanceRate = Math.max( 0, options?.advanceRate ? options.advanceRate : 0, ); advanceFrequency = Math.max( 0, options?.advanceFrequency ? options.advanceFrequency : 10, ); advanceIntervalId = advanceRate > 0 ?, () => { this.tick(advanceRate * advanceFrequency); }, advanceFrequency) : undefined; }
[Symbol.dispose]() { this.restore(); }
/** Restores real time. */ static restore() { if (!time) throw new TimeError("time already restored"); time.restore(); }
/** * Restores real time temporarily until callback returns and resolves. */ static restoreFor<T>( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any callback: (...args: any[]) => Promise<T> | T, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...args: any[] ): Promise<T> { if (!time) return Promise.reject(new TimeError("no fake time")); restoreGlobals(); try { const result = callback.apply(null, args); if (result instanceof Promise) { return result.finally(() => overrideGlobals()); } else { overrideGlobals(); return Promise.resolve(result); } } catch (e) { overrideGlobals(); return Promise.reject(e); } }
/** * The amount of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC for the fake time. * When set, it will call any functions waiting to be called between the current and new fake time. * If the timer callback throws, time will stop advancing forward beyond that timer. */ get now(): number { return now; } set now(value: number) { if (value < now) throw new Error("time cannot go backwards"); let dueNode: DueNode | null = dueTree.min(); while (dueNode && dueNode.due <= value) { const timer: Timer | undefined = dueNode.timers.shift(); if (timer && dueNodes.has( { now = timer.due; if (timer.repeat) { const due: number = timer.due + timer.delay; let dueNode: DueNode | null = dueTree.find({ due } as DueNode); if (dueNode === null) { dueNode = { due, timers: [] }; dueTree.insert(dueNode); } dueNode.timers.push({ ...timer, due }); dueNodes.set(, dueNode); } else { dueNodes.delete(; } timer.callback.apply(null, timer.args); } else if (!timer) { dueTree.remove(dueNode); dueNode = dueTree.min(); } } now = value; }
/** The initial amount of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC for the fake time. */ get start(): number { return startedAt; } set start(value: number) { throw new Error("cannot change start time after initialization"); }
/** Resolves after the given number of milliseconds using real time. */ async delay(ms: number, options: DelayOptions = {}): Promise<void> { const { signal } = options; if (signal?.aborted) { return Promise.reject( new DOMException("Delay was aborted.", "AbortError"), ); } return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timer: number | null = null; const abort = () => FakeTime .restoreFor(() => { if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); }) .then(() => reject(new DOMException("Delay was aborted.", "AbortError")) ); const done = () => { signal?.removeEventListener("abort", abort); resolve(); }; FakeTime.restoreFor(() => setTimeout(done, ms)) .then((id) => timer = id); signal?.addEventListener("abort", abort, { once: true }); }); }
/** Runs all pending microtasks. */ async runMicrotasks() { await this.delay(0); }
/** * Adds the specified number of milliseconds to the fake time. * This will call any functions waiting to be called between the current and new fake time. */ tick(ms = 0) { += ms; }
/** * Runs all pending microtasks then adds the specified number of milliseconds to the fake time. * This will call any functions waiting to be called between the current and new fake time. */ async tickAsync(ms = 0) { await this.runMicrotasks(); += ms; }
/** * Advances time to when the next scheduled timer is due. * If there are no pending timers, time will not be changed. * Returns true when there is a scheduled timer and false when there is not. */ next(): boolean { const next = nextDueNode(); if (next) = next.due; return !!next; }
/** * Runs all pending microtasks then advances time to when the next scheduled timer is due. * If there are no pending timers, time will not be changed. */ async nextAsync(): Promise<boolean> { await this.runMicrotasks(); return; }
/** * Advances time forward to the next due timer until there are no pending timers remaining. * If the timers create additional timers, they will be run too. If there is an interval, * time will keep advancing forward until the interval is cleared. */ runAll() { while (!dueTree.isEmpty()) {; } }
/** * Advances time forward to the next due timer until there are no pending timers remaining. * If the timers create additional timers, they will be run too. If there is an interval, * time will keep advancing forward until the interval is cleared. * Runs all pending microtasks before each timer. */ async runAllAsync() { while (!dueTree.isEmpty()) { await this.nextAsync(); } }
/** Restores time related global functions to their original state. */ restore() { if (!time) throw new TimeError("time already restored"); time = undefined; restoreGlobals(); if (advanceIntervalId) clearInterval(advanceIntervalId); }}