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Deno standard library
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import { Status as STATUS_CODES } from "../http/http_status.ts";import { Buffer } from "./buffer.ts";import NodeReadable from "./_stream/readable.ts";import NodeWritable from "./_stream/writable.ts";
type Chunk = string | Buffer | Uint8Array;type Headers = Record<string, string>;
function chunkToU8(chunk: Chunk): Uint8Array { if (typeof chunk === "string") { // @ts-ignore using core isn't a best practice but hey ... return Deno.core.encode(chunk); } return chunk;}
export class ServerResponse extends NodeWritable { private status?: number; private headers: Headers; private readable: ReadableStream; headersSent: boolean; private reqEvent: Deno.RequestEvent; private firstChunk: Chunk | null;
constructor(reqEvent: Deno.RequestEvent) { let controller: ReadableByteStreamController; const readable = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { controller = c as ReadableByteStreamController; }, }); super({ autoDestroy: true, defaultEncoding: "utf-8", emitClose: true, write: (chunk, _encoding, cb) => { if (!this.headersSent) { if (this.firstChunk === null) { this.firstChunk = chunk; return cb(); } else { controller.enqueue(chunkToU8(this.firstChunk)); this.firstChunk = null; this.respond(); } } controller.enqueue(chunkToU8(chunk)); return cb(); }, final: (cb) => { if (this.firstChunk) { this.respond(this.firstChunk); } controller.close(); return cb(); }, destroy: (err, cb) => { if (err) { controller.error(err); } return cb(null); }, }); this.readable = readable; this.status = undefined; this.headers = {}; this.firstChunk = null; this.headersSent = false; this.reqEvent = reqEvent; }
setHeader(name: string, value: string) { this.headers[name] = value; }
getHeader(name: string) { return this.headers[name]; }
writeHead(status: number, headers: Headers) { this.status = status; Object.assign(this.headers, headers); }
ensureHeaders(singleChunk?: Chunk) { if (this.status === null) { this.status = 200; this.headers = typeof singleChunk === "string" ? { "content-type": "text/plain" } : {}; } }
respond(singleChunk?: Chunk) { this.headersSent = true; this.ensureHeaders(singleChunk); const body = singleChunk ?? this.readable; this.reqEvent.respondWith( new Response(body, { headers: this.headers, status: this.status }), ); }}
// TODO(@AaronO): optimizeexport class IncomingMessage extends NodeReadable { private req: Request;
constructor(req: Request) { // Check if no body (GET/HEAD/OPTIONS/...) const reader = req.body?.getReader(); super({ autoDestroy: true, emitClose: true, objectMode: false, read: async function (_size) { if (!reader) { return this.push(null); }
try { const { value } = await reader!.read(); this.push(value !== undefined ? Buffer.from(value) : null); } catch (err) { this.destroy(err as Error); } }, destroy: (err, cb) => { reader?.cancel().finally(() => cb(err)); }, }); this.req = req; }
get aborted() { return false; } get httpVersion() { return "1.1"; }
get headers() { return Object.fromEntries(this.req.headers.entries()); } get method() { return this.req.method; }
get url() { // TODO: consider more robust path extraction, e.g: // url: (new URL(request.url).pathname), return this.req.url.slice(this.req.url.indexOf("/", 8)); }}
type ServerHandler = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => void;
export class Server { handler: ServerHandler;
constructor(handler: ServerHandler) { this.handler = handler; }
async listen(port: number) { for await (const conn of Deno.listen({ port })) { (async () => { for await (const reqEvent of Deno.serveHttp(conn)) { this.handler( new IncomingMessage(reqEvent.request), new ServerResponse(reqEvent), ); } })(); } }}
export function createServer(handler: ServerHandler) { return new Server(handler);}
export { METHODS, STATUS_CODES };export default { STATUS_CODES, METHODS, createServer, Server, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse,};