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Deno standard library
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import * as asyncWrap from "./async_wrap.ts";import * as buffer from "./buffer.ts";import * as config from "./config.ts";import * as caresWrap from "./cares_wrap.ts";import * as constants from "./constants.ts";import * as contextify from "./contextify.ts";import * as crypto from "./crypto.ts";import * as credentials from "./credentials.ts";import * as errors from "./errors.ts";import * as fs from "./fs.ts";import * as fsDir from "./fs_dir.ts";import * as fsEventWrap from "./fs_event_wrap.ts";import * as heapUtils from "./heap_utils.ts";import * as httpParser from "./http_parser.ts";import * as icu from "./icu.ts";import * as inspector from "./inspector.ts";import * as jsStream from "./js_stream.ts";import * as messaging from "./messaging.ts";import * as moduleWrap from "./module_wrap.ts";import * as nativeModule from "./native_module.ts";import * as natives from "./natives.ts";import * as options from "./options.ts";import * as os from "./os.ts";import * as pipeWrap from "./pipe_wrap.ts";import * as performance from "./performance.ts";import * as processMethods from "./process_methods.ts";import * as report from "./report.ts";import * as serdes from "./serdes.ts";import * as signalWrap from "./signal_wrap.ts";import * as spawnSync from "./spawn_sync.ts";import * as streamWrap from "./stream_wrap.ts";import * as stringDecoder from "./string_decoder.ts";import * as symbols from "./symbols.ts";import * as taskQueue from "./task_queue.ts";import * as tcpWrap from "./tcp_wrap.ts";import * as timers from "./timers.ts";import * as tlsWrap from "./tls_wrap.ts";import * as traceEvents from "./trace_events.ts";import * as ttyWrap from "./tty_wrap.ts";import * as types from "./types.ts";import * as udpWrap from "./udp_wrap.ts";import * as url from "./url.ts";import * as util from "./util.ts";import * as uv from "./uv.ts";import * as v8 from "./v8.ts";import * as worker from "./worker.ts";import * as zlib from "./zlib.ts";
const modules = { "async_wrap": asyncWrap, buffer, "cares_wrap": caresWrap, config, constants, contextify, credentials, crypto, errors, fs, "fs_dir": fsDir, "fs_event_wrap": fsEventWrap, "heap_utils": heapUtils, "http_parser": httpParser, icu, inspector, "js_stream": jsStream, messaging, "module_wrap": moduleWrap, "native_module": nativeModule, natives, options, os, performance, "pipe_wrap": pipeWrap, "process_methods": processMethods, report, serdes, "signal_wrap": signalWrap, "spawn_sync": spawnSync, "stream_wrap": streamWrap, "string_decoder": stringDecoder, symbols, "task_queue": taskQueue, "tcp_wrap": tcpWrap, timers, "tls_wrap": tlsWrap, "trace_events": traceEvents, "tty_wrap": ttyWrap, types, "udp_wrap": udpWrap, url, util, uv, v8, worker, zlib,};
export type BindingName = keyof typeof modules;
export function getBinding(name: BindingName) { const mod = modules[name]; if (!mod) { throw new Error(`No such module: ${name}`); } return mod;}