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Deno standard library
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std/hash is deprecated

std/hash is deprecated now. Use Web Crypto API or std/crypto instead.


hash is module to provide interfaces for hash functions.


Creating new hash instance

You can create a new Hasher instance by calling createHash defined in mod.ts.

import { createHash } from "";

const hash = createHash("md5");
// ...

Using hash instance

You can use update method to feed data into your hash instance. Call digest method to retrieve final hash value in ArrayBuffer.

import { createHash } from "";

const hash = createHash("md5");
hash.update("Your data here");
const final = hash.digest(); // returns ArrayBuffer.

Please note that digest invalidates the hash instance’s internal state. Calling digest more than once will throw an Error.

import { createHash } from "";

const hash = createHash("md5");
hash.update("Your data here");
const final1 = hash.digest(); // returns ArrayBuffer.
const final2 = hash.digest(); // throws Error.

If you need final hash in string formats, call toString method with output format.

Supported formats are hex and base64 and default format is hex.

import { createHash } from "";

const hash = createHash("md5");
hash.update("Your data here");
const hashInHex = hash.toString(); // returns 5fe084ee423ff7e0c7709e9437cee89d
import { createHash } from "";

const hash = createHash("md5");
hash.update("Your data here");
const hashInBase64 = hash.toString("base64"); // returns X+CE7kI/9+DHcJ6UN87onQ==

Supported algorithms

Following algorithms are supported.

  • md2
  • md4
  • md5
  • ripemd160
  • ripemd320
  • sha1
  • sha224
  • sha256
  • sha384
  • sha512
  • sha3-224
  • sha3-256
  • sha3-384
  • sha3-512
  • keccak224
  • keccak256
  • keccak384
  • keccak512
  • blake3