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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
export const ArrayIsArray = Array.isArray;export const ArrayPrototypeForEach = (that, ...args) => that.forEach(...args);export const ArrayPrototypeIncludes = (that, ...args) => that.includes(...args);export const ArrayPrototypeJoin = (that, ...args) => that.join(...args);export const ArrayPrototypePush = (that, ...args) => that.push(...args);export const ArrayPrototypeSome = (that, ...args) => that.some(...args);export const ObjectAssign = Object.assign;export const RegExpPrototypeTest = (that, ...args) => that.test(...args);export const StringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;export const StringPrototypeCharCodeAt = (that, ...args) => that.charCodeAt(...args);export const StringPrototypeEndsWith = (that, ...args) => that.endsWith(...args);export const StringPrototypeIncludes = (that, ...args) => that.includes(...args);export const StringPrototypeReplace = (that, ...args) => that.replace(...args);export const StringPrototypeSlice = (that, ...args) => that.slice(...args);export const StringPrototypeSplit = (that, ...args) => that.split(...args);export const StringPrototypeStartsWith = (that, ...args) => that.startsWith(...args);