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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.


async is a module to provide help with asynchronous tasks.


The following functions and class are exposed in mod.ts:


The abortable is a wrapper function that makes Promise and AsyncIterable cancelable.

For example, in the case of Promise, it looks like this

import { abortable } from "";
import { delay } from "";

const p = delay(1000);
const c = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => c.abort(), 100);

// Below throws `DOMException` after 100 ms
await abortable(p, c.signal);

and for AsyncIterable as follows

import { abortable } from "";
import { delay } from "";

const p = async function* () {
  yield "Hello";
  await delay(1000);
  yield "World";
const c = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => c.abort(), 100);

// Below throws `DOMException` after 100 ms
// and items become `["Hello"]`
const items: string[] = [];
for await (const item of abortable(p(), c.signal)) {


abortablePromise takes the promise and AbortSignal and returns the cancelable version of the promise.

import { abortablePromise } from "";

const request = fetch("");

const c = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => c.abort(), 100);

const p = abortablePromise(request, c.signal);

// The below throws if the request didn't resolve in 100ms
await p;


abortableAsyncIterable takes the async iterable and AbortSignal and returns the cancelable version of the async iterable.

import { abortableAsyncIterable } from "";
import { delay } from "";

const p = async function* () {
  yield "Hello";
  await delay(1000);
  yield "World";
const c = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => c.abort(), 100);

// Below throws `DOMException` after 100 ms
// and items become `["Hello"]`
const items: string[] = [];
for await (const item of abortableAsyncIterable(p(), c.signal)) {


Debounces a given function by a given time.

import { debounce } from "";

const p = debounce(
  (value: string) =>
    console.log("Function debounced after 200ms with %s", value),
// wait 200ms ...
// output: Function debounced after 200ms with baz


Create a Promise with the reject and resolve functions.

import { deferred } from "";

const p = deferred<number>();
// ...


Resolve a Promise after a given amount of milliseconds.

import { delay } from "";

// ...
const delayedPromise = delay(100);
const result = await delayedPromise;
// ...


The MuxAsyncIterator class multiplexes multiple async iterators into a single stream.

The class makes an assumption that the final result (the value returned and not yielded from the iterator) does not matter. If there is any result, it is discarded.

import { MuxAsyncIterator } from "";

async function* gen123(): AsyncIterableIterator<number> {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

async function* gen456(): AsyncIterableIterator<number> {
  yield 4;
  yield 5;
  yield 6;

const mux = new MuxAsyncIterator<number>();
for await (const value of mux) {
  // ...
// ..


Transform values from an (async) iterable into another async iterable. The transforms are done concurrently, with a max concurrency defined by the poolLimit.

import { pooledMap } from "";

const results = pooledMap(
  [1, 2, 3],
  (i) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(() => r(i), 1000)),

for await (const value of results) {
  // ...


Branches the given async iterable into the n branches.

import { tee } from "";

const gen = async function* gen() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

const [branch1, branch2] = tee(gen());

(async () => {
  for await (const n of branch1) {
    console.log(n); // => 1, 2, 3

(async () => {
  for await (const n of branch2) {
    console.log(n); // => 1, 2, 3


Create a promise which will be rejected with DeadlineError when a given delay is exceeded.

import { deadline } from "";
import { delay } from "";

const delayedPromise = delay(1000);
// Below throws `DeadlineError` after 10 ms
const result = await deadline(delayedPromise, 10);