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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { getLevelByName, getLevelName, LogLevels } from "./levels.ts";import type { LevelName } from "./levels.ts";import type { BaseHandler } from "./handlers.ts";
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type GenericFunction = (...args: any[]) => any;
export interface LogRecordOptions { msg: string; args: unknown[]; level: number; loggerName: string;}
export class LogRecord { readonly msg: string; #args: unknown[]; #datetime: Date; readonly level: number; readonly levelName: string; readonly loggerName: string;
constructor(options: LogRecordOptions) { this.msg = options.msg; this.#args = [...options.args]; this.level = options.level; this.loggerName = options.loggerName; this.#datetime = new Date(); this.levelName = getLevelName(options.level); } get args(): unknown[] { return [...this.#args]; } get datetime(): Date { return new Date(this.#datetime.getTime()); }}
export interface LoggerOptions { handlers?: BaseHandler[];}
export class Logger { #level: LogLevels; #handlers: BaseHandler[]; readonly #loggerName: string;
constructor( loggerName: string, levelName: LevelName, options: LoggerOptions = {}, ) { this.#loggerName = loggerName; this.#level = getLevelByName(levelName); this.#handlers = options.handlers || []; }
get level(): LogLevels { return this.#level; } set level(level: LogLevels) { this.#level = level; }
get levelName(): LevelName { return getLevelName(this.#level); } set levelName(levelName: LevelName) { this.#level = getLevelByName(levelName); }
get loggerName(): string { return this.#loggerName; }
set handlers(hndls: BaseHandler[]) { this.#handlers = hndls; } get handlers(): BaseHandler[] { return this.#handlers; }
/** If the level of the logger is greater than the level to log, then nothing * is logged, otherwise a log record is passed to each log handler. `msg` data * passed in is returned. If a function is passed in, it is only evaluated * if the msg will be logged and the return value will be the result of the * function, not the function itself, unless the function isn't called, in which * case undefined is returned. All types are coerced to strings for logging. */ #_log<T>( level: number, msg: (T extends GenericFunction ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[] ): T | undefined { if (this.level > level) { return msg instanceof Function ? undefined : msg; }
let fnResult: T | undefined; let logMessage: string; if (msg instanceof Function) { fnResult = msg(); logMessage = this.asString(fnResult); } else { logMessage = this.asString(msg); } const record: LogRecord = new LogRecord({ msg: logMessage, args: args, level: level, loggerName: this.loggerName, });
this.#handlers.forEach((handler): void => { handler.handle(record); });
return msg instanceof Function ? fnResult : msg; }
asString(data: unknown): string { if (typeof data === "string") { return data; } else if ( data === null || typeof data === "number" || typeof data === "bigint" || typeof data === "boolean" || typeof data === "undefined" || typeof data === "symbol" ) { return String(data); } else if (data instanceof Error) { return data.stack!; } else if (typeof data === "object") { return JSON.stringify(data); } return "undefined"; }
debug<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined; debug<T>(msg: T extends GenericFunction ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T; debug<T>( msg: (T extends GenericFunction ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[] ): T | undefined { return this.#_log(LogLevels.DEBUG, msg, ...args); }
info<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined; info<T>(msg: T extends GenericFunction ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T; info<T>( msg: (T extends GenericFunction ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[] ): T | undefined { return this.#_log(LogLevels.INFO, msg, ...args); }
warning<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined; warning<T>(msg: T extends GenericFunction ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T; warning<T>( msg: (T extends GenericFunction ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[] ): T | undefined { return this.#_log(LogLevels.WARNING, msg, ...args); }
error<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined; error<T>(msg: T extends GenericFunction ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T; error<T>( msg: (T extends GenericFunction ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[] ): T | undefined { return this.#_log(LogLevels.ERROR, msg, ...args); }
critical<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined; critical<T>( msg: T extends GenericFunction ? never : T, ...args: unknown[] ): T; critical<T>( msg: (T extends GenericFunction ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[] ): T | undefined { return this.#_log(LogLevels.CRITICAL, msg, ...args); }}