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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license./** This module is browser compatible. */
import { assertEquals, AssertionError, assertIsError, assertRejects,} from "./asserts.ts";
/** An error related to spying on a function or instance method. */export class MockError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); = "MockError"; }}
/** Call information recorded by a spy. */export interface SpyCall< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[], // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Return = any,> { /** Arguments passed to a function when called. */ args: Args; /** The value that was returned by a function. */ returned?: Return; /** The error value that was thrown by a function. */ error?: Error; /** The instance that a method was called on. */ self?: Self;}
/** A function or instance method wrapper that records all calls made to it. */export interface Spy< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[], // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Return = any,> { (this: Self, ...args: Args): Return; /** The function that is being spied on. */ original: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return; /** Information about calls made to the function or instance method. */ calls: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return>[]; /** Whether or not the original instance method has been restored. */ restored: boolean; /** If spying on an instance method, this restores the original instance method. */ restore(): void;}
/** Wraps a function with a Spy. */function functionSpy< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[], Return = undefined,>(): Spy<Self, Args, Return>;function functionSpy< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>(func: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return): Spy<Self, Args, Return>;function functionSpy< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>(func?: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return): Spy<Self, Args, Return> { const original = func ?? (() => {}) as (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return, calls: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return>[] = []; const spy = function (this: Self, ...args: Args): Return { const call: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return> = { args }; if (this) call.self = this; try { call.returned = original.apply(this, args); } catch (error) { call.error = error as Error; calls.push(call); throw error; } calls.push(call); return call.returned; } as Spy<Self, Args, Return>; Object.defineProperties(spy, { original: { enumerable: true, value: original, }, calls: { enumerable: true, value: calls, }, restored: { enumerable: true, get: () => false, }, restore: { enumerable: true, value: () => { throw new MockError("function cannot be restored"); }, }, }); return spy;}
/** Checks if a function is a spy. */function isSpy<Self, Args extends unknown[], Return>( func: ((this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return) | unknown,): func is Spy<Self, Args, Return> { const spy = func as Spy<Self, Args, Return>; return typeof spy === "function" && typeof spy.original === "function" && typeof spy.restored === "boolean" && typeof spy.restore === "function" && Array.isArray(spy.calls);}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyconst sessions: Set<Spy<any, any[], any>>[] = [];// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyfunction getSession(): Set<Spy<any, any[], any>> { if (sessions.length === 0) sessions.push(new Set()); return sessions[sessions.length - 1];}// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyfunction registerMock(spy: Spy<any, any[], any>): void { const session = getSession(); session.add(spy);}// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyfunction unregisterMock(spy: Spy<any, any[], any>): void { const session = getSession(); session.delete(spy);}
/** * Creates a session that tracks all mocks created before it's restored. * If a callback is provided, it restores all mocks created within it. */export function mockSession(): number;export function mockSession< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>( func: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return,): (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return;export function mockSession< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>( func?: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return,): number | ((this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return) { if (func) { return function (this: Self, ...args: Args): Return { const id = sessions.length; sessions.push(new Set()); try { return func.apply(this, args); } finally { restore(id); } }; } else { sessions.push(new Set()); return sessions.length - 1; }}
/** Creates an async session that tracks all mocks created before the promise resolves. */export function mockSessionAsync< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>( func: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Promise<Return>,): (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Promise<Return> { return async function (this: Self, ...args: Args): Promise<Return> { const id = sessions.length; sessions.push(new Set()); try { return await func.apply(this, args); } finally { restore(id); } };}
/** * Restores all mocks registered in the current session that have not already been restored. * If an id is provided, it will restore all mocks registered in the session associed with that id that have not already been restored. */export function restore(id?: number): void { id ??= (sessions.length || 1) - 1; while (id < sessions.length) { const session = sessions.pop(); if (session) { for (const value of session) { value.restore(); } } }}
/** Wraps an instance method with a Spy. */function methodSpy< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>(self: Self, property: keyof Self): Spy<Self, Args, Return> { if (typeof self[property] !== "function") { throw new MockError("property is not an instance method"); } if (isSpy(self[property])) { throw new MockError("already spying on instance method"); }
const propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self, property); if (propertyDescriptor && !propertyDescriptor.configurable) { throw new MockError("cannot spy on non configurable instance method"); }
const original = self[property] as unknown as ( this: Self, ...args: Args ) => Return, calls: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return>[] = []; let restored = false; const spy = function (this: Self, ...args: Args): Return { const call: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return> = { args }; if (this) call.self = this; try { call.returned = original.apply(this, args); } catch (error) { call.error = error as Error; calls.push(call); throw error; } calls.push(call); return call.returned; } as Spy<Self, Args, Return>; Object.defineProperties(spy, { original: { enumerable: true, value: original, }, calls: { enumerable: true, value: calls, }, restored: { enumerable: true, get: () => restored, }, restore: { enumerable: true, value: () => { if (restored) { throw new MockError("instance method already restored"); } if (propertyDescriptor) { Object.defineProperty(self, property, propertyDescriptor); } else { delete self[property]; } restored = true; unregisterMock(spy); }, }, });
Object.defineProperty(self, property, { configurable: true, enumerable: propertyDescriptor?.enumerable, writable: propertyDescriptor?.writable, value: spy, });
registerMock(spy); return spy;}
/** Utility for extracting the arguments type from a property */type GetParametersFromProp< Self, Prop extends keyof Self,> = Self[Prop] extends (...args: infer Args) => unknown ? Args : unknown[];
/** Utility for extracting the return type from a property */type GetReturnFromProp< Self, Prop extends keyof Self,> // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any = Self[Prop] extends (...args: any[]) => infer Return ? Return : unknown;
/** Wraps a function or instance method with a Spy. */export function spy< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[], Return = undefined,>(): Spy<Self, Args, Return>;export function spy< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>(func: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return): Spy<Self, Args, Return>;export function spy< Self, Prop extends keyof Self,>( self: Self, property: Prop,): Spy<Self, GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>, GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>>;export function spy< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>( funcOrSelf?: ((this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return) | Self, property?: keyof Self,): Spy<Self, Args, Return> { const spy = typeof property !== "undefined" ? methodSpy<Self, Args, Return>(funcOrSelf as Self, property) : typeof funcOrSelf === "function" ? functionSpy<Self, Args, Return>( funcOrSelf as (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return, ) : functionSpy<Self, Args, Return>(); return spy;}
/** An instance method replacement that records all calls made to it. */export interface Stub< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[], // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Return = any,> extends Spy<Self, Args, Return> { /** The function that is used instead of the original. */ fake: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return;}
/** Replaces an instance method with a Stub. */export function stub< Self, Prop extends keyof Self,>( self: Self, property: Prop,): Stub<Self, GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>, GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>>;export function stub< Self, Prop extends keyof Self,>( self: Self, property: Prop, func: ( this: Self, ...args: GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop> ) => GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>,): Stub<Self, GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>, GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>>;export function stub< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>( self: Self, property: keyof Self, func?: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return,): Stub<Self, Args, Return> { if (typeof self[property] !== "function") { throw new MockError("property is not an instance method"); } if (isSpy(self[property])) { throw new MockError("already spying on instance method"); }
const propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self, property); if (propertyDescriptor && !propertyDescriptor.configurable) { throw new MockError("cannot spy on non configurable instance method"); }
const fake = func ?? (() => {}) as (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return;
const original = self[property] as unknown as ( this: Self, ...args: Args ) => Return, calls: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return>[] = []; let restored = false; const stub = function (this: Self, ...args: Args): Return { const call: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return> = { args }; if (this) call.self = this; try { call.returned = fake.apply(this, args); } catch (error) { call.error = error as Error; calls.push(call); throw error; } calls.push(call); return call.returned; } as Stub<Self, Args, Return>; Object.defineProperties(stub, { original: { enumerable: true, value: original, }, fake: { enumerable: true, value: fake, }, calls: { enumerable: true, value: calls, }, restored: { enumerable: true, get: () => restored, }, restore: { enumerable: true, value: () => { if (restored) { throw new MockError("instance method already restored"); } if (propertyDescriptor) { Object.defineProperty(self, property, propertyDescriptor); } else { delete self[property]; } restored = true; unregisterMock(stub); }, }, });
Object.defineProperty(self, property, { configurable: true, enumerable: propertyDescriptor?.enumerable, writable: propertyDescriptor?.writable, value: stub, });
registerMock(stub); return stub;}
/** * Asserts that a spy is called as much as expected and no more. */export function assertSpyCalls< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>( spy: Spy<Self, Args, Return>, expectedCalls: number,) { try { assertEquals(spy.calls.length, expectedCalls); } catch (e) { assertIsError(e); let message = spy.calls.length < expectedCalls ? "spy not called as much as expected:\n" : "spy called more than expected:\n"; message += e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"); throw new AssertionError(message); }}
/** Call information recorded by a spy. */export interface ExpectedSpyCall< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[], // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Return = any,> { /** Arguments passed to a function when called. */ args?: [...Args, ...unknown[]]; /** The instance that a method was called on. */ self?: Self; /** * The value that was returned by a function. * If you expect a promise to reject, expect error instead. */ returned?: Return; error?: { /** The class for the error that was thrown by a function. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Class?: new (...args: any[]) => Error; /** Part of the message for the error that was thrown by a function. */ msgIncludes?: string; };}
/** * Asserts that a spy is called as expected. */export function assertSpyCall< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>( spy: Spy<Self, Args, Return>, callIndex: number, expected?: ExpectedSpyCall<Self, Args, Return>,) { if (spy.calls.length < (callIndex + 1)) { throw new AssertionError("spy not called as much as expected"); } const call: SpyCall = spy.calls[callIndex]; if (expected) { if (expected.args) { try { assertEquals(call.args, expected.args); } catch (e) { assertIsError(e); throw new AssertionError( "spy not called with expected args:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); } }
if ("self" in expected) { try { assertEquals(call.self, expected.self); } catch (e) { assertIsError(e); let message = expected.self ? "spy not called as method on expected self:\n" : "spy not expected to be called as method on object:\n"; message += e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"); throw new AssertionError(message); } }
if ("returned" in expected) { if ("error" in expected) { throw new TypeError( "do not expect error and return, only one should be expected", ); } if (call.error) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return expected value, an error was thrown.", ); } try { assertEquals(call.returned, expected.returned); } catch (e) { assertIsError(e); throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return expected value:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); } }
if ("error" in expected) { if ("returned" in call) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not throw an error, a value was returned.", ); } assertIsError( call.error, expected.error?.Class, expected.error?.msgIncludes, ); } }}
/** * Asserts that an async spy is called as expected. */export async function assertSpyCallAsync< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return,>( spy: Spy<Self, Args, Promise<Return>>, callIndex: number, expected?: ExpectedSpyCall<Self, Args, Promise<Return> | Return>,) { const expectedSync = expected && { ...expected }; if (expectedSync) { delete expectedSync.returned; delete expectedSync.error; } assertSpyCall(spy, callIndex, expectedSync); const call = spy.calls[callIndex];
if (call.error) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return a promise, an error was thrown.", ); } if (call.returned !== Promise.resolve(call.returned)) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return a promise, a value was returned.", ); }
if (expected) { if ("returned" in expected) { if ("error" in expected) { throw new TypeError( "do not expect error and return, only one should be expected", ); } if (call.error) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return expected value, an error was thrown.", ); } let expectedResolved; try { expectedResolved = await expected.returned; } catch { throw new TypeError( "do not expect rejected promise, expect error instead", ); }
let resolved; try { resolved = await call.returned; } catch { throw new AssertionError("spy call returned promise was rejected"); }
try { assertEquals(resolved, expectedResolved); } catch (e) { assertIsError(e); throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not resolve to expected value:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); } }
if ("error" in expected) { await assertRejects( () => Promise.resolve(call.returned), expected.error?.Class ?? Error, expected.error?.msgIncludes ?? "", ); } }}
/** * Asserts that a spy is called with a specific arg as expected. */export function assertSpyCallArg< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return, ExpectedArg,>( spy: Spy<Self, Args, Return>, callIndex: number, argIndex: number, expected: ExpectedArg,): ExpectedArg { assertSpyCall(spy, callIndex); const call = spy.calls[callIndex]; const arg = call.args[argIndex]; assertEquals(arg, expected); return arg as ExpectedArg;}
/** * Asserts that an spy is called with a specific range of args as expected. * If a start and end index is not provided, the expected will be compared against all args. * If a start is provided without an end index, the expected will be compared against all args from the start index to the end. * The end index is not included in the range of args that are compared. */export function assertSpyCallArgs< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return, ExpectedArgs extends unknown[],>( spy: Spy<Self, Args, Return>, callIndex: number, expected: ExpectedArgs,): ExpectedArgs;export function assertSpyCallArgs< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return, ExpectedArgs extends unknown[],>( spy: Spy<Self, Args, Return>, callIndex: number, argsStart: number, expected: ExpectedArgs,): ExpectedArgs;export function assertSpyCallArgs< Self, Args extends unknown[], Return, ExpectedArgs extends unknown[],>( spy: Spy<Self, Args, Return>, callIndex: number, argStart: number, argEnd: number, expected: ExpectedArgs,): ExpectedArgs;export function assertSpyCallArgs< ExpectedArgs extends unknown[], Args extends unknown[], Return, Self,>( spy: Spy<Self, Args, Return>, callIndex: number, argsStart?: number | ExpectedArgs, argsEnd?: number | ExpectedArgs, expected?: ExpectedArgs,): ExpectedArgs { assertSpyCall(spy, callIndex); const call = spy.calls[callIndex]; if (!expected) { expected = argsEnd as ExpectedArgs; argsEnd = undefined; } if (!expected) { expected = argsStart as ExpectedArgs; argsStart = undefined; } const args = typeof argsEnd === "number" ? call.args.slice(argsStart as number, argsEnd) : typeof argsStart === "number" ? call.args.slice(argsStart) : call.args; assertEquals(args, expected); return args as ExpectedArgs;}
/** Creates a function that returns the instance the method was called on. */export function returnsThis< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[],>(): (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Self { return function (this: Self): Self { return this; };}
/** Creates a function that returns one of its arguments. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport function returnsArg<Arg, Self = any>( idx: number,): (this: Self, ...args: Arg[]) => Arg { return function (...args: Arg[]): Arg { return args[idx]; };}
/** Creates a function that returns its arguments or a subset of them. If end is specified, it will return arguments up to but not including the end. */export function returnsArgs< Args extends unknown[], // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any,>( start = 0, end?: number,): (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Args { return function (this: Self, ...args: Args): Args { return args.slice(start, end) as Args; };}
/** Creates a function that returns the iterable values. Any iterable values that are errors will be thrown. */export function returnsNext< Return, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[],>( values: Iterable<Return | Error>,): (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return { const gen = (function* returnsValue() { yield* values; })(); let calls = 0; return function () { const next =; if (next.done) { throw new MockError(`not expected to be called more than ${calls} times`); } calls++; const { value } = next; if (value instanceof Error) throw value; return value; };}
/** Creates a function that resolves the awaited iterable values. Any awaited iterable values that are errors will be thrown. */export function resolvesNext< Return, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Self = any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Args extends unknown[] = any[],>( iterable: | Iterable<Return | Error | Promise<Return | Error>> | AsyncIterable<Return | Error | Promise<Return | Error>>,): (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Promise<Return> { const gen = (async function* returnsValue() { yield* iterable; })(); let calls = 0; return async function () { const next = await; if (next.done) { throw new MockError(`not expected to be called more than ${calls} times`); } calls++; const { value } = next; if (value instanceof Error) throw value; return value; };}