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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Structured similarly to Go's cookie.go// This module is browser compatible.
import { assert } from "../_util/assert.ts";import { toIMF } from "../datetime/mod.ts";
export interface Cookie { /** Name of the cookie. */ name: string; /** Value of the cookie. */ value: string; /** Expiration date of the cookie. */ expires?: Date; /** Max-Age of the Cookie. Max-Age must be an integer superior or equal to 0. */ maxAge?: number; /** Specifies those hosts to which the cookie will be sent. */ domain?: string; /** Indicates a URL path that must exist in the request. */ path?: string; /** Indicates if the cookie is made using SSL & HTTPS. */ secure?: boolean; /** Indicates that cookie is not accessible via JavaScript. */ httpOnly?: boolean; /** * Allows servers to assert that a cookie ought not to * be sent along with cross-site requests. */ sameSite?: "Strict" | "Lax" | "None"; /** Additional key value pairs with the form "key=value" */ unparsed?: string[];}
const FIELD_CONTENT_REGEXP = /^(?=[\x20-\x7E]*$)[^()@<>,;:\\"\[\]?={}\s]+$/;
function toString(cookie: Cookie): string { if (! { return ""; } const out: string[] = []; validateName(; validateValue(, cookie.value); out.push(`${}=${cookie.value}`);
// Fallback for invalid Set-Cookie // ref: if ("__Secure")) { = true; } if ("__Host")) { cookie.path = "/"; = true; delete cookie.domain; }
if ( { out.push("Secure"); } if (cookie.httpOnly) { out.push("HttpOnly"); } if (typeof cookie.maxAge === "number" && Number.isInteger(cookie.maxAge)) { assert( cookie.maxAge >= 0, "Max-Age must be an integer superior or equal to 0", ); out.push(`Max-Age=${cookie.maxAge}`); } if (cookie.domain) { validateDomain(cookie.domain); out.push(`Domain=${cookie.domain}`); } if (cookie.sameSite) { out.push(`SameSite=${cookie.sameSite}`); } if (cookie.path) { validatePath(cookie.path); out.push(`Path=${cookie.path}`); } if (cookie.expires) { const dateString = toIMF(cookie.expires); out.push(`Expires=${dateString}`); } if (cookie.unparsed) { out.push(cookie.unparsed.join("; ")); } return out.join("; ");}
/** * Validate Cookie Name. * @param name Cookie name. */function validateName(name: string | undefined | null): void { if (name && !FIELD_CONTENT_REGEXP.test(name)) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid cookie name: "${name}".`); }}
/** * Validate Path Value. * See {@link}. * @param path Path value. */function validatePath(path: string | null): void { if (path == null) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { const c = path.charAt(i); if ( c < String.fromCharCode(0x20) || c > String.fromCharCode(0x7E) || c == ";" ) { throw new Error( path + ": Invalid cookie path char '" + c + "'", ); } }}
/** * Validate Cookie Value. * See {@link}. * @param value Cookie value. */function validateValue(name: string, value: string | null): void { if (value == null || name == null) return; for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const c = value.charAt(i); if ( c < String.fromCharCode(0x21) || c == String.fromCharCode(0x22) || c == String.fromCharCode(0x2c) || c == String.fromCharCode(0x3b) || c == String.fromCharCode(0x5c) || c == String.fromCharCode(0x7f) ) { throw new Error( "RFC2616 cookie '" + name + "' cannot have '" + c + "' as value", ); } if (c > String.fromCharCode(0x80)) { throw new Error( "RFC2616 cookie '" + name + "' can only have US-ASCII chars as value" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16), ); } }}
/** * Validate Cookie Domain. * See {@link}. * @param domain Cookie domain. */function validateDomain(domain: string): void { if (domain == null) { return; } const char1 = domain.charAt(0); const charN = domain.charAt(domain.length - 1); if (char1 == "-" || charN == "." || charN == "-") { throw new Error( "Invalid first/last char in cookie domain: " + domain, ); }}
/** * Parse cookies of a header * @param {Headers} headers The headers instance to get cookies from * @return {Object} Object with cookie names as keys */export function getCookies(headers: Headers): Record<string, string> { const cookie = headers.get("Cookie"); if (cookie != null) { const out: Record<string, string> = {}; const c = cookie.split(";"); for (const kv of c) { const [cookieKey, ...cookieVal] = kv.split("="); assert(cookieKey != null); const key = cookieKey.trim(); out[key] = cookieVal.join("="); } return out; } return {};}
/** * Set the cookie header properly in the headers * @param {Headers} headers The headers instance to set the cookie to * @param {Object} cookie Cookie to set */export function setCookie(headers: Headers, cookie: Cookie): void { // TODO(zekth) : Add proper parsing of Set-Cookie headers // Parsing cookie headers to make consistent set-cookie header // ref: const v = toString(cookie); if (v) { headers.append("Set-Cookie", v); }}
/** * Set the cookie header with empty value in the headers to delete it * @param {Headers} headers The headers instance to delete the cookie from * @param {string} name Name of cookie * @param {Object} attributes Additional cookie attributes */export function deleteCookie( headers: Headers, name: string, attributes?: { path?: string; domain?: string },): void { setCookie(headers, { name: name, value: "", expires: new Date(0), ...attributes, });}