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Deno standard library
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0.152.0 / 2022.08.11

  • feat(crypto): add subtle.timingSafeEqual() (#2503)
  • feat(testing): allow for stubbing non existent instance methods (#2487)
  • node: add stub for child_process.execSync (#2513)
  • node: remove import to global.ts from module_esm.ts (#2501)
  • remove ‘unhandledRejection’ from list of unsupported events (#2500)

0.151.0 / 2022.08.04

  • fix(node): fs.existsSync never throws (#2495)
  • fix(node/fs): add watchFile & unwatchFile (#2477)
  • fix(node/http,https): set the url protocol by default (#2480)

0.150.0 / 2022.07.28

  • feat(http/http_errors): add headers property (#2462)
  • feat(node): support uncaughtException and uncaughtExceptionMonitor (#2460)
  • fix(io): StringWriter retaining references after write (#2456)
  • fix(node): correct import specifiers (#2474)
  • fix(node/fs): fix (#2469)
  • fix(node/process.env) support built-in object methods for process.env (#2468)
  • node: ChildProcess.ref()/.unref() (#2395)
  • node: Use “Deno.spawnChild” API for “child_process” polyfill (#2450)

0.149.0 / 2022.07.20

  • feat(semver): add “semver” module (#2434)
  • fix(node/module): improve error message of createRequire (#2440)
  • fix(testing): add support for PromiseLike in assertRejects (#2443)
  • node: process.on(“beforeExit”) (#2331)

0.148.0 / 2022.07.12

  • fix(archive/tar): export TarEntry class (#2429)
  • fix(encoding/csv/stream): cancel lineReader if readable is canceled (#2401)
  • fix(node): add missing named zlib exports (#2435)
  • node: handle v8 flag passed to child_process.fork (#2424)

0.147.0 / 2022.07.05

  • feat(dotenv): add expand feature, move parse logic to RegExp (#2387)
  • feat(dotenv): stringify (#2412)
  • feat(http): add HTTP errors (#2307)
  • feat(http): add content negotiation (#2302)
  • feat: add createAssertSnapshot (#2403)
  • fix(node/fs/exists): fix promisified exists (#2409)
  • node: process.argv[1] uses phony local module if executing remote module (#2418)

0.146.0 / 2022.06.30

  • BREAKING(collections): rename RBTree/BSTree to RedBlackTree/BinarySearchTree (#2400)
  • feat(dotenv): include missing vars in MissingEnvVarsError (#2390)
  • fix(encoding/json): add null to JSONValue union (#2384)
  • fix(node): export createReadStream() from fs (#2393)
  • fix(node): use call() to call prototype methods in inspect() (#2392)
  • fix(node/zlib) zlib codes contains undefined values and keys (#2396)
  • fix(streams/delimiter): avoid recursion in TextLineStream (#2318)
  • fix(testing): break out of Set equality check on match (#2394)

0.145.0 / 2022.06.23

  • fix(wasi): Fix WASI initialize() (#2372)
  • feat(encoding): add json/stream.ts (#2231)
  • feat(flags): infer argument types, names and defaults (#2180)
  • feat(media_types): Improve contentType type definition (#2357)
  • feat(node): add missing modules node/util/types.ts node/diagnostics_channel.ts (#2369)
  • fix(encoding/csv/stream): properly handle CR characters (#2325)
  • fix(http): Disable console.error if opts.quiet is true (#2379)
  • fix(node): make performance object event target (#2371)
  • fix(testing/bdd): fix flat test grouping context (#2308)
  • node: improve error for unsupported import (#2380)

0.144.0 / 2022.06.15

  • Add warning on usage of collections/mod.ts (#2321, #2346)
  • encoding: add front matter module (#2335)
  • feat(node): add missing TTY methods to stdout,stderr (#2337)
  • fix: update ci script and fix type errors (#2344)

0.143.0 / 2022.06.09

  • BREAKING feat(http): improve type safety and docs for http_status (#2297)
  • BREAKING(flags): introduce negatable option (#2301)
  • feat(encoding): add unsigned LEB128 varint encoding (#2265)
  • feat(node/assert): add deepEqual and notDeepEqual (#2288)
  • fix(dotenv): support inline comment (#2316)
  • fix(media_types): work around type issues under Node.js (#2304)
  • fix: pass resolved ephemeral port to onListen (#2311)

0.142.0 / 2022.06.02

  • feat(crypto): add fnv algorithms (#2200)
  • feat: add media_types (#2286)
  • fix(node): type checking on AsyncResource (#2289)
  • fix: assertSnapshot errors on empty snapshot in non-update mode (#2269)
  • fix: put TextLineStream CR handling behind option (#2277)

0.141.0 / 2022.05.27

  • BREAKING(flags): introduce collect option (#2247)
  • BREAKING(testing): use for strict equality (#2244)
  • BREAKING(testing/asserts): remove implicit any types from assert signatures. (#2203)
  • feat(http/util): add compareEtag (#2259)
  • feat(node/crypto): stub out missing exports (#2263)
  • feat(node/dns): NAPTR, NS, CAA, and SOA support (#2233)
  • feat(streams): toTransformStream (#2227)
  • feat(streams/delimiter): support \r in TextLineStream (#2267)
  • feat(streams/merge): earlyZipReadableStreams (#2264)
  • feat(testing/asserts): return error from assertRejects and assertThrows (#2226)
  • fix(async/pooledMap): return ordered result (#2239)
  • fix(node/fs): export fs.ReadStream (#2253)

0.140.0 / 2022.05.18

  • feat(http): add onListen option to serve (#2218)
  • feat(node/dgram): support dgram (udp) node module compat (#2205)
  • fix(assertRejects): fails on synchronous throw #1302 (#2234)
  • fix(collections): prevent cycles in deepMerge() (#2228)
  • fix(encoding/csv): improve error message for csv’s parse function (#2191)
  • fix(http/file_server): fix handling of ‘W/’ prefixed etag (#2229)
  • fix(testing/bdd): support using bdd tests with dnt (#2235)
  • fix: add toJSON to node/perf_hooks.ts (#2209)

0.139.0 / 2022.05.12

  • feat(encoding): add jsonc parser (#2154)
  • feat(node/dns): Implement Resolver APIs (#2201)
  • feat(node/net): unix domain socket support (#2146)
  • feat(testing/snapshot): add “assertSnapshot” options overload (#2179)
  • fix(node/module): interpret length parameter as optional in blitBuffer (#2199)
  • fix(node/timers): set custom promisify function (#2198)

0.138.0 / 2022.05.05

  • fix: Export equalSimd and equalsNaive (#2187)
  • BREAKING(testing/snapshot): change multiline string serialization (#2166)
  • feat(node/dns): support dns promises lookup (#2164)
  • feat(testing): assertFalse (#2093)
  • fix(node/dns): export more types (#2185)
  • fix(node/worker_threads): Don’t wait for parent message in web worker (#2182)
  • fix(testing): Compare circular objects (#2172)

0.137.0 / 2022.04.28

  • feat(testing): infer stub and spy return types from properties (#2137)
  • fix(http): export interface ServeTlsInit (#2148)
  • fix(node): use Web Crypto API via globalThis (#2115)
  • fix(wasi): ContextOptions is an optional argument (#2138)
  • http: serve() should log where it is listening (#1641)

0.136.0 / 2022.04.21

  • feat(testing): Implement “assertSnapshot” (#2039)
  • feat(testing): add TestContext argument to “it” function (#2117)
  • fix(http): use the addEventListener method instead of onabort properties (#2124)
  • fix(node/crypto): fix randomInt (#2101)
  • perf(http): optimize file server (#2116)

0.135.0 / 2022.04.14

  • BREAKING(io/readers): use an array as a MultiReader constructor parameter to avoid Maximum call stack size exceeded (#2016)
  • BREAKING(mime/multipart): deprecate mime/multipart module (#2105)
  • BREAKING(testing/bench): deprecate testing/bench module (#2104)
  • feat(node): Duplex.fromWeb (#2086)
  • feat(testing): add behavior-driven development (#2067)
  • feat(testing): add utility for faking time (#2069)
  • fix(node): Make global.ts evaluate synchronously (#2098)

0.134.0 / 2022.04.07

  • feat(node/child_process): support signal parameter for ChildProcess.kill (#2083)
  • feat(node/net): add server.ref/unref methods (#2087)
  • feat: web streams based encoding/csv (#1993)
  • fix(log): fix log formatter issue (#2070)
  • fix(node/fs): fix writing redundant data (#2076)

0.133.0 / 2022.03.31

  • BREAKING: improve bytes/ module (#2074)
  • feat(testing): add mocking utilities (#2048)

0.132.0 / 2022.03.25

  • feat(collections): Add BSTree and RBTree (#2023)
  • feat(node): add ReadStream and createReadStream (#1435)
  • feat(node): export URLSearchParams via url module (#2056)

0.131.0 / 2022.03.24

  • feat(node): add NodeEventTarget (#2032)
  • feat(node): add Console constructor (#2037)
  • feat(node): worker_threads (#1151)
  • feat(node): add process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags (#2049)
  • feat(collections): add BinaryHeap (#2022)
  • feat(async): expose asyncPromise and asyncAsyncIterable (#2034)
  • fix(node/http): ignore error from respondWith (#2058)
  • fix(node): warn on non supported event, but still register listener (#2050)
  • fix(node): fix EventEmitter methods (#2035)
  • fix(node): make global. Node.js timers (#2038)

0.130.0 / 2022.03.16

  • feat(testing): add assertInstanceOf (#2028)
  • feat(node): shim get-caller-file (#2029)
  • fix(node): fix dynamic require (#2024)
  • feat(node/fs): add fs.writevSync(fd, buffers[, position]) (#2020)

0.129.0 / 2022.03.10

  • feat: streams based Buffer (#1970)
  • feat(node/crypto): add crypto.publicEncrypt (#1987)
  • feat(node/fs): add fs.writev(fd, buffers[, position], callback) (#2008)
  • feat(streams): LimitedTransformStream & LimitedBytesTransformStream (#2007)
  • feat(streams): TextDelimiterStream (#2006)
  • feat(testing/asserts): use assertion signature for “assertStrictEquals” (#1984)
  • fix(async): re-export abortable in mod.ts (#1959)
  • fix(fmt/colors): update ANSI_PATTERN (#1996)
  • fix(node): fix http.request for minipass-fetch 2.x (#2004)
  • fix(node/process): ignore SIGBREAK binding when the platform is not windows (#2014)
  • fix(testing): Misleading assertion error in assertNotEquals (#1989)

0.128.0 / 2022.03.03

  • feat(node): add crypto.webcrypto (#1961)
  • feat(streams): TextLineStream (#1978)
  • fix(dotenv): avoid top-level-await in load.ts (#1964)
  • fix(node): fix http client reqs with bodies (#1983)
  • fix(testing): fix assertObjectMatch for RegExp/Map/Set (#1967)

0.127.0 / 2022.02.24

  • feat(async): add abortable to async module. (#1939)
  • feat(dotenv): add dotenv library (#1877)
  • feat(http): expose serveDir function from file_server.ts (#1944)
  • feat(node): add fs.realpath.native (#1951)
  • feat(node/tls): basic support of tls.createServer (#1948)
  • feat(testing): add assertAlmostEquals (#1906)
  • fix(node): don’t use globalThis.setTimeout types in node/timers (#1934)

0.126.0 / 2022.02.17

  • feat(node): add tls.connect (#1923)
  • fix(collections/group_by): improve type safety (#1880)
  • fix(io/buffer): super and initialized prop (#1917)
  • fix(node): add networkInterfaces to unstable (#1904)
  • fix(node): fix fs.createWriteStream (#1874)
  • fix(node): fix fs.write again, enable more test cases (#1892)
  • fix(node): support 6-arg fs.write (#1888)
  • fix(node/buffer): fix base64 decode (#1885)
  • fix(node/module): fix commonjs wrapper (#1902)

0.125.0 / 2022.02.03

  • feat(node): add punycode module (#1857)
  • feat(node): add url.resolve (#1851)
  • feat(node/child_process): add support for AbortSignal in ChildProcess (#1864)
  • feat(node/fs): add fs.createWriteStream (#1859)
  • fix(node/fs): fix fs.access when the user owns the file (#1869)
  • fix(node/fs): fix fs.copyFile (support 4-arg call) (#1872)
  • fix(node/http): fix http.request (#1856)
  • fix(node/net): mock response.socket object (#1858)
  • fix: bypass TS errors for missing –unstable (#1819)

Note 0.124.0 is the same as 0.125.0 but ignoring a typescript error related to a new feature added setNoDelay.

0.123.0 / 2022.01.27

  • feat(node): add os.networkInterfaces (#1846)
  • feat(node): add process.uptime (#1853)
  • feat(node/child_process): add execFile (#1838)
  • fix(node/process): can not pass exit code as a string (#1849)
  • fix(testing): assertObjectMatch matches ArrayBuffer views correctly (#1843)

0.122.0 / 2022.01.20

  • BREAKING(encoding/csv): add return type to csv’s parse and remove a parse func from args (#1724)
  • feat(node): add Timeout class (#1699)
  • feat(node): provide node compatible timer APIs in commonjs wrapper (#1834)
  • fix(log): flush to file when buffer is full (#1782)
  • fix(node): fix fs.write/fs.writeAll (#1832)
  • fix(node): make stdio streams optional if not present on Deno namespace (#1829)
  • fix(node/net): setNoDelay and setKeepAlive no-ops (#1828)
  • fix(node/timers): work around |this| check in deno (#1827)

0.121.0 / 2022.01.12

  • feat(crypto): add md4 hash (#1799)
  • feat(http): add eyecandy to file_server (#1804)
  • feat(http/file_server): add ‘quiet’ flag (#1773)
  • feat(node): add zlib (#1790)
  • feat(node): mock more APIs (#1802)
  • feat(node): upstream caller-path package (#1801)
  • feat(node/fs): fs.write()/fs.writeSync() (#1817)
  • fix(node): placeholder process.getgid() (#1814)
  • fix(node): process.env ownPropertyDescriptor (#1795)
  • fix(node): set prototype for Module (#1797)
  • fix(node/http): client emit response, trailers & abort (#1809)
  • fix(node/http/client): convert response’s Headers to plain Object (#1811)
  • fix(node/url): format auth/search/hash corruption (#1810)

0.120.0 / 2022.01.05

  • feat(crypto): add Tiger hash (#1749)
  • feat(node): add https.request (#1746)
  • feat(node): add process.execPath (#1748)
  • feat(node): add vm.runInThisContext (#1747)
  • feat(uuid): add function to detect RFC version of a UUID (#1766)
  • fix(examples/chat): fix applyState call (#1760)
  • fix(node): don’t emit exit twice (#1753)
  • fix(node): fix fs.readdir (#1758)
  • fix(node): improve util.isDeepStrictEqual (#1765)
  • fix(node/child_process): allow number and boolean env vars (#1762)
  • fix(path): change default of ‘extended’ options of glob methods (#1719)
  • fix(testing/assert): inequality of -0 and 0 (#1783)

0.119.0 / 2021.12.22

  • feat(hash): add Tiger hash (#1729)
  • feat(node): expose util.debuglog (#1735)
  • feat(node/util): implement getOwnNonIndexProperties (#1728)
  • feat(uuid): add validate function to check UUID (#1720)

0.118.0 / 2021.12.16

  • [BREAKING] Remove ‘findLast’ from ‘collections’ module (#1527)
  • [BREAKING] Remove ‘findLastIndex’ from ‘collections’ module (#1528)
  • [BREAKING] Remove ‘server_legacy’ from ‘http’ module (#1648)
  • [BREAKING] Remove ‘ws’ module (#1647)
  • [BREAKING] Remove assertThrowsAsync from ‘testing/’ (#1646)
  • [BREAKING] Remove Go-style address in ‘http’ module (#1660)
  • [BREAKING] Remove onSignal from ‘signals/’ (#1644)
  • feat(http): add onError option to serveListener and serveTls (#1679)
  • feat(node): add child_process.fork (#1695)
  • feat(node): add http.Agent (#1706)
  • feat(node): add http.OutgoingMessage (#1705)
  • feat(node): add http.request (#1712)
  • feat(node): add missing url.parse (#1667)
  • feat(node): add mock inspector module (#1688)
  • feat(node): add mock zlib module (#1698)
  • feat(node): add util.isDeepStrictEqual (#1556)
  • feat(node): export fs.Stats class (#1696)
  • feat(node/fs): add fs.access (#1687)
  • feat(node/url): add url.resolveObject (#1691)
  • feat(node/util): add util.deprecate (#1697)
  • feat(toml): align keys by option (#1693)
  • fix(datetime): fix bug for parse at the end of the month (#1676)
  • fix(node/util/inspect): validate invalid options (#1672)
  • fix(toml): parse declaration correctly (#1682)

0.117.0 / 2021.12.03

  • feat(http): introduce onError option on ServerInit (#1621)
  • feat(node/readline): Interface, createInterface (#1554)
  • fix(node): use async read for stdin (#1653)
  • fix(std/node): Add base64url encoding support, indexOf, lastIndexOf and includes to Buffer (#1636)
  • test(node/fs): enable test-fs-rm.js (#1632)
  • fix(node/util/inspect): Fix some bugs (#1637)
  • fix(node): Use upstream implementation for streams (#1634)

0.116.0 / 2021.11.24

  • feat(node/os): implement os.hostname() (#1631)
  • feat(node/util): add util.inspect (#1592)
  • fix(fmt/printf): print with rounding taken into account (#1623)
  • fix(node/http): ignore server request parse errors (#1624)
  • refactor(node): reorganize _next_tick.ts module (#1608)

0.115.1 / 2021.11.17

  • fix(node): use old “process.nextTick” polyfill if Deno.core is not available (#1612)

0.115.0 / 2021.11.17

  • feat(node): add wasi module (#1534)
  • feat(node): process.config, process.exitCode, process._exiting (#1597)
  • feat(node): process.stdin.setRawMode (#1572)
  • feat(node/_fs): Add fs.readSync (#1598)
  • feat(node/fs): add API (#1557)
  • feat(node/fs): implement fs.rm and fs.rmSync (#1568)
  • feat(node/process): add process.hrtime.bigint() (#1600)
  • feat(node/util): Add util.isBuffer and util._extend (#1567)
  • fix(node): Align exports and declarations for Buffer and Events module (#1570)
  • fix(node): improve http.Server.listen() compat (#1574)
  • fix(node/http): fix no body chunked response (#1603)
  • fix(node/http): improve http.Server compatibility (#1595)
  • fix(node/http): improve http.Server#close() compat (#1602)
  • fix(node/util): improve test coverage (#1591)
  • node: add nextTick helper module (#1584)
  • node: polyfill process.nextTick using Deno.core bindings (#1588)
  • node: Use upstream source for “events” module (#1558)

0.114.0 / 2021.11.09

  • BREAKING(http): update serve, add serveListener, deprecate listenAndServe (#1506)
  • BREAKING(std/collections): deprecate findLast (#1532)
  • feat(http/file_server): add streaming support, fix empty file handling (#1479)
  • feat(node): add readline module (#1453)
  • feat(node): process.on and for signals (#1466)
  • feat(node/_fs): Add watchFile function (#1483)
  • feat(node/http): HTTP Server/Response improvements (#1448)
  • feat(node/querystring): implement qs.unescapeBuffer (#1516)
  • feat(node): mock ‘vm’ module (#1501)
  • feat(node): os.cpus() (#1500)
  • feat(node): process.execArgv (#1499)
  • fix(collections): prevent calling Object.prototype.__proto__ in collections/deep_merge.ts (#1504)
  • fix(collections): remove default selector for findSingle (#1232)
  • fix(crypto/digest): always return the underlying ArrayBuffer (#1515)
  • fix(http/file_server): don’t require –allow-read for showing help message (#1521)
  • fix(node): //@ts-ignore Error.captureStackTrace (#1533)
  • fix(node): add proper module.export for ‘module’ (#1497)
  • fix(node): child_process stdio for binary data (#1477)
  • fix(node): fix flaky downloadFile test (#1460)
  • fix(node): fix process.arch (#1498)
  • fix(node): fix string representation of node errors (#1470)
  • fix(node): isAlreadyClosed for child_process (#1469)
  • fix(node/_tools): Better error and output logging (#1492)
  • fix(node/_util): Deno.permissions is no longer called unless it exists. (#1520)
  • fix(node/events): enable remaining tests for EventEmitter (#1489)
  • fix(node/events): make EventEmitter’s public methods enumerable (#1530)
  • fix(node/process): warn on not implemented event instead of throw (#1510)
  • fix(node/querystring): improve querystring.parse (#1473)
  • fix(node/querystring): Improve querystring.stringify (#1488)
  • fix(node/querystring/stringify): invalid surrogate pair throws URIError (#1505)
  • fix(node/querystring/stringify): Remove initialValue (#1494)
  • fix(signal): update signal module for canary API change (#1468)
  • fix(testing): show special characters in assertEquals results (#1450)

0.113.0 / 2021.10.25

  • feat(collections/running_reduce): support currentIndex (#1431)
  • feat(http/file_server): add color to log message (#1434)
  • feat(http/file_server): add breadcrumbs navigation (#1433)
  • feat(node): allow require with ‘node:’ prefix (#1438)
  • feat(node/url): add url.urlToHttpOptions(url) (#1426)
  • feat(testing): add assertIsError (#1376)
  • fix(async): fix async/tee concurent .next calls error (#1425)
  • fix(crypto): support length option in crypto.subtle.digest (#1386)
  • fix(http/file_server): fix encoded url in dir html (#1442)
  • fix(http/file_server): fix leak file resource (#1443)
  • fix(node): match Node’s os.arch values (#1440)
  • fix(node): show warning when using import/export in CJS module (#1452)
  • fix(node/events): make on and emit methods callable by non-EventEmitter objects (#1454)
  • fix(node/util): improve util.format (#1181)
  • fix(node/_tools): fix node test setup script (#1422)
  • chore(node): update Node version from 16.11.1 to 16.12.0 (#1441)

0.112.0 / 2021.10.18

  • feat(collections): add joinToString (#1223)
  • feat(node): CJS-ESM integration (#1412)
  • feat(node): add helpers for determining CJS/ESM loader (#1407)
  • feat(node): barebones express compatibility (#1398)
  • feat(node): define process.mainModule (#1400)
  • feat(node/events): implement setMaxListeners (#1414)
  • feat(node/http): request & response streams (#1403)
  • feat(node/os): add devNull constant (#1397)
  • feat(node/url): add url.format(URL[, options]) (#1420)
  • fix(datetime): fix dayOfYear for the southern hemisphere (#1384)
  • fix(fs/expand_glob): don’t parse root as glob (#1417)
  • fix(node): ‘Illegal invocation’ in ‘perf_hooks’ module (#1410)
  • fix(node): add ‘module’ to native modules polyfill (#1408)
  • fix(node): declare ‘global’ types inline (#1409)
  • fix(node): export util.format() (#1401)
  • fix(node): require doesn’t throw error (#1399)
  • fix(node): use hardcoded versions (#1406)
  • fix(std/io): fix readline when catch BufferFullError (#1377)
  • fix(testing): improve assertObjectMatch (#1419)
  • chore(node): upgrade Node.js version from 15.5.1 to 16.11.1 (#1405)

0.111.0 / 2021.10.12

  • BREAKING(fs): deprecate exists and existsSync (#1364)
  • BREAKING(hash): deprecate std/hash (#1350)
  • BREAKING(io): reorganize modules (#813)
  • feat: streams utilities (#1141)
  • feat(node): Add dns and net modules (#1375)
  • feat(node): first iteration of http (#1383)
  • feat(node): update built-in modules in node/module.ts (#1378)
  • feat(node/crypto): add randomFillSync an randomFill (#1340)
  • feat(node/crypto): add randomInt (#1356)
  • feat(node/http): Export STATUS_CODES and METHODS (#1357)
  • feat(node/url): add support for UNC path (#1365)
  • fix(async/delay): reject if signal is already aborted (#1363)
  • fix(encoding/base64url): allow passing strings to encode (#1361)
  • fix(node): typo from #1380 (#1381)
  • fix(node/url): improve compatibility of fileURLToPath (#1342)
  • perf(bytes): switch equals to simd for large byte arrays (#1349)

0.110.0 / 2021.10.04

  • feat(node): add missing modules (#1337)
  • feat(node): support Buffer.readUIntLE (#1326)
  • feat(node/buffer): support Buffer.readUIntBE (#1321)
  • feat(node/crypto): add scrypt and scryptSync (#1329)
  • feat(node/crypto): add timingSafeEqual (#1333)
  • feat(node/stream/web): export more APIs (#1338)
  • feat(std/node): add back os.tmpdir() implementation (#1308)
  • feat(std/node/crypto): Add crypto.randomUUID (#1332)

0.109.0 / 2021.09.28

  • feat(std/node/stream): add partial support for stream/web (#1297)
  • fix(node/_tools): use denoflate to decompress Node test folder (#1299)
  • fix(node/events): make compatible with es5 (#1315)
  • fix(std/node/module): treat .mjs files as ESM (#1301)
  • perf(crypto): reduce one mircotask (#1307)

0.108.0 / 2021.09.21

  • fix: use strict-ts44.tsconfig.json on release tests (#1278)
  • fix(collections): improve handling of arrays containing undefined (#1282)
  • feat(testing/asserts): add assertThrows() overload to receive error (#1219)
  • feat(std/node): add ParsedUrlQuery to querystring (#1229)
  • feat(collections): use function overloading (#1286)
  • chore(node/events): remove unnecessary @ts-ignore comments (#1280)
  • docs(collections): add browser-compatibility comment (#1285)
  • docs(encoding): add hex docs (#1287)
  • docs(collections): replace console.assert with assertEquals (#1293)

0.107.0 / 2021.09.14

  • BREAKING(http): cookie headers as params (#1041)
  • feat(collection): add findSingle (#1166)
  • feat(collections): Add associatewith (#1213)
  • feat(collections): add runningReduce (#1226)
  • feat(collections): add sample API (#1212)
  • feat(collections): add dropWhile (#1185)
  • feat(collections): add maxWith (#1170)
  • feat(collections): add minWith (#1169)
  • feat(collections): add reduceGroups (#1187)
  • feat(collections): add slidingWindows (#1191)
  • feat(io/streams): propagate cancel in readableStreamFromIterable() (#1274)
  • fix(collections/includesValue): prevent enumerable prototype check (#1225)
  • fix(testing/asserts): export Constructor type (#1208)
  • fix(tests/yaml): expect !!js/function parse/stringify to throw (#1276)
  • fix: update to latest signal API changes
  • security(encoding/yaml): disable functions (#1275)

0.106.0 / 2021.08.23

  • feat(async): add abort signal to delay (#1130)
  • feat(collection): find_last_index to return undefined on no index found (#1072)
  • feat(node/buffer): add missing exports (#1140)
  • feat(node/buffer): export atob and btoa (#1147)
  • fix(node/perf-hooks): add PerformanceEntry to default export (#1152)
  • fix(testing): assertEquals now considers constructors equal if one is nullable and the other is Object (#1159)
  • perf(collections): permutations optimisation (#1132)

0.105.0 / 2021.08.16

  • docs(collections): fix typo in collections docs (#1127)
  • feat(collections): compile time guarantee on pure functions (#1119)
  • fix: type check examples in README files (#1121)
  • fix(collections): intersect does not handle duplicate values in head properly (#1131)
  • fix(crypto): make crypto bench depend on sibling version of testing module (#1135)
  • refactor(bytes): rename contains to includes with optional argument fromIndex (#1133)

0.104.0 / 2021.08.10

  • feat: Add collections module (#993, #1075, #1103, #1062, #1062, #1109, #1108, #1071, #1069, #1104, #1097, #1110, #1116)
  • feat(crypto): add std/crypto wrapping and extending runtime WebCrypto (#1025)
  • feat(http/file_server): return code 304 based on If-Modified-Since Header (#1078)
  • feat(node): add remaining Node.js builtin aliases (#1085)
  • feat(node): add shim for perf_hooks (#1088)
  • feat(node): assert/strict alias (#1084)
  • feat(node): fs/promises implementation (#1083)
  • feat(testing): add assertRejects, deprecate assertThrowsAsync (#1101)
  • fix(async): make it so exception of deadline can be caught (#1105)
  • fix(http/file_server): fix flaky ‘file_server sets Date header correctly’ test case (#1095)
  • fix(node): assert/strict, fs/promises, perf_hooks modules could not be required (#1107)
  • fix(node/events): optimize listener management (#1113)
  • fix(testing): change assertThrows and assertThrowsAsync return type to void and Promise<void> (#1052)

0.103.0 / 2021.07.26

  • feat(async): add status to deferred promises (#1047)
  • feat(http): add range request and etag support to file_server.ts (#1028)
  • fix(async/deferred): rename .status -> .state (#1055)
  • fix(encoding/base64url): throw TypeError in case of invalid base64url string (#1040)
  • fix(encoding/toml): fix inline table and nested array (#1042)
  • fix(encoding/yaml): fix parseAll type definition by using overloads (#1048)
  • fix(testing): assertThrowsAsync always reporting Error instead of actual error class (#1051)
  • fix(testing/asserts): cater for different class constructor functions (#1000)

0.102.0 / 2021.07.19

  • feat: Add std/collections (#993)
  • fix(encoding/toml): fix comment line starting with whitespaces (#1017)
  • fix(encoding/toml): parse keys correctly (#1019)
  • fix(hash): fix handling of non-byte-sized TypedArray views (#1012)
  • fix(testing): Don’t merge diff when it’s not spaces even if it’s surrounded by word-diff (#1032)

0.101.0 / 2021.07.13

  • BREAKING(encoding/hex): remove encodedLen, encodeToString, decodedLen, decodeString, errInvalidByte, errLength (#733)
  • BREAKING(mime/multipart): return array for multiple values with same form name (#722)
  • BREAKING(std/uuid): rework v4 and v5 module (#971)
  • feat(async): add deadline to async module (#1022)
  • feat(async): add debounce method to async module (#1006)
  • feat(encoding/toml): fix bad string format. Improve coverage (#991)
  • feat(hash): add BLAKE3 hash support (#994)
  • feat(http): Add Cookie domain validation (#1009)
  • feat(http): Allow passing path and domain attributes while removing cookies (#1005)
  • feat(io): add copy function (#1016)
  • feat(io/streams): add autoClose option to writableStreamFromWriter (#964)
  • feat(std/node): add writeBuffer of internal binding fs module (#888)
  • fix: improve type safety for browser-compatible modules (#995)
  • fix(encoding/toml): serializes mixed array (#1001)
  • fix(encoding/toml): throws parse error when toml uses invalid whitespaces (#1013)
  • fix(http): setCookie with maxAge of 0 (#992)
  • fix(http/server): Swallow NotConnected errors from listener.accept() (#761)
  • fix(io/bufio): fix handling of trailing new line (#990)
  • fix(node/module): More descriptive error in “createRequire” (#997)
  • fix(path): Add question mark as a glob indicator (#1024)
  • fix(testing): use return type of never for fail (#1002)

0.100.0 / 2021.06.29

  • feat(testing/asserts): improved strings diff (#948)
  • feat(testing/asserts): use assertion signature for “assertExists” (#969)
  • fix(node/events): align EventEmitter#addListener with native node tests (#976)
  • fix(path): fix type error in glob.ts with noImplicitAny: false config (#977)

0.99.0 / 2021.06.15

  • feat(mime): make createPart of MultipartWriter public (#960)
  • feat(node/util): add inherits (#958)
  • fix(node/events): fix EventEmitter#removeAllListeners (#968)
  • fix(node/process): make process.env enumerable (#957)
  • fix(node/util): fix util.inherits (#959)

0.98.0 / 2021.06.08

  • feat(async): add async/tee (#919)
  • feat(async/mux): take AsyncIterable as source iterator (#923)
  • feat(io/bufio): add encoding options to readLines and readStringDelim (#921)
  • feat(node/perf_hooks): add perf_hooks module (#945)
  • fix(encoding/binary): allow getNBytes to read until EOF (#932)
  • fix(encoding/binary): respect non 0 byte offsets (#826)
  • fix(node/events): fix EventEmitter#once to pass native node tests (#935)
  • fix(node/events): fix getMaxListeners and setMaxListeners to pass native node tests (#928)
  • fix(node/fs): fix type error in impl (#947)
  • fix(testing/asserts): fix handling of Weak* objects (#951)

0.97.0 / 2021.05.17

  • fix(io/buffer): make Buffer compatible with Deploy (#912)
  • fix(io/bufio): readDelim returns wrong result if delim strides over chunks (#877)
  • fix(node/events): accept only functions as listener arguments (#916)
  • fix(testing): support array values in assertObjectMatch (#906)

0.96.0 / 2021.05.11

  • feat(fs/walk): show path in walk error (#875)
  • feat(http): allow custom response code (#855)
  • feat(io): add readRange, readRangeSync (#884)
  • feat(mime/multipart): add options to readForm (#895)
  • feat(node): add console module (#892)
  • feat(node/assert): add rejects and doesNotReject (#894)
  • feat(std/node): add implementation of os.homedir() (#873)
  • fix(http/file_server): keep url and name consistent (#908)
  • fix(io): Improve readDelims() performance (#867)
  • fix(io/streams): don’t use a byte ReadableStream (#891)
  • fix(node/assert): enable test-assert-fail.js and align to it (#874)
  • fix(node/child_process): Try to fix flaky tests (#876)
  • fix(node/stream): make Stream the default export (#901)

0.95.0 / 2021.04.23

  • feat(node): add basic support for child_process.spawn (#785)
  • feat(path/glob): add caseInsensitive option (#854)
  • fix(node/fs): actually export everything (#862)

0.94.0 / 2021.04.20

  • feat(node/fs): add fstat and fstatSync (#847)
  • feat(streams): add readableStreamFromReader (#852)
  • fix(path): reduce circular dependency (#858)
  • fix(testing): equals does not differentiate undefined/absent keys (#849)

0.93.0 / 2021.04.13

  • feat: add iter and iterSync to io/util (#843)
  • feat(node/fs): add fdatasync and fdatasyncSync (#841)
  • feat(node/fs): add fsync and fsyncSync (#840)
  • feat(node/fs): add ftruncate and ftruncateSync (#829)
  • feat(node/fs): add futimes and futimesSync (#830)
  • fix(testing): Function signature of assertObjectEquals() does not accept interfaces (#763)

0.92.0 / 2021.04.02

  • feat: make bufio compatible to Deno Deploy (#831)
  • feat: add symlink adn symlinkSync to node/fs (#825)
  • feat: add format and improve deprecate in node/util (#693)
  • feat: add io/buffer and io/util module (#808) …
  • fix: handle upstream type changes (#834)
  • refactor: Promise<void> return types are unnecessary boilerplate in encoding. (#818)
  • chore: remove unused import in http (#817)

0.91.0 / 2021.03.21

  • chore(codecov): ignore coverage of examples (#798)
  • feat(encoding/yaml): add support for JS types and user types (#789)
  • feat(io/streams): Add readerFromIterable() (#752)
  • feat(std/node): add utimes and utimesSync (#805)
  • fix(multipart): support useDefineForClassFields (#807)
  • fix(node): fix node/cli.ts (#797)
  • fix(node): move throw error in fs.writeFile to pass no-unsafe-finally (#810)
  • fix(path): enable and fix file URL tests (#804)
  • refactor(node/fs): update fs import (#793)

0.90.0 / 2021.03.09

  • fix(http): Create a single encoder instance (#790)
  • feat(node): Add “module” polyfill (#783)
  • feat(node): Add CLI for running Node.js script with std/node (#779)
  • feat(node): Fix assert module, enable test cases (#769)

0.89.0 / 2021.03.02

  • BREAKING(io/streams): Strengthen iterator to readable stream conversion (#735)
  • build: collect and upload code coverage (#770)
  • feat(node): add constants module (#747)
  • feat(node): add crypto.createHash (#757)
  • feat(node): add process.hrtime function (#751)
  • feat(node): add truncate and truncateSync (#765)
  • fix(node): export promisify & callbackify (#748)
  • fix(node): fix export items of events (#758)
  • fix(node): ignore shebang (#746)
  • fix(node): native module needs to be extensible (#745)
  • fix(node/process): make process.argv an array (#749)
  • fix: fix type errors in canary test (#762)
  • refactor: fix codes to pass no-unused-vars lint (#764)
  • test(path): update test cases for canary (#775)

0.88.0 / 2021.02.19

  • BREAKING(encoding): remove module utf8.ts (#728)
  • chore: fix typo in contributing section (#709)
  • docs(bytes): improve (#737)
  • feat(node): add native module polyfills: url, crypto (#729)
  • feat(node): add tty module (#738)
  • feat(node): support conditional exports (#726)
  • fix(std/testing) : Handle Symbols correctly in deep equalities (#731)
  • test(node): run external tests with –quiet (#732)

0.87.0 / 2021.02.12

  • BREAKING(http/cookie): remove Cookies and SameSite type aliases (#720)
  • docs(fmt): fix examples in fmt/colors.ts (#715)
  • docs(io/ioutil): improve jsdoc (#706)
  • fix(http/file_server): svg media type (#718)
  • refactor(hash/md5): throw TypeError for wrong type (#698)
  • test(node): enable native node tests (#695)

0.86.0 / 2021.02.05

  • feat(http/file_server): support do not show dotfiles (#690)
  • feat(http/file_server): show ../ if it makes sense & end dirs with / (#691)

Releases notes for previous releases can be found in deno repository.