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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** A collection of HTTP errors and utilities. * * The export {@linkcode errors} contains an individual class that extends * {@linkcode HttpError} which makes handling HTTP errors in a structured way. * * The function {@linkcode createHttpError} provides a way to create instances * of errors in a factory pattern. * * The function {@linkcode isHttpError} is a type guard that will narrow a value * to an `HttpError` instance. * * @example * ```ts * import { errors, isHttpError } from "$STD_VERSION/http/http_errors.ts"; * * try { * throw new errors.NotFound(); * } catch (e) { * if (isHttpError(e)) { * const response = new Response(e.message, { status: e.status }); * } else { * throw e; * } * } * ``` * * @example * ```ts * import { createHttpError } from "$STD_VERSION/http/http_errors.ts"; * import { Status } from "$STD_VERSION/http/http_status.ts"; * * try { * throw createHttpError( * Status.BadRequest, * "The request was bad.", * { expose: false } * ); * } catch (e) { * // handle errors * } * ``` * * @module */
import { type ErrorStatus, isClientErrorStatus, Status, STATUS_TEXT,} from "./http_status.ts";
const ERROR_STATUS_MAP = { "BadRequest": 400, "Unauthorized": 401, "PaymentRequired": 402, "Forbidden": 403, "NotFound": 404, "MethodNotAllowed": 405, "NotAcceptable": 406, "ProxyAuthRequired": 407, "RequestTimeout": 408, "Conflict": 409, "Gone": 410, "LengthRequired": 411, "PreconditionFailed": 412, "RequestEntityTooLarge": 413, "RequestURITooLong": 414, "UnsupportedMediaType": 415, "RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable": 416, "ExpectationFailed": 417, "Teapot": 418, "MisdirectedRequest": 421, "UnprocessableEntity": 422, "Locked": 423, "FailedDependency": 424, "UpgradeRequired": 426, "PreconditionRequired": 428, "TooManyRequests": 429, "RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge": 431, "UnavailableForLegalReasons": 451, "InternalServerError": 500, "NotImplemented": 501, "BadGateway": 502, "ServiceUnavailable": 503, "GatewayTimeout": 504, "HTTPVersionNotSupported": 505, "VariantAlsoNegotiates": 506, "InsufficientStorage": 507, "LoopDetected": 508, "NotExtended": 510, "NetworkAuthenticationRequired": 511,} as const;
export type ErrorStatusKeys = keyof typeof ERROR_STATUS_MAP;
export interface HttpErrorOptions extends ErrorOptions { expose?: boolean; headers?: HeadersInit;}
/** The base class that all derivative HTTP extend, providing a `status` and an * `expose` property. */export class HttpError extends Error { #status: ErrorStatus = Status.InternalServerError; #expose: boolean; #headers?: Headers; constructor( message = "Http Error", options?: HttpErrorOptions, ) { super(message, options); this.#expose = options?.expose === undefined ? isClientErrorStatus(this.status) : options.expose; if (options?.headers) { this.#headers = new Headers(options.headers); } } /** A flag to indicate if the internals of the error, like the stack, should * be exposed to a client, or if they are "private" and should not be leaked. * By default, all client errors are `true` and all server errors are * `false`. */ get expose(): boolean { return this.#expose; } /** The optional headers object that is set on the error. */ get headers(): Headers | undefined { return this.#headers; } /** The error status that is set on the error. */ get status(): ErrorStatus { return this.#status; }}
function createHttpErrorConstructor(status: ErrorStatus): typeof HttpError { const name = `${Status[status]}Error`; const ErrorCtor = class extends HttpError { constructor( message = STATUS_TEXT[status], options?: HttpErrorOptions, ) { super(message, options); Object.defineProperty(this, "name", { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: name, writable: true, }); }
override get status() { return status; } }; return ErrorCtor;}
/** * A namespace that contains each error constructor. Each error extends * `HTTPError` and provides `.status` and `.expose` properties, where the * `.status` will be an error `Status` value and `.expose` indicates if * information, like a stack trace, should be shared in the response. * * By default, `.expose` is set to false in server errors, and true for client * errors. * * @example * ```ts * import { errors } from "$STD_VERSION/http/http_errors.ts"; * * throw new errors.InternalServerError("Ooops!"); * ``` */export const errors: Record<ErrorStatusKeys, typeof HttpError> = {} as Record< ErrorStatusKeys, typeof HttpError>;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(ERROR_STATUS_MAP)) { errors[key as ErrorStatusKeys] = createHttpErrorConstructor(value);}
/** * A factory function which provides a way to create errors. It takes up to 3 * arguments, the error `Status`, an message, which defaults to the status text * and error options, which incudes the `expose` property to set the `.expose` * value on the error. */export function createHttpError( status: ErrorStatus = Status.InternalServerError, message?: string, options?: HttpErrorOptions,): HttpError { return new errors[Status[status] as ErrorStatusKeys](message, options);}
/** A type guard that determines if the value is an HttpError or not. */export function isHttpError(value: unknown): value is HttpError { return value instanceof HttpError;}