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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { filterInPlace } from "./_utils.ts";
const { hasOwn } = Object;
/** * Merges the two given Records, recursively merging any nested Records with the * second collection overriding the first in case of conflict * * For arrays, maps and sets, a merging strategy can be specified to either * `replace` values, or `merge` them instead. Use `includeNonEnumerable` option * to include non-enumerable properties too. * * @example * ```ts * import { deepMerge } from "$STD_VERSION/collections/deep_merge.ts"; * import { assertEquals } from "$STD_VERSION/assert/assert_equals.ts"; * * const a = { foo: true }; * const b = { foo: { bar: true } }; * * assertEquals(deepMerge(a, b), { foo: { bar: true } }); * ``` */export function deepMerge< T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>,>( record: Partial<Readonly<T>>, other: Partial<Readonly<T>>, options?: Readonly<DeepMergeOptions>,): T;
export function deepMerge< T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, U extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, Options extends DeepMergeOptions,>( record: Readonly<T>, other: Readonly<U>, options?: Readonly<Options>,): DeepMerge<T, U, Options>;
export function deepMerge< T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, U extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, Options extends DeepMergeOptions = { arrays: "merge"; sets: "merge"; maps: "merge"; },>( record: Readonly<T>, other: Readonly<U>, options?: Readonly<Options>,): DeepMerge<T, U, Options> { return deepMergeInternal(record, other, new Set(), options);}
function deepMergeInternal< T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, U extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, Options extends DeepMergeOptions = { arrays: "merge"; sets: "merge"; maps: "merge"; },>( record: Readonly<T>, other: Readonly<U>, seen: Set<NonNullable<unknown>>, options?: Readonly<Options>,) { // Extract options // Clone left operand to avoid performing mutations in-place type Result = DeepMerge<T, U, Options>; const result: Partial<Result> = {};
const keys = new Set([ ...getKeys(record), ...getKeys(other), ]) as Set<keyof Result>;
// Iterate through each key of other object and use correct merging strategy for (const key of keys) { // Skip to prevent Object.prototype.__proto__ accessor property calls on non-Deno platforms if (key === "__proto__") { continue; }
type ResultMember = Result[typeof key];
const a = record[key] as ResultMember;
if (!hasOwn(other, key)) { result[key] = a;
continue; }
const b = other[key] as ResultMember;
if ( isNonNullObject(a) && isNonNullObject(b) && !seen.has(a) && !seen.has(b) ) { seen.add(a); seen.add(b); result[key] = mergeObjects(a, b, seen, options) as ResultMember;
continue; }
// Override value result[key] = b; }
return result as Result;}
function mergeObjects( left: Readonly<NonNullable<Record<string, unknown>>>, right: Readonly<NonNullable<Record<string, unknown>>>, seen: Set<NonNullable<unknown>>, options: Readonly<DeepMergeOptions> = { arrays: "merge", sets: "merge", maps: "merge", },): Readonly<NonNullable<Record<string, unknown> | Iterable<unknown>>> { // Recursively merge mergeable objects if (isMergeable(left) && isMergeable(right)) { return deepMergeInternal(left, right, seen, options); }
if (isIterable(left) && isIterable(right)) { // Handle arrays if ((Array.isArray(left)) && (Array.isArray(right))) { if (options.arrays === "merge") { return left.concat(right); }
return right; }
// Handle maps if ((left instanceof Map) && (right instanceof Map)) { if (options.maps === "merge") { return new Map([ ...left, ...right, ]); }
return right; }
// Handle sets if ((left instanceof Set) && (right instanceof Set)) { if (options.sets === "merge") { return new Set([ ...left, ...right, ]); }
return right; } }
return right;}
/** * Test whether a value is mergeable or not * Builtins that look like objects, null and user defined classes * are not considered mergeable (it means that reference will be copied) */function isMergeable( value: NonNullable<unknown>,): value is Record<PropertyKey, unknown> { return Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === Object.prototype;}
function isIterable( value: NonNullable<unknown>,): value is Iterable<unknown> { return typeof (value as Iterable<unknown>)[Symbol.iterator] === "function";}
function isNonNullObject( value: unknown,): value is NonNullable<Record<string, unknown>> { return value !== null && typeof value === "object";}
function getKeys<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(record: T): Array<keyof T> { const ret = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(record) as Array<keyof T>; filterInPlace( ret, (key) =>, key), ); ret.push(...(Object.keys(record) as Array<keyof T>));
return ret;}
/** Merging strategy */export type MergingStrategy = "replace" | "merge";
/** Deep merge options */export type DeepMergeOptions = { /** Merging strategy for arrays */ arrays?: MergingStrategy; /** Merging strategy for Maps */ maps?: MergingStrategy; /** Merging strategy for Sets */ sets?: MergingStrategy;};
/** * How does recursive typing works ? * * Deep merging process is handled through `DeepMerge<T, U, Options>` type. * If both T and U are Records, we recursively merge them, * else we treat them as primitives. * * Merging process is handled through `Merge<T, U>` type, in which * we remove all maps, sets, arrays and records so we can handle them * separately depending on merging strategy: * * Merge< * {foo: string}, * {bar: string, baz: Set<unknown>}, * > // "foo" and "bar" will be handled with `MergeRightOmitComplexes` * // "baz" will be handled with `MergeAll*` type * * `MergeRightOmitComplexes<T, U>` will do the above: all T's * exclusive keys will be kept, though common ones with U will have their * typing overridden instead: * * MergeRightOmitComplexes< * {foo: string, baz: number}, * {foo: boolean, bar: string} * > // {baz: number, foo: boolean, bar: string} * // "baz" was kept from T * // "foo" was overridden by U's typing * // "bar" was added from U * * For Maps, Arrays, Sets and Records, we use `MergeAll*<T, U>` utility * types. They will extract relevant data structure from both T and U * (providing that both have same data data structure, except for typing). * * From these, `*ValueType<T>` will extract values (and keys) types to be * able to create a new data structure with an union typing from both * data structure of T and U: * * MergeAllSets< * {foo: Set<number>}, * {foo: Set<string>} * > // `SetValueType` will extract "number" for T * // `SetValueType` will extract "string" for U * // `MergeAllSets` will infer type as Set<number|string> * // Process is similar for Maps, Arrays, and Sets * * `DeepMerge<T, U, Options>` is taking a third argument to be handle to * infer final typing depending on merging strategy: * * & (Options extends { sets: "replace" } ? PartialByType<U, Set<unknown>> * : MergeAllSets<T, U>) * * In the above line, if "Options" have its merging strategy for Sets set to * "replace", instead of performing merging of Sets type, it will take the * typing from right operand (U) instead, effectively replacing the typing. * * An additional note, we use `ExpandRecursively<T>` utility type to expand * the resulting typing and hide all the typing logic of deep merging so it is * more user friendly. */
/** Force intellisense to expand the typing to hide merging typings */type ExpandRecursively<T> = T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown> ? T extends infer O ? { [K in keyof O]: ExpandRecursively<O[K]> } : never : T;
/** Filter of keys matching a given type */type PartialByType<T, U> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends U ? K : never]: T[K];};
/** Get set values type */type SetValueType<T> = T extends Set<infer V> ? V : never;
/** Merge all sets types definitions from keys present in both objects */type MergeAllSets< T, U, X = PartialByType<T, Set<unknown>>, Y = PartialByType<U, Set<unknown>>, Z = { [K in keyof X & keyof Y]: Set<SetValueType<X[K]> | SetValueType<Y[K]>>; },> = Z;
/** Get array values type */type ArrayValueType<T> = T extends Array<infer V> ? V : never;
/** Merge all sets types definitions from keys present in both objects */type MergeAllArrays< T, U, X = PartialByType<T, Array<unknown>>, Y = PartialByType<U, Array<unknown>>, Z = { [K in keyof X & keyof Y]: Array< ArrayValueType<X[K]> | ArrayValueType<Y[K]> >; },> = Z;
/** Get map values types */type MapKeyType<T> = T extends Map<infer K, unknown> ? K : never;
/** Get map values types */type MapValueType<T> = T extends Map<unknown, infer V> ? V : never;
/** Merge all sets types definitions from keys present in both objects */type MergeAllMaps< T, U, X = PartialByType<T, Map<unknown, unknown>>, Y = PartialByType<U, Map<unknown, unknown>>, Z = { [K in keyof X & keyof Y]: Map< MapKeyType<X[K]> | MapKeyType<Y[K]>, MapValueType<X[K]> | MapValueType<Y[K]> >; },> = Z;
/** Merge all records types definitions from keys present in both objects */type MergeAllRecords< T, U, Options, X = PartialByType<T, Record<PropertyKey, unknown>>, Y = PartialByType<U, Record<PropertyKey, unknown>>, Z = { [K in keyof X & keyof Y]: DeepMerge<X[K], Y[K], Options>; },> = Z;
/** Exclude map, sets and array from type */type OmitComplexes<T> = Omit< T, keyof PartialByType< T, | Map<unknown, unknown> | Set<unknown> | Array<unknown> | Record<PropertyKey, unknown> >>;
/** Object with keys in either T or U but not in both */type ObjectXorKeys< T, U, X = Omit<T, keyof U> & Omit<U, keyof T>, Y = { [K in keyof X]: X[K] },> = Y;
/** Merge two objects, with left precedence */type MergeRightOmitComplexes< T, U, X = ObjectXorKeys<T, U> & OmitComplexes<{ [K in keyof U]: U[K] }>,> = X;
/** Merge two objects */type Merge< T, U, Options, X = & MergeRightOmitComplexes<T, U> & MergeAllRecords<T, U, Options> & (Options extends { sets: "replace" } ? PartialByType<U, Set<unknown>> : MergeAllSets<T, U>) & (Options extends { arrays: "replace" } ? PartialByType<U, Array<unknown>> : MergeAllArrays<T, U>) & (Options extends { maps: "replace" } ? PartialByType<U, Map<unknown, unknown>> : MergeAllMaps<T, U>),> = ExpandRecursively<X>;
/** Merge deeply two objects */export type DeepMerge< T, U, Options = Record<string, MergingStrategy>,> = // Handle objects [T, U] extends [Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, Record<PropertyKey, unknown>] ? Merge<T, U, Options> // Handle primitives : T | U;