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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** * {@linkcode sprintf} and {@linkcode printf} for printing formatted strings to * stdout. * * This implementation is inspired by POSIX and Golang but does not port * implementation code. * * sprintf converts and formats a variable number of arguments as is specified * by a `format string`. In it's basic form, a format string may just be a * literal. In case arguments are meant to be formatted, a `directive` is * contained in the format string, preceded by a '%' character: * * %<verb> * * E.g. the verb `s` indicates the directive should be replaced by the string * representation of the argument in the corresponding position of the argument * list. E.g.: * * Hello %s! * * applied to the arguments "World" yields "Hello World!". * * The meaning of the format string is modelled after [POSIX][1] format strings * as well as well as [Golang format strings][2]. Both contain elements specific * to the respective programming language that don't apply to JavaScript, so * they can not be fully supported. Furthermore we implement some functionality * that is specific to JS. * * ## Verbs * * The following verbs are supported: * * | Verb | Meaning | * | ----- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | * | `%` | print a literal percent | * | `t` | evaluate arg as boolean, print `true` or `false` | * | `b` | eval as number, print binary | * | `c` | eval as number, print character corresponding to the codePoint | * | `o` | eval as number, print octal | * | `x X` | print as hex (ff FF), treat string as list of bytes | * | `e E` | print number in scientific/exponent format 1.123123e+01 | * | `f F` | print number as float with decimal point and no exponent | * | `g G` | use %e %E or %f %F depending on size of argument | * | `s` | interpolate string | * | `T` | type of arg, as returned by `typeof` | * | `v` | value of argument in 'default' format (see below) | * | `j` | argument as formatted by `JSON.stringify` | * | `i` | argument as formatted by `Deno.inspect` | * | `I` | argument as formatted by `Deno.inspect` in compact format | * * ## Width and Precision * * Verbs may be modified by providing them with width and precision, either or * both may be omitted: * * %9f width 9, default precision * %.9f default width, precision 9 * %8.9f width 8, precision 9 * %8.f width 9, precision 0 * * In general, 'width' describes the minimum length of the output, while * 'precision' limits the output. * * | verb | precision | * | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | * | `t` | n/a | * | `b c o` | n/a | * | `x X` | n/a for number, strings are truncated to p bytes(!) | * | `e E f F` | number of places after decimal, default 6 | * | `g G` | set maximum number of digits | * | `s` | truncate input | * | `T` | truncate | * | `v` | truncate, or depth if used with # see "'default' format", below | * | `j` | n/a | * * Numerical values for width and precision can be substituted for the `*` char, * in which case the values are obtained from the next args, e.g.: * * sprintf("%*.*f", 9, 8, 456.0) * * is equivalent to: * * sprintf("%9.8f", 456.0) * * ## Flags * * The effects of the verb may be further influenced by using flags to modify * the directive: * * | Flag | Verb | Meaning | * | ----- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | * | `+` | numeric | always print sign | * | `-` | all | pad to the right (left justify) | * | `#` | | alternate format | * | `#` | `b o x X` | prefix with `0b 0 0x` | * | `#` | `g G` | don't remove trailing zeros | * | `#` | `v` | use output of `inspect` instead of `toString` | * | `' '` | | space character | * | `' '` | `x X` | leave spaces between bytes when printing string | * | `' '` | `d` | insert space for missing `+` sign character | * | `0` | all | pad with zero, `-` takes precedence, sign is appended in front of padding | * | `<` | all | format elements of the passed array according to the directive (extension) | * * ## 'default' format * * The default format used by `%v` is the result of calling `toString()` on the * relevant argument. If the `#` flags is used, the result of calling `inspect()` * is interpolated. In this case, the precision, if set is passed to `inspect()` * as the 'depth' config parameter. * * ## Positional arguments * * Arguments do not need to be consumed in the order they are provided and may * be consumed more than once. E.g.: * * sprintf("%[2]s %[1]s", "World", "Hello") * * returns "Hello World". The presence of a positional indicator resets the arg * counter allowing args to be reused: * * sprintf("dec[%d]=%d hex[%[1]d]=%x oct[%[1]d]=%#o %s", 1, 255, "Third") * * returns `dec[1]=255 hex[1]=0xff oct[1]=0377 Third` * * Width and precision my also use positionals: * * "%[2]*.[1]*d", 1, 2 * * This follows the golang conventions and not POSIX. * * ## Errors * * The following errors are handled: * * Incorrect verb: * * S("%h", "") %!(BAD VERB 'h') * * Too few arguments: * * S("%d") %!(MISSING 'd')" * * [1]: * [2]: * * @module */
class Flags { plus?: boolean; dash?: boolean; sharp?: boolean; space?: boolean; zero?: boolean; lessthan?: boolean; width = -1; precision = -1;}
const min = Math.min;const UNICODE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = "\ufffd";const DEFAULT_PRECISION = 6;const FLOAT_REGEXP = /(-?)(\d)\.?(\d*)e([+-])(\d+)/;
enum F { sign = 1, mantissa, fractional, esign, exponent,}
class Printf { format: string; args: unknown[]; i: number;
state: State = State.PASSTHROUGH; verb = ""; buf = ""; argNum = 0; flags: Flags = new Flags();
haveSeen: boolean[];
// barf, store precision and width errors for later processing ... tmpError?: string;
constructor(format: string, ...args: unknown[]) { this.format = format; this.args = args; this.haveSeen = Array.from({ length: args.length }); this.i = 0; }
doPrintf(): string { for (; this.i < this.format.length; ++this.i) { const c = this.format[this.i]; switch (this.state) { case State.PASSTHROUGH: if (c === "%") { this.state = State.PERCENT; } else { this.buf += c; } break; case State.PERCENT: if (c === "%") { this.buf += c; this.state = State.PASSTHROUGH; } else { this.handleFormat(); } break; default: throw Error("Should be unreachable, certainly a bug in the lib."); } } // check for unhandled args let extras = false; let err = "%!(EXTRA"; for (let i = 0; i !== this.haveSeen.length; ++i) { if (!this.haveSeen[i]) { extras = true; err += ` '${Deno.inspect(this.args[i])}'`; } } err += ")"; if (extras) { this.buf += err; } return this.buf; }
// %[<positional>]<flag>...<verb> handleFormat() { this.flags = new Flags(); const flags = this.flags; for (; this.i < this.format.length; ++this.i) { const c = this.format[this.i]; switch (this.state) { case State.PERCENT: switch (c) { case "[": this.handlePositional(); this.state = State.POSITIONAL; break; case "+": = true; break; case "<": flags.lessthan = true; break; case "-": flags.dash = true; = false; // only left pad zeros, dash takes precedence break; case "#": = true; break; case " ": = true; break; case "0": // only left pad zeros, dash takes precedence = !flags.dash; break; default: if (("1" <= c && c <= "9") || c === "." || c === "*") { if (c === ".") { this.flags.precision = 0; this.state = State.PRECISION; this.i++; } else { this.state = State.WIDTH; } this.handleWidthAndPrecision(flags); } else { this.handleVerb(); return; // always end in verb } } // switch c break; case State.POSITIONAL: // TODO(bartlomieju): either a verb or * only verb for now if (c === "*") { const worp = this.flags.precision === -1 ? WorP.WIDTH : WorP.PRECISION; this.handleWidthOrPrecisionRef(worp); this.state = State.PERCENT; break; } else { this.handleVerb(); return; // always end in verb } default: throw new Error(`Should not be here ${this.state}, library bug!`); } // switch state } }
/** * Handle width or precision * @param wOrP */ handleWidthOrPrecisionRef(wOrP: WorP) { if (this.argNum >= this.args.length) { // handle Positional should have already taken care of it... return; } const arg = this.args[this.argNum]; this.haveSeen[this.argNum] = true; if (typeof arg === "number") { switch (wOrP) { case WorP.WIDTH: this.flags.width = arg; break; default: this.flags.precision = arg; } } else { const tmp = wOrP === WorP.WIDTH ? "WIDTH" : "PREC"; this.tmpError = `%!(BAD ${tmp} '${this.args[this.argNum]}')`; } this.argNum++; }
/** * Handle width and precision * @param flags */ handleWidthAndPrecision(flags: Flags) { const fmt = this.format; for (; this.i !== this.format.length; ++this.i) { const c = fmt[this.i]; switch (this.state) { case State.WIDTH: switch (c) { case ".": // initialize precision, %9.f -> precision=0 this.flags.precision = 0; this.state = State.PRECISION; break; case "*": this.handleWidthOrPrecisionRef(WorP.WIDTH); // force . or flag at this point break; default: { const val = parseInt(c); // most likely parseInt does something stupid that makes // it unusable for this scenario ... // if we encounter a non (number|*|.) we're done with prec & wid if (isNaN(val)) { this.i--; this.state = State.PERCENT; return; } flags.width = flags.width === -1 ? 0 : flags.width; flags.width *= 10; flags.width += val; } } // switch c break; case State.PRECISION: { if (c === "*") { this.handleWidthOrPrecisionRef(WorP.PRECISION); break; } const val = parseInt(c); if (isNaN(val)) { // one too far, rewind this.i--; this.state = State.PERCENT; return; } flags.precision *= 10; flags.precision += val; break; } default: throw new Error("can't be here. bug."); } // switch state } }
/** Handle positional */ handlePositional() { if (this.format[this.i] !== "[") { // sanity only throw new Error("Can't happen? Bug."); } let positional = 0; const format = this.format; this.i++; let err = false; for (; this.i !== this.format.length; ++this.i) { if (format[this.i] === "]") { break; } positional *= 10; const val = parseInt(format[this.i]); if (isNaN(val)) { //throw new Error( // `invalid character in positional: ${format}[${format[this.i]}]` //); this.tmpError = "%!(BAD INDEX)"; err = true; } positional += val; } if (positional - 1 >= this.args.length) { this.tmpError = "%!(BAD INDEX)"; err = true; } this.argNum = err ? this.argNum : positional - 1; }
/** Handle less than */ handleLessThan(): string { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const arg = this.args[this.argNum] as any; if ((arg || {}) !== "Array") { throw new Error(`arg ${arg} is not an array. Todo better error handling`); } let str = "[ "; for (let i = 0; i !== arg.length; ++i) { if (i !== 0) str += ", "; str += this._handleVerb(arg[i]); } return str + " ]"; }
/** Handle verb */ handleVerb() { const verb = this.format[this.i]; this.verb = verb; if (this.tmpError) { this.buf += this.tmpError; this.tmpError = undefined; if (this.argNum < this.haveSeen.length) { this.haveSeen[this.argNum] = true; // keep track of used args } } else if (this.args.length <= this.argNum) { this.buf += `%!(MISSING '${verb}')`; } else { const arg = this.args[this.argNum]; // check out of range this.haveSeen[this.argNum] = true; // keep track of used args if (this.flags.lessthan) { this.buf += this.handleLessThan(); } else { this.buf += this._handleVerb(arg); } } this.argNum++; // if there is a further positional, it will reset. this.state = State.PASSTHROUGH; }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any _handleVerb(arg: any): string { switch (this.verb) { case "t": return this.pad(arg.toString()); case "b": return this.fmtNumber(arg as number, 2); case "c": return this.fmtNumberCodePoint(arg as number); case "d": return this.fmtNumber(arg as number, 10); case "o": return this.fmtNumber(arg as number, 8); case "x": return this.fmtHex(arg); case "X": return this.fmtHex(arg, true); case "e": return this.fmtFloatE(arg as number); case "E": return this.fmtFloatE(arg as number, true); case "f": case "F": return this.fmtFloatF(arg as number); case "g": return this.fmtFloatG(arg as number); case "G": return this.fmtFloatG(arg as number, true); case "s": return this.fmtString(arg as string); case "T": return this.fmtString(typeof arg); case "v": return this.fmtV(arg); case "j": return this.fmtJ(arg); case "i": return this.fmtI(arg, false); case "I": return this.fmtI(arg, true); default: return `%!(BAD VERB '${this.verb}')`; } }
/** * Pad a string * @param s text to pad */ pad(s: string): string { const padding = ? "0" : " ";
if (this.flags.dash) { return s.padEnd(this.flags.width, padding); }
return s.padStart(this.flags.width, padding); }
/** * Pad a number * @param nStr * @param neg */ padNum(nStr: string, neg: boolean): string { let sign: string; if (neg) { sign = "-"; } else if ( || { sign = ? "+" : " "; } else { sign = ""; } const zero =; if (!zero) { // sign comes in front of padding when padding w/ zero, // in from of value if padding with spaces. nStr = sign + nStr; }
const pad = zero ? "0" : " "; const len = zero ? this.flags.width - sign.length : this.flags.width;
if (this.flags.dash) { nStr = nStr.padEnd(len, pad); } else { nStr = nStr.padStart(len, pad); }
if (zero) { // see above nStr = sign + nStr; } return nStr; }
/** * Format a number * @param n * @param radix * @param upcase */ fmtNumber(n: number, radix: number, upcase = false): string { let num = Math.abs(n).toString(radix); const prec = this.flags.precision; if (prec !== -1) { = false; num = n === 0 && prec === 0 ? "" : num; while (num.length < prec) { num = "0" + num; } } let prefix = ""; if ( { switch (radix) { case 2: prefix += "0b"; break; case 8: // don't annotate octal 0 with 0... prefix += num.startsWith("0") ? "" : "0"; break; case 16: prefix += "0x"; break; default: throw new Error("cannot handle base: " + radix); } } // don't add prefix in front of value truncated by precision=0, val=0 num = num.length === 0 ? num : prefix + num; if (upcase) { num = num.toUpperCase(); } return this.padNum(num, n < 0); }
/** * Format number with code points * @param n */ fmtNumberCodePoint(n: number): string { let s = ""; try { s = String.fromCodePoint(n); } catch { s = UNICODE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; } return this.pad(s); }
/** * Format special float * @param n */ fmtFloatSpecial(n: number): string { // formatting of NaN and Inf are pants-on-head // stupid and more or less arbitrary.
if (isNaN(n)) { = false; return this.padNum("NaN", false); } if (n === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { = false; = true; return this.padNum("Inf", false); } if (n === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { = false; return this.padNum("Inf", true); } return ""; }
/** * Round fraction to precision * @param fractional * @param precision * @returns tuple of fractional and round */ roundFractionToPrecision( fractional: string, precision: number, ): [string, boolean] { let round = false; if (fractional.length > precision) { fractional = "1" + fractional; // prepend a 1 in case of leading 0 let tmp = parseInt(fractional.slice(0, precision + 2)) / 10; tmp = Math.round(tmp); fractional = Math.floor(tmp).toString(); round = fractional[0] === "2"; fractional = fractional.slice(1); // remove extra 1 } else { while (fractional.length < precision) { fractional += "0"; } } return [fractional, round]; }
/** * Format float E * @param n * @param upcase */ fmtFloatE(n: number, upcase = false): string { const special = this.fmtFloatSpecial(n); if (special !== "") { return special; }
const m = n.toExponential().match(FLOAT_REGEXP); if (!m) { throw Error("can't happen, bug"); } let fractional = m[F.fractional]; const precision = this.flags.precision !== -1 ? this.flags.precision : DEFAULT_PRECISION; let rounding = false; [fractional, rounding] = this.roundFractionToPrecision( fractional, precision, );
let e = m[F.exponent]; let esign = m[F.esign]; // scientific notation output with exponent padded to minlen 2 let mantissa = parseInt(m[F.mantissa]); if (rounding) { mantissa += 1; if (10 <= mantissa) { mantissa = 1; const r = parseInt(esign + e) + 1; e = r.toString(); esign = r < 0 ? "-" : "+"; } } e = e.length === 1 ? "0" + e : e; const val = `${mantissa}.${fractional}${upcase ? "E" : "e"}${esign}${e}`; return this.padNum(val, n < 0); }
/** * Format float F * @param n */ fmtFloatF(n: number): string { const special = this.fmtFloatSpecial(n); if (special !== "") { return special; }
// stupid helper that turns a number into a (potentially) // VERY long string. function expandNumber(n: number): string { if (Number.isSafeInteger(n)) { return n.toString() + "."; }
const t = n.toExponential().split("e"); let m = t[0].replace(".", ""); const e = parseInt(t[1]); if (e < 0) { let nStr = "0."; for (let i = 0; i !== Math.abs(e) - 1; ++i) { nStr += "0"; } return (nStr += m); } else { const splIdx = e + 1; while (m.length < splIdx) { m += "0"; } return m.slice(0, splIdx) + "." + m.slice(splIdx); } } // avoiding sign makes padding easier const val = expandNumber(Math.abs(n)) as string; const arr = val.split("."); let dig = arr[0]; let fractional = arr[1];
const precision = this.flags.precision !== -1 ? this.flags.precision : DEFAULT_PRECISION; let round = false; [fractional, round] = this.roundFractionToPrecision(fractional, precision); if (round) { dig = (parseInt(dig) + 1).toString(); } return this.padNum(`${dig}.${fractional}`, n < 0); }
/** * Format float G * @param n * @param upcase */ fmtFloatG(n: number, upcase = false): string { const special = this.fmtFloatSpecial(n); if (special !== "") { return special; }
// The double argument representing a floating-point number shall be // converted in the style f or e (or in the style F or E in // the case of a G conversion specifier), depending on the // value converted and the precision. Let P equal the // precision if non-zero, 6 if the precision is omitted, or 1 // if the precision is zero. Then, if a conversion with style E would // have an exponent of X:
// - If P > X>=-4, the conversion shall be with style f (or F ) // and precision P -( X+1).
// - Otherwise, the conversion shall be with style e (or E ) // and precision P -1.
// Finally, unless the '#' flag is used, any trailing zeros shall be // removed from the fractional portion of the result and the // decimal-point character shall be removed if there is no // fractional portion remaining.
// A double argument representing an infinity or NaN shall be // converted in the style of an f or F conversion specifier. //
let P = this.flags.precision !== -1 ? this.flags.precision : DEFAULT_PRECISION; P = P === 0 ? 1 : P;
const m = n.toExponential().match(FLOAT_REGEXP); if (!m) { throw Error("can't happen"); }
const X = parseInt(m[F.exponent]) * (m[F.esign] === "-" ? -1 : 1); let nStr = ""; if (P > X && X >= -4) { this.flags.precision = P - (X + 1); nStr = this.fmtFloatF(n); if (! { nStr = nStr.replace(/\.?0*$/, ""); } } else { this.flags.precision = P - 1; nStr = this.fmtFloatE(n); if (! { nStr = nStr.replace(/\.?0*e/, upcase ? "E" : "e"); } } return nStr; }
/** * Format string * @param s */ fmtString(s: string): string { if (this.flags.precision !== -1) { s = s.slice(0, this.flags.precision); } return this.pad(s); }
/** * Format hex * @param val * @param upper */ fmtHex(val: string | number, upper = false): string { // allow others types ? switch (typeof val) { case "number": return this.fmtNumber(val as number, 16, upper); case "string": { const sharp = && val.length !== 0; let hex = sharp ? "0x" : ""; const prec = this.flags.precision; const end = prec !== -1 ? min(prec, val.length) : val.length; for (let i = 0; i !== end; ++i) { if (i !== 0 && { hex += sharp ? " 0x" : " "; } // TODO(bartlomieju): for now only taking into account the // lower half of the codePoint, ie. as if a string // is a list of 8bit values instead of UCS2 runes const c = (val.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff).toString(16); hex += c.length === 1 ? `0${c}` : c; } if (upper) { hex = hex.toUpperCase(); } return this.pad(hex); } default: throw new Error( "currently only number and string are implemented for hex", ); } }
/** * Format value * @param val */ fmtV(val: Record<string, unknown>): string { if ( { const options = this.flags.precision !== -1 ? { depth: this.flags.precision } : {}; return this.pad(Deno.inspect(val, options)); } else { const p = this.flags.precision; return p === -1 ? val.toString() : val.toString().slice(0, p); } }
/** * Format JSON * @param val */ fmtJ(val: unknown): string { return JSON.stringify(val); }
/** * Format inspect * @param val * @param compact Whether or not the output should be compact. */ fmtI(val: unknown, compact: boolean): string { return Deno.inspect(val, { colors: !Deno?.noColor, compact, depth: Infinity, iterableLimit: Infinity, }); }}
/** * Converts and format a variable number of `args` as is specified by `format`. * `sprintf` returns the formatted string. * * @param format * @param args */export function sprintf(format: string, ...args: unknown[]): string { const printf = new Printf(format, ...args); return printf.doPrintf();}
/** * Converts and format a variable number of `args` as is specified by `format`. * `printf` writes the formatted string to standard output. * @param format * @param args */export function printf(format: string, ...args: unknown[]) { const s = sprintf(format, ...args); Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(s));}