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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Documentation and interface for walk were adapted from Go// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. BSD license.import { join } from "../path/join.ts";import { normalize } from "../path/normalize.ts";import { createWalkEntry, createWalkEntrySync, toPathString, WalkEntry,} from "./_util.ts";
export class WalkError extends Error { override cause: unknown; override name = "WalkError"; path: string;
constructor(cause: unknown, path: string) { super( `${cause instanceof Error ? cause.message : cause} for path "${path}"`, ); this.path = path; this.cause = cause; }}
function include( path: string, exts?: string[], match?: RegExp[], skip?: RegExp[],): boolean { if (exts && !exts.some((ext): boolean => path.endsWith(ext))) { return false; } if (match && !match.some((pattern): boolean => !!path.match(pattern))) { return false; } if (skip && skip.some((pattern): boolean => !!path.match(pattern))) { return false; } return true;}
function wrapErrorWithPath(err: unknown, root: string) { if (err instanceof WalkError) return err; return new WalkError(err, root);}
export interface WalkOptions { /** * The maximum depth of the file tree to be walked recursively. * @default {Infinity} */ maxDepth?: number; /** * Indicates whether file entries should be included or not. * @default {true} */ includeFiles?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether directory entries should be included or not. * @default {true} */ includeDirs?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether symlink entries should be included or not. * This option is meaningful only if `followSymlinks` is set to `false`. * @default {true} */ includeSymlinks?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether symlinks should be resolved or not. * @default {false} */ followSymlinks?: boolean; /** * List of file extensions used to filter entries. * If specified, entries without the file extension specified by this option are excluded. * @default {undefined} */ exts?: string[]; /** * List of regular expression patterns used to filter entries. * If specified, entries that do not match the patterns specified by this option are excluded. * @default {undefined} */ match?: RegExp[]; /** * List of regular expression patterns used to filter entries. * If specified, entries matching the patterns specified by this option are excluded. * @default {undefined} */ skip?: RegExp[];}export type { WalkEntry };
/** * Walks the file tree rooted at root, yielding each file or directory in the * tree filtered according to the given options. * * @example * ```ts * import { walk } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/walk.ts"; * import { assert } from "$STD_VERSION/assert/assert.ts"; * * for await (const entry of walk(".")) { * console.log(entry.path); * assert(entry.isFile); * } * ``` */export async function* walk( root: string | URL, { maxDepth = Infinity, includeFiles = true, includeDirs = true, includeSymlinks = true, followSymlinks = false, exts = undefined, match = undefined, skip = undefined, }: WalkOptions = {},): AsyncIterableIterator<WalkEntry> { if (maxDepth < 0) { return; } root = toPathString(root); if (includeDirs && include(root, exts, match, skip)) { yield await createWalkEntry(root); } if (maxDepth < 1 || !include(root, undefined, undefined, skip)) { return; } try { for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(root)) { let path = join(root,;
let { isSymlink, isDirectory } = entry;
if (isSymlink) { if (!followSymlinks) { if (includeSymlinks && include(path, exts, match, skip)) { yield { path, ...entry }; } continue; } path = await Deno.realPath(path); // Caveat emptor: don't assume |path| is not a symlink. realpath() // resolves symlinks but another process can replace the file system // entity with a different type of entity before we call lstat(). ({ isSymlink, isDirectory } = await Deno.lstat(path)); }
if (isSymlink || isDirectory) { yield* walk(path, { maxDepth: maxDepth - 1, includeFiles, includeDirs, includeSymlinks, followSymlinks, exts, match, skip, }); } else if (includeFiles && include(path, exts, match, skip)) { yield { path, ...entry }; } } } catch (err) { throw wrapErrorWithPath(err, normalize(root)); }}
/** Same as walk() but uses synchronous ops */export function* walkSync( root: string | URL, { maxDepth = Infinity, includeFiles = true, includeDirs = true, includeSymlinks = true, followSymlinks = false, exts = undefined, match = undefined, skip = undefined, }: WalkOptions = {},): IterableIterator<WalkEntry> { root = toPathString(root); if (maxDepth < 0) { return; } if (includeDirs && include(root, exts, match, skip)) { yield createWalkEntrySync(root); } if (maxDepth < 1 || !include(root, undefined, undefined, skip)) { return; } let entries; try { entries = Deno.readDirSync(root); } catch (err) { throw wrapErrorWithPath(err, normalize(root)); } for (const entry of entries) { let path = join(root,;
let { isSymlink, isDirectory } = entry;
if (isSymlink) { if (!followSymlinks) { if (includeSymlinks && include(path, exts, match, skip)) { yield { path, ...entry }; } continue; } path = Deno.realPathSync(path); // Caveat emptor: don't assume |path| is not a symlink. realpath() // resolves symlinks but another process can replace the file system // entity with a different type of entity before we call lstat(). ({ isSymlink, isDirectory } = Deno.lstatSync(path)); }
if (isSymlink || isDirectory) { yield* walkSync(path, { maxDepth: maxDepth - 1, includeFiles, includeDirs, includeSymlinks, followSymlinks, exts, match, skip, }); } else if (includeFiles && include(path, exts, match, skip)) { yield { path, ...entry }; } }}