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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** * Tests that run the fast-check property-based testing library in the Deno * runtime. * * See: * * This file contains all the 'simple' examples from the fast-check * repo (001-simple folder) using Deno.test for the test functions and * assertions from the Deno standard library. Missing type annotations * were also added to the original fast-check examples. * * Since the nested testing API is used, the tests need to be run with the * unstable flag as indicated in the command: * * ```shellsession * $ deno test --unstable ./testing/fast_check_example.ts * ``` * * @module */
import fc from "";import { groupBy } from "../collections/group_by.ts";import { assert, assertEquals } from "../assert/mod.ts";
/********************** contains() *************************************/const contains = (text: string, pattern: string): boolean => text.indexOf(pattern) >= 0;
Deno.test("Can use fast-check to property test contains function", async (t) => { // string text always contains itself await t.step("should always contain itself", () => { fc.assert(, (text: string) => contains(text, text))); }); // string a + b + c always contains b, whatever the values of a, b and c await t.step("should always contain its substrings", () => { fc.assert( fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string(), (a: string, b: string, c: string) => { // Alternatively: no return statement and direct usage of expect or assert return contains(a + b + c, b); }, ), ); });});
/*********************** decomposePrime() ************************************/export const decomposePrime = (n: number): number[] => { // Quick implementation: the maximal number supported is 2**31-1 let done = false; const factors: number[] = []; while (!done) { done = true; const stop = Math.sqrt(n); for (let i = 2; i <= stop; ++i) { if (n % i === 0) { factors.push(i); n = Math.floor(n / i); done = false; break; } } } return [...factors, n];};
// Above this number a*b can be over 2**31-1const MAX_INPUT = 65536;
Deno.test("Can use fast-check to property test decomposePrime function", async (t) => { await t.step( "should produce an array such that the product equals the input", () => { fc.assert(, (n: number) => { const factors = decomposePrime(n); const productOfFactors = factors.reduce((a, b) => a * b, 1); return productOfFactors === n; }), ); }, ); await t.step("should be able to decompose a product of two numbers", () => { fc.assert( fc.integer({ min: 2, max: MAX_INPUT }), fc.integer({ min: 2, max: MAX_INPUT }), (a: number, b: number) => { const n = a * b; const factors = decomposePrime(n); return factors.length >= 2; }, ), ); }); await t.step( "should compute the same factors as to the concatenation of the one of a and b for a times b", () => { fc.assert( fc.integer({ min: 2, max: MAX_INPUT }), fc.integer({ min: 2, max: MAX_INPUT }), (a: number, b: number) => { const factorsA = decomposePrime(a); const factorsB = decomposePrime(b); const factorsAB = decomposePrime(a * b); const reorder = (arr: number[]) => [...arr].sort((a, b) => a - b); assertEquals( reorder(factorsAB), reorder([...factorsA, ...factorsB]), ); }, ), ); }, );});
/*********************** indexOf() ************************************/const indexOf = (text: string, pattern: string): number => { return text.indexOf(pattern);};
Deno.test("Can use fast-check to property test indexOf function", async (t) => { await t.step("should confirm b is a substring of a + b + c", () => { fc.assert( fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string(), (a: string, b: string, c: string) => { return indexOf(a + b + c, b) !== -1; }, ), ); }); await t.step( "should return the starting position of the pattern within text if any", () => { fc.assert( fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string(), (a: string, b: string, c: string) => { const text = a + b + c; const pattern = b; const index = indexOf(text, pattern); return index === -1 || text.slice(index, index + pattern.length) === pattern; }, ), ); }, );});
/************************** fibronacci() *********************************/function fibonacci(n: number): bigint { let a = 0n; let b = 1n; for (let i = 0; i !== n; ++i) { const previousA = a; a = b; b = previousA + b; } return a;}
// The complexity of the algorithm is O(n)// As a consequence we limit the value of n to 1000const MaxN = 1000;
Deno.test("Can use fast-check to property test fibronacci function", async (t) => { await t.step( "should be equal to the sum of fibonacci(n-1) and fibonacci(n-2)", () => { fc.assert({ min: 2, max: MaxN }), (n: number) => { assert(fibonacci(n) === (fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2))); }), ); }, ); // The following properties are listed on the Wikipedia page: // await t.step( "should fulfill fibonacci(p)*fibonacci(q+1)+fibonacci(p-1)*fibonacci(q) = fibonacci(p+q)", () => { fc.assert( fc.integer({ min: 1, max: MaxN }), fc.integer({ min: 0, max: MaxN }), (p: number, q: number) => { assertEquals( fibonacci(p + q), fibonacci(p) * fibonacci(q + 1) + fibonacci(p - 1) * fibonacci(q), ); }, ), ); }, ); await t.step("should fulfill fibonacci(2p-1) = fibo²(p-1)+fibo²(p)", () => { // Special case of the property above fc.assert({ min: 1, max: MaxN }), (p: number) => { assertEquals( fibonacci(2 * p - 1), fibonacci(p - 1) * fibonacci(p - 1) + fibonacci(p) * fibonacci(p), ); }), ); }); await t.step("should fulfill Catalan identity", () => { fc.assert( fc.integer({ min: 0, max: MaxN }), fc.integer({ min: 0, max: MaxN }), (a: number, b: number) => { const [p, q] = a < b ? [b, a] : [a, b]; const sign = (p - q) % 2 === 0 ? 1n : -1n; // (-1)^(p-q) assertEquals( fibonacci(p) * fibonacci(p) - fibonacci(p - q) * fibonacci(p + q), sign * fibonacci(q) * fibonacci(q), ); }, ), ); }); await t.step("should fulfill Cassini identity", () => { fc.assert( fc.integer({ min: 1, max: MaxN }), fc.integer({ min: 0, max: MaxN }), (p: number) => { const sign = p % 2 === 0 ? 1n : -1n; // (-1)^p assert( fibonacci(p + 1) * fibonacci(p - 1) - fibonacci(p) * fibonacci(p) === sign, ); }, ), ); }); await t.step("should fibonacci(nk) divisible by fibonacci(n)", () => { fc.assert( fc.integer({ min: 1, max: MaxN }), fc.integer({ min: 0, max: 100 }), (n: number, k: number) => { assert(fibonacci(n * k) % fibonacci(n) === 0n); }, ), ); }); await t.step( "should fulfill gcd(fibonacci(a), fibonacci(b)) = fibonacci(gcd(a,b))", () => { fc.assert( fc.integer({ min: 1, max: MaxN }), fc.integer({ min: 1, max: MaxN }), (a: number, b: number) => { const gcd = <T extends bigint | number>(a: T, b: T, zero: T): T => { a = a < zero ? (-a as T) : a; b = b < zero ? (-b as T) : b; if (b > a) { const temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } while (true) { if (b === zero) return a; a = (a % b) as T; if (a === zero) return b; b = (b % a) as T; } }; assert( gcd(fibonacci(a), fibonacci(b), 0n) === fibonacci(gcd(a, b, 0)), ); }, ), ); }, );});
/********************* sort() **************************************/const sortInternal = <T>( tab: T[], start: number, end: number, cmp: (a: T, b: T) => boolean, // cmp: (a: T, b: T) => string,): T[] => { if (end - start < 2) return tab;
let pivot = start; for (let idx = start + 1; idx < end; ++idx) { if (!cmp(tab[start], tab[idx])) { const prev = tab[++pivot]; tab[pivot] = tab[idx]; tab[idx] = prev; } } const prev = tab[pivot]; tab[pivot] = tab[start]; tab[start] = prev;
sortInternal(tab, start, pivot, cmp); sortInternal(tab, pivot + 1, end, cmp); return tab;};
const sort = <T>(tab: T[], compare?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean): T[] => { return sortInternal([], 0, tab.length, compare || ((a, b) => a < b));};
Deno.test("Can use fast-check to property test sort function", async (t) => { await t.step("should have the same length as source", () => { fc.assert(, (data: Array<number>) => { assert(sort(data).length === data.length); }), ); }); await t.step( "should have exactly the same number of occurrences as source for each item", () => { fc.assert(, (data: Array<number>) => { const sorted = sort(data); const keyCreatorFn = (item: number) => item.toString(); assertEquals( groupBy(data, keyCreatorFn), groupBy(sorted, keyCreatorFn), ); }), ); }, ); await t.step("should produce an ordered array", () => { fc.assert(, (data: Array<number>) => { const sorted = sort(data); for (let idx = 1; idx < sorted.length; ++idx) { assert(sorted[idx - 1] <= sorted[idx]); } }), ); }); await t.step( "should produce an ordered array with respect to a custom compare function", () => { fc.assert( fc.array(fc.integer()), fc.compareBooleanFunc(), ( data: Array<number>, compare: (n1: number, n2: number) => boolean, ) => { const sorted = sort(data, compare); for (let idx = 1; idx < sorted.length; ++idx) { // compare(sorted[idx], sorted[idx - 1]): // = true : sorted[idx - 1] > sorted[idx] // = false: sorted[idx - 1] <= sorted[idx] assert(compare(sorted[idx], sorted[idx - 1]) === false); // Meaning of compare: // a = b means in terms of ordering a and b are equivalent // a < b means in terms of ordering a comes before b // One important property is: a < b and b < c implies a < c } }, ), ); }, );});
/**** Additional tests not in the fast-check github examples ****/function lowercaseString(text: string): string { return text.toLowerCase();}
Deno.test("Can use fast-check to property test lowercaseString function", async (t) => { await t.step("string after lower case should be of same length", () => { fc.assert( fc.string(), (text: string) => text.length === lowercaseString(text).length, ), ); });});
function add(a: number, b: number): number { return a + b;}
function absoluteAddition(a: number, b: number): number { return Math.abs(a) + Math.abs(b);}
Deno.test("Can use fast-check to property test add and absoluteAddition functions", async (t) => { await t.step( "absolute addition should always be greater or equal to regular addition", () => { fc.assert( fc.integer({ min: -99, max: 99 }), fc.integer({ min: -99, max: 99 }), (a: number, b: number) => add(a, b) <= absoluteAddition(a, b), ), ); }, );});