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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { INVALID } from "./constants.ts";import { sort } from "./sort.ts";import type { SemVer, SemVerRange } from "./types.ts";import { testRange } from "./test_range.ts";
/** * The minimum valid SemVer for a given range or INVALID * @param range The range to calculate the min for * @returns A valid SemVer or INVALID */export function rangeMin(range: SemVerRange): SemVer { // For and's, you take the biggest min // For or's, you take the smallest min //[ [1 and 2] or [2 and 3] ] = [ 2 or 3 ] = 2 return sort( => sort(r.filter((c) => testRange(c.min, range)).map((c) => c.min)).pop()! ).filter((v) => v), ).shift() ?? INVALID;}