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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** * The possible release types are used as an operator for the * increment function and as a result of the difference function. */export type ReleaseType = | "pre" | "major" | "premajor" | "minor" | "preminor" | "patch" | "prepatch" | "prerelease";
/** * SemVer comparison operators. */export type Operator = | "" | "=" | "==" | "===" | "!==" | "!=" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=";
/** * The style to use when formatting a SemVer object into a string */export type FormatStyle = | "full" | "release" | "primary" | "build" | "pre" | "patch" | "minor" | "major";
/** * The shape of a valid semantic version comparator * @example >=0.0.0 */export interface SemVerComparator { operator: Operator; semver: SemVer; min: SemVer; max: SemVer;}
/** * A SemVer object parsed into its constituent parts. */export interface SemVer { major: number; minor: number; patch: number; prerelease: (string | number)[]; build: string[];}
type SemVerRangeAnd = SemVerComparator[];type SemVerRangeOr = SemVerRangeAnd[];
/** * A type representing a semantic version range. The ranges consist of * a nested array, which represents a set of OR comparisons while the * inner array represents AND comparisons. */export interface SemVerRange { // The outer array is OR while each inner array is AND ranges: SemVerRangeOr;}