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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** * Format milliseconds to time duration. * * ```ts * import { format } from "$STD_VERSION/fmt/duration.ts"; * * // "00:00:01:39:674:000:000" * format(99674, { style: "digital" }); * * // "0d 0h 1m 39s 674ms 0µs 0ns" * format(99674); * * // "1m 39s 674ms" * format(99674, { ignoreZero: true }); * * // "1 minutes, 39 seconds, 674 milliseconds" * format(99674, { style: "full", ignoreZero: true }); * ``` * @module */
function addZero(num: number, digits: number) { return String(num).padStart(digits, "0");}
interface DurationObject { d: number; h: number; m: number; s: number; ms: number; us: number; ns: number;}
const keyList: Record<keyof DurationObject, string> = { d: "days", h: "hours", m: "minutes", s: "seconds", ms: "milliseconds", us: "microseconds", ns: "nanoseconds",};
/** Parse milliseconds into a duration. */function millisecondsToDurationObject(ms: number): DurationObject { // Duration cannot be negative const millis = Math.abs(ms); const millisFraction = millis.toFixed(7).slice(-7, -1); return { d: Math.trunc(millis / 86400000), h: Math.trunc(millis / 3600000) % 24, m: Math.trunc(millis / 60000) % 60, s: Math.trunc(millis / 1000) % 60, ms: Math.trunc(millis) % 1000, us: +millisFraction.slice(0, 3), ns: +millisFraction.slice(3, 6), };}
function durationArray( duration: DurationObject,): { type: keyof DurationObject; value: number }[] { return [ { type: "d", value: duration.d }, { type: "h", value: duration.h }, { type: "m", value: duration.m }, { type: "s", value: duration.s }, { type: "ms", value: }, { type: "us", value: }, { type: "ns", value: duration.ns }, ];}
export interface PrettyDurationOptions { /** * "narrow" for "0d 0h 0m 0s 0ms..." * "digital" for "00:00:00:00:000..." * "full" for "0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes,..." */ style: "narrow" | "digital" | "full"; /** * Whether to ignore zero values. * With style="narrow" | "full", all zero values are ignored. * With style="digital", only values in the ends are ignored. */ ignoreZero: boolean;}
export function format( ms: number, options: Partial<PrettyDurationOptions> = {},): string { const opt = Object.assign( { style: "narrow", ignoreZero: false }, options, ); const duration = millisecondsToDurationObject(ms); const durationArr = durationArray(duration); switch ( { case "narrow": { if (opt.ignoreZero) { return `${ durationArr.filter((x) => x.value).map((x) => `${x.value}${x.type === "us" ? "µs" : x.type}` ) .join(" ") }`; } return `${ => `${x.value}${x.type === "us" ? "µs" : x.type}`) .join(" ") }`; } case "full": { if (opt.ignoreZero) { return `${ durationArr.filter((x) => x.value).map((x) => `${x.value} ${keyList[x.type]}` ).join(", ") }`; } return `${ => `${x.value} ${keyList[x.type]}`).join(", ") }`; } case "digital": { const arr = => ["ms", "us", "ns"].includes(x.type) ? addZero(x.value, 3) : addZero(x.value, 2) ); if (opt.ignoreZero) { let cont = true; while (cont) { if (!Number(arr[arr.length - 1])) arr.pop(); else cont = false; } } return arr.join(":"); } default: { throw new TypeError(`style must be "narrow", "full", or "digital"!`); } }}