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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { GlobOptions } from "../_common/glob_to_reg_exp.ts";import { join } from "./join.ts";import { SEP } from "./separator.ts";import { normalizeGlob } from "./normalize_glob.ts";
/** Like join(), but doesn't collapse "**\/.." when `globstar` is true. */export function joinGlobs( globs: string[], { extended = true, globstar = false }: GlobOptions = {},): string { if (!globstar || globs.length === 0) { return join(...globs); } if (globs.length === 0) return "."; let joined: string | undefined; for (const glob of globs) { const path = glob; if (path.length > 0) { if (!joined) joined = path; else joined += `${SEP}${path}`; } } if (!joined) return "."; return normalizeGlob(joined, { extended, globstar });}