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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** A snapshotting library. * * The `assertSnapshot` function will create a snapshot of a value and compare it * to a reference snapshot, which is stored alongside the test file in the * `__snapshots__` directory. * * ```ts * // example_test.ts * import { assertSnapshot } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/snapshot.ts"; * * Deno.test("isSnapshotMatch", async function (t): Promise<void> { * const a = { * hello: "world!", * example: 123, * }; * await assertSnapshot(t, a); * }); * ``` * * ```js * // __snapshots__/example_test.ts.snap * export const snapshot = {}; * * snapshot[`isSnapshotMatch 1`] = ` * { * example: 123, * hello: "world!", * } * `; * ``` * * Calling `assertSnapshot` in a test will throw an `AssertionError`, causing the * test to fail, if the snapshot created during the test does not match the one in * the snapshot file. * * ## Updating Snapshots: * * When adding new snapshot assertions to your test suite, or when intentionally * making changes which cause your snapshots to fail, you can update your snapshots * by running the snapshot tests in update mode. Tests can be run in update mode by * passing the `--update` or `-u` flag as an argument when running the test. When * this flag is passed, then any snapshots which do not match will be updated. * * ```sh * deno test --allow-all -- --update * ``` * * Additionally, new snapshots will only be created when this flag is present. * * ## Permissions: * * When running snapshot tests, the `--allow-read` permission must be enabled, or * else any calls to `assertSnapshot` will fail due to insufficient permissions. * Additionally, when updating snapshots, the `--allow-write` permission must also * be enabled, as this is required in order to update snapshot files. * * The `assertSnapshot` function will only attempt to read from and write to * snapshot files. As such, the allow list for `--allow-read` and `--allow-write` * can be limited to only include existing snapshot files, if so desired. * * ## Options: * * The `assertSnapshot` function optionally accepts an options object. * * ```ts * // example_test.ts * import { assertSnapshot } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/snapshot.ts"; * * Deno.test("isSnapshotMatch", async function (t): Promise<void> { * const a = { * hello: "world!", * example: 123, * }; * await assertSnapshot(t, a, { * // options * }); * }); * ``` * * You can also configure default options for `assertSnapshot`. * * ```ts * // example_test.ts * import { createAssertSnapshot } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/snapshot.ts"; * * const assertSnapshot = createAssertSnapshot({ * // options * }); * ``` * * When configuring default options like this, the resulting `assertSnapshot` * function will function the same as the default function exported from the * snapshot module. If passed an optional options object, this will take precedence * over the default options, where the value provided for an option differs. * * It is possible to "extend" an `assertSnapshot` function which has been * configured with default options. * * ```ts * // example_test.ts * import { createAssertSnapshot } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/snapshot.ts"; * import { stripColor } from "$STD_VERSION/fmt/colors.ts"; * * const assertSnapshot = createAssertSnapshot({ * dir: ".snaps", * }); * * const assertMonochromeSnapshot = createAssertSnapshot<string>( * { serializer: stripColor }, * assertSnapshot, * ); * * Deno.test("isSnapshotMatch", async function (t): Promise<void> { * const a = "\x1b[32mThis green text has had it's colours stripped\x1b[39m"; * await assertMonochromeSnapshot(t, a); * }); * ``` * * ```js * // .snaps/example_test.ts.snap * export const snapshot = {}; * * snapshot[`isSnapshotMatch 1`] = `This green text has had it's colours stripped`; * ``` * * ## Version Control: * * Snapshot testing works best when changes to snapshot files are committed * alongside other code changes. This allows for changes to reference snapshots to * be reviewed along side the code changes that caused them, and ensures that when * others pull your changes, their tests will pass without needing to update * snapshots locally. * * @module */
import { fromFileUrl } from "../path/from_file_url.ts";import { parse } from "../path/parse.ts";import { resolve } from "../path/resolve.ts";import { toFileUrl } from "../path/to_file_url.ts";import { ensureFile, ensureFileSync } from "../fs/ensure_file.ts";import { bold, green, red } from "../fmt/colors.ts";import { assert } from "../assert/assert.ts";import { AssertionError } from "../assert/assertion_error.ts";import { equal } from "../assert/equal.ts";import { assertEquals } from "../assert/assert_equals.ts";
const SNAPSHOT_DIR = "__snapshots__";const SNAPSHOT_EXT = "snap";
export type SnapshotMode = "assert" | "update";
export type SnapshotOptions<T = unknown> = { /** * Snapshot output directory. Snapshot files will be written to this directory. * This can be relative to the test directory or an absolute path. * * If both `dir` and `path` are specified, the `dir` option will be ignored and * the `path` option will be handled as normal. */ dir?: string; /** * Snapshot mode. Defaults to `assert`, unless the `-u` or `--update` flag is * passed, in which case this will be set to `update`. This option takes higher * priority than the update flag. If the `--update` flag is passed, it will be * ignored if the `mode` option is set. */ mode?: SnapshotMode; /** * Failure message to log when the assertion fails. Specifying this option will * cause the diff not to be logged. */ msg?: string; /** * Name of the snapshot to use in the snapshot file. */ name?: string; /** * Snapshot output path. The snapshot will be written to this file. This can be * a path relative to the test directory or an absolute path. * * If both `dir` and `path` are specified, the `dir` option will be ignored and * the `path` option will be handled as normal. */ path?: string; /** * Function to use when serializing the snapshot. */ serializer?: (actual: T) => string;};
function getErrorMessage(message: string, options: SnapshotOptions) { return typeof options.msg === "string" ? options.msg : message;}
/** * Default serializer for `assertSnapshot`. */export function serialize(actual: unknown): string;export function serialize<T>(actual: T): string;export function serialize(actual: unknown): string { return Deno.inspect(actual, { depth: Infinity, sorted: true, trailingComma: true, compact: false, iterableLimit: Infinity, strAbbreviateSize: Infinity, breakLength: Infinity, escapeSequences: false, });}
/** * Converts a string to a valid JavaScript string which can be wrapped in backticks. * * @example * * "special characters (\ ` $) will be escaped" -> "special characters (\\ \` \$) will be escaped" */function escapeStringForJs(str: string) { return str .replace(/\\/g, "\\\\") .replace(/`/g, "\\`") .replace(/\$/g, "\\$");}
let _mode: SnapshotMode;/** * Get the snapshot mode. */function getMode(options: SnapshotOptions) { if (options.mode) { return options.mode; } else if (_mode) { return _mode; } else { _mode = Deno.args.some((arg) => arg === "--update" || arg === "-u") ? "update" : "assert"; return _mode; }}
/** * Return `true` when snapshot mode is `update`. */function getIsUpdate(options: SnapshotOptions) { return getMode(options) === "update";}
class AssertSnapshotContext { static contexts = new Map<string, AssertSnapshotContext>();
/** * Returns an instance of `AssertSnapshotContext`. This will be retrieved from * a cache if an instance was already created for a given snapshot file path. */ static fromOptions( testContext: Deno.TestContext, options: SnapshotOptions, ): AssertSnapshotContext { let path: string; const testFilePath = fromFileUrl(testContext.origin); const { dir, base } = parse(testFilePath); if (options.path) { path = resolve(dir, options.path); } else if (options.dir) { path = resolve(dir, options.dir, `${base}.${SNAPSHOT_EXT}`); } else { path = resolve(dir, SNAPSHOT_DIR, `${base}.${SNAPSHOT_EXT}`); }
let context = this.contexts.get(path); if (context) { return context; }
context = new this(toFileUrl(path)); this.contexts.set(path, context); return context; }
#teardownRegistered = false; #currentSnapshots: Map<string, string | undefined> | undefined; #updatedSnapshots = new Map<string, string>(); #snapshotCounts = new Map<string, number>(); #snapshotsUpdated = new Array<string>(); #snapshotFileUrl: URL; snapshotUpdateQueue = new Array<string>();
constructor(snapshotFileUrl: URL) { this.#snapshotFileUrl = snapshotFileUrl; }
/** * Asserts that `this.#currentSnapshots` has been initialized and then returns it. * * Should only be called when `this.#currentSnapshots` has already been initialized. */ #getCurrentSnapshotsInitialized() { assert( this.#currentSnapshots, "Snapshot was not initialized. This is a bug in `assertSnapshot`.", ); return this.#currentSnapshots; }
/** * Write updates to the snapshot file and log statistics. */ #teardown = () => { const buf = ["export const snapshot = {};"]; const currentSnapshots = this.#getCurrentSnapshotsInitialized(); const currentSnapshotNames = Array.from(currentSnapshots.keys()); const removedSnapshotNames = currentSnapshotNames.filter((name) => !this.snapshotUpdateQueue.includes(name) ); this.snapshotUpdateQueue.forEach((name) => { const updatedSnapshot = this.#updatedSnapshots.get(name); const currentSnapshot = currentSnapshots.get(name); let formattedSnapshot: string; if (typeof updatedSnapshot === "string") { formattedSnapshot = updatedSnapshot; } else if (typeof currentSnapshot === "string") { formattedSnapshot = currentSnapshot; } else { // This occurs when `assertSnapshot` is called in "assert" mode but // the snapshot doesn't exist and `assertSnapshot` is also called in // "update" mode. In this case, we have nothing to write to the // snapshot file so we can just exit early return; } formattedSnapshot = escapeStringForJs(formattedSnapshot); formattedSnapshot = formattedSnapshot.includes("\n") ? `\n${formattedSnapshot}\n` : formattedSnapshot; const formattedName = escapeStringForJs(name); buf.push(`\nsnapshot[\`${formattedName}\`] = \`${formattedSnapshot}\`;`); }); const snapshotFilePath = fromFileUrl(this.#snapshotFileUrl); ensureFileSync(snapshotFilePath); Deno.writeTextFileSync(snapshotFilePath, buf.join("\n") + "\n");
const updated = this.getUpdatedCount(); if (updated > 0) { console.log( green( bold( `\n > ${updated} ${ updated === 1 ? "snapshot" : "snapshots" } updated.`, ), ), ); } const removed = removedSnapshotNames.length; if (removed > 0) { console.log( red( bold( `\n > ${removed} ${ removed === 1 ? "snapshot" : "snapshots" } removed.`, ), ), ); for (const snapshotName of removedSnapshotNames) { console.log( red(bold(`${snapshotName}`)), ); } } };
/** * Returns `this.#currentSnapshots` and if necessary, tries to initialize it by reading existing * snapshots from the snapshot file. If the snapshot mode is `update` and the snapshot file does * not exist then it will be created. */ async #readSnapshotFile(options: SnapshotOptions) { if (this.#currentSnapshots) { return this.#currentSnapshots; }
if (getIsUpdate(options)) { await ensureFile(fromFileUrl(this.#snapshotFileUrl)); }
try { const snapshotFileUrl = this.#snapshotFileUrl.toString(); const { snapshot } = await import(snapshotFileUrl); this.#currentSnapshots = typeof snapshot === "undefined" ? new Map() : new Map( Object.entries(snapshot).map(([name, snapshot]) => { if (typeof snapshot !== "string") { throw new AssertionError( getErrorMessage( `Corrupt snapshot:\n\t(${name})\n\t${snapshotFileUrl}`, options, ), ); } return [ name, snapshot.includes("\n") ? snapshot.slice(1, -1) : snapshot, ]; }), ); return this.#currentSnapshots; } catch (error) { if ( error instanceof TypeError && error.message.startsWith("Module not found") ) { throw new AssertionError( getErrorMessage( "Missing snapshot file.", options, ), ); } throw error; } }
/** * Register a teardown function which writes the snapshot file to disk and logs the number * of snapshots updated after all tests have run. * * This method can safely be called more than once and will only register the teardown * function once in a context. */ public registerTeardown() { if (!this.#teardownRegistered) { globalThis.addEventListener("unload", this.#teardown); this.#teardownRegistered = true; } }
/** * Gets the number of snapshots which have been created with the same name and increments * the count by 1. */ public getCount(snapshotName: string) { let count = this.#snapshotCounts.get(snapshotName) || 0; this.#snapshotCounts.set(snapshotName, ++count); return count; }
/** * Get an existing snapshot by name or returns `undefined` if the snapshot does not exist. */ public async getSnapshot(snapshotName: string, options: SnapshotOptions) { const snapshots = await this.#readSnapshotFile(options); return snapshots.get(snapshotName); }
/** * Update a snapshot by name. Updates will be written to the snapshot file when all tests * have run. If the snapshot does not exist, it will be created. * * Should only be called when mode is `update`. */ public updateSnapshot(snapshotName: string, snapshot: string) { if (!this.#snapshotsUpdated.includes(snapshotName)) { this.#snapshotsUpdated.push(snapshotName); } const currentSnapshots = this.#getCurrentSnapshotsInitialized(); if (!currentSnapshots.has(snapshotName)) { currentSnapshots.set(snapshotName, undefined); } this.#updatedSnapshots.set(snapshotName, snapshot); }
/** * Get the number of updated snapshots. */ public getUpdatedCount() { return this.#snapshotsUpdated.length; }
/** * Add a snapshot to the update queue. * * Tracks the order in which snapshots were created so that they can be written to * the snapshot file in the correct order. * * Should be called with each snapshot, regardless of the mode, as a future call to * `assertSnapshot` could cause updates to be written to the snapshot file if the * `update` mode is passed in the options. */ public pushSnapshotToUpdateQueue(snapshotName: string) { this.snapshotUpdateQueue.push(snapshotName); }
/** * Check if exist snapshot */ public hasSnapshot(snapshotName: string): boolean { return this.#currentSnapshots ? this.#currentSnapshots.has(snapshotName) : false; }}
/** * Make an assertion that `actual` matches a snapshot. If the snapshot and `actual` do * not a match, then throw. * * Type parameter can be specified to ensure values under comparison have the same type. * * @example * ```ts * import { assertSnapshot } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/snapshot.ts"; * * Deno.test("snapshot", async (test) => { * await assertSnapshot<number>(test, 2); * }); * ``` */export async function assertSnapshot<T>( context: Deno.TestContext, actual: T, options: SnapshotOptions<T>,): Promise<void>;export async function assertSnapshot<T>( context: Deno.TestContext, actual: T, message?: string,): Promise<void>;export async function assertSnapshot( context: Deno.TestContext, actual: unknown, msgOrOpts?: string | SnapshotOptions<unknown>,) { const options = getOptions(); const assertSnapshotContext = AssertSnapshotContext.fromOptions( context, options, ); const testName = getTestName(context, options); const count = assertSnapshotContext.getCount(testName); const name = `${testName} ${count}`; const snapshot = await assertSnapshotContext.getSnapshot( name, options, );
assertSnapshotContext.pushSnapshotToUpdateQueue(name); const _serialize = options.serializer || serialize; const _actual = _serialize(actual); if (getIsUpdate(options)) { assertSnapshotContext.registerTeardown(); if (!equal(_actual, snapshot)) { assertSnapshotContext.updateSnapshot(name, _actual); } } else { if ( !assertSnapshotContext.hasSnapshot(name) || typeof snapshot === "undefined" ) { throw new AssertionError( getErrorMessage(`Missing snapshot: ${name}`, options), ); } if (equal(_actual, snapshot)) { return; } let message = ""; try { const usesMultilineDiff = _actual.includes("\n"); if (usesMultilineDiff) { assertEquals(true, false, undefined, { formatter: (v) => v ? _actual : snapshot, }); } else { assertEquals(_actual, snapshot); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof AssertionError) { message = e.message.replace( "Values are not equal.", "Snapshot does not match:", ); } } throw new AssertionError( getErrorMessage(message, options), ); }
function getOptions(): SnapshotOptions { if (typeof msgOrOpts === "object" && msgOrOpts !== null) { return msgOrOpts; }
return { msg: msgOrOpts, }; } function getTestName( context: Deno.TestContext, options?: SnapshotOptions, ): string { if (options && { return; } else if (context.parent) { return `${getTestName(context.parent)} > ${}`; } return; }}
export function createAssertSnapshot<T>( options: SnapshotOptions<T>, baseAssertSnapshot: typeof assertSnapshot = assertSnapshot,): typeof assertSnapshot { return async function _assertSnapshot( context: Deno.TestContext, actual: T, messageOrOptions?: string | SnapshotOptions<T>, ) { const mergedOptions: SnapshotOptions<T> = { ...options, ...(typeof messageOrOptions === "string" ? { msg: messageOrOptions, } : messageOrOptions), };
await baseAssertSnapshot(context, actual, mergedOptions); };}