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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { levenshteinDistance } from "./levenshtein_distance.ts";
// NOTE: this metric may change in future versions (e.g. better than levenshteinDistance)const getWordDistance = levenshteinDistance;
/** * Sort based on word similarity * * @example * ```ts * import { compareSimilarity } from "$STD_VERSION/text/compare_similarity.ts"; * const words = ["hi", "hello", "help"]; * * // words most-similar to "hep" will be at the front * words.sort(compareSimilarity("hep")); * ``` * @note * the ordering of words may change with version-updates * e.g. word-distance metric may change (improve) * use a named-distance (e.g. levenshteinDistance) to * guarantee a particular ordering */export function compareSimilarity( givenWord: string, options?: { caseSensitive?: boolean },) { const { caseSensitive } = { ...options }; if (caseSensitive) { return (a: string, b: string) => getWordDistance(givenWord, a) - getWordDistance(givenWord, b); } givenWord = givenWord.toLowerCase(); return (a: string, b: string) => getWordDistance(givenWord, a.toLowerCase()) - getWordDistance(givenWord, b.toLowerCase());}