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{ "compilerOptions": { "strict": true, "useUnknownInCatchVariables": true, "noImplicitOverride": true }, "imports": { "$STD_VERSION/": "./", "deno_graph": "", "deno_doc": "", "npm:/typescript": "npm:typescript@5.2.2", "automation/": "" }, "tasks": { "test": "deno test --doc --unstable --allow-all --parallel --coverage=./cov --trace-ops", "test:browser": "git grep --name-only \"This module is browser compatible.\" | grep -v deno.json | grep -v .github/workflows | grep -v _tools | xargs deno check --config browser-compat.tsconfig.json", "fmt:licence-headers": "deno run --allow-read --allow-write ./_tools/check_licence.ts", "lint:deprecations": "deno run --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env=HOME ./_tools/check_deprecation.ts", "lint:doc-imports": "deno run --allow-env --allow-read ./_tools/check_doc_imports.ts", "lint:circular": "deno run --allow-env --allow-read ./_tools/check_circular_submodule_dependencies.ts", "lint:tools-types": "deno check _tools/*.ts", "lint": "deno lint && deno task fmt:licence-headers --check && deno task lint:deprecations && deno task lint:doc-imports && deno task lint:circular && deno task lint:tools-types", "typos": "typos -c ./.github/workflows/typos.toml", "build:crypto": "deno task --cwd crypto/_wasm wasmbuild", "wasmbuild": "deno run --unstable -A --js-ext mjs --sync", "cov:clean": "rm -rf cov html_cov cov.lcov", "cov:gen": "deno coverage ./cov/ --lcov --output=cov.lcov", "cov:view": "genhtml --ignore-errors unmapped -o html_cov cov.lcov && open html_cov/index.html", "ok": "deno task lint && deno fmt --check && deno task test:browser && deno task test" }, "exclude": [ ".git", "crypto/_wasm/target", "cov", "jsonc/testdata", "front_matter/testdata" ]}