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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright 2019 Allain Lalonde. All rights reserved. ISC License.
import type { Expected, Matcher, MatcherContext, MatcherKey,} from "./_types.ts";import { AssertionError } from "../assert/assertion_error.ts";import { addCustomEqualityTesters, getCustomEqualityTesters,} from "./_custom_equality_tester.ts";import { toBe, toBeCloseTo, toBeDefined, toBeFalsy, toBeGreaterThan, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual, toBeInstanceOf, toBeLessThan, toBeLessThanOrEqual, toBeNaN, toBeNull, toBeTruthy, toBeUndefined, toContain, toContainEqual, toEqual, toHaveBeenCalled, toHaveBeenCalledTimes, toHaveBeenCalledWith, toHaveBeenLastCalledWith, toHaveBeenNthCalledWith, toHaveLastReturnedWith, toHaveLength, toHaveNthReturnedWith, toHaveProperty, toHaveReturned, toHaveReturnedTimes, toHaveReturnedWith, toMatch, toMatchObject, toStrictEqual, toThrow,} from "./_matchers.ts";import { isPromiseLike } from "./_utils.ts";
const matchers: Record<MatcherKey, Matcher> = { lastCalledWith: toHaveBeenLastCalledWith, lastReturnedWith: toHaveLastReturnedWith, nthCalledWith: toHaveBeenNthCalledWith, nthReturnedWith: toHaveNthReturnedWith, toBeCalled: toHaveBeenCalled, toBeCalledTimes: toHaveBeenCalledTimes, toBeCalledWith: toHaveBeenCalledWith, toBeCloseTo, toBeDefined, toBeFalsy, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual, toBeGreaterThan, toBeInstanceOf, toBeLessThanOrEqual, toBeLessThan, toBeNaN, toBeNull, toBeTruthy, toBeUndefined, toBe, toContainEqual, toContain, toEqual, toHaveBeenCalledTimes, toHaveBeenCalledWith, toHaveBeenCalled, toHaveBeenLastCalledWith, toHaveBeenNthCalledWith, toHaveLength, toHaveLastReturnedWith, toHaveNthReturnedWith, toHaveProperty, toHaveReturnedTimes, toHaveReturnedWith, toHaveReturned, toMatchObject, toMatch, toReturn: toHaveReturned, toReturnTimes: toHaveReturnedTimes, toReturnWith: toHaveReturnedWith, toStrictEqual, toThrow,};
export function expect(value: unknown, customMessage?: string): Expected { let isNot = false; let isPromised = false; const self: Expected = new Proxy<Expected>( <Expected> {}, { get(_, name) { if (name === "not") { isNot = !isNot; return self; }
if (name === "resolves") { if (!isPromiseLike(value)) { throw new AssertionError("expected value must be Promiselike"); }
isPromised = true; return self; }
if (name === "rejects") { if (!isPromiseLike(value)) { throw new AssertionError("expected value must be a PromiseLike"); }
value = value.then( (value) => { throw new AssertionError( `Promise did not reject. resolved to ${value}`, ); }, (err) => err, ); isPromised = true; return self; }
const matcher: Matcher = matchers[name as MatcherKey]; if (!matcher) { throw new TypeError( typeof name === "string" ? `matcher not found: ${name}` : "matcher not found", ); }
return (...args: unknown[]) => { function applyMatcher(value: unknown, args: unknown[]) { const context: MatcherContext = { value, isNot: false, customMessage, customTesters: getCustomEqualityTesters(), }; if (isNot) { context.isNot = true; } matcher(context, ...args); }
return isPromised ? (value as Promise<unknown>).then((value: unknown) => applyMatcher(value, args) ) : applyMatcher(value, args); }; }, }, );
return self;}
expect.addEqualityTesters = addCustomEqualityTesters;