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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { getLevelByName, LevelName } from "./levels.ts";import type { LogRecord } from "./logger.ts";
export type FormatterFunction = (logRecord: LogRecord) => string;const DEFAULT_FORMATTER: FormatterFunction = ({ levelName, msg }) => `${levelName} ${msg}`;
export interface BaseHandlerOptions { formatter?: FormatterFunction;}
export class BaseHandler { level: number; levelName: LevelName; formatter: FormatterFunction;
constructor(levelName: LevelName, options: BaseHandlerOptions = {}) { this.level = getLevelByName(levelName); this.levelName = levelName; this.formatter = options.formatter || DEFAULT_FORMATTER; }
handle(logRecord: LogRecord) { if (this.level > logRecord.level) return;
const msg = this.format(logRecord); this.log(msg); }
format(logRecord: LogRecord): string { return this.formatter(logRecord); }
log(_msg: string) {} setup() {} destroy() {}
[Symbol.dispose]() { this.destroy(); }}