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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import type { Comparator, SemVer } from "./types.ts";
/** * MAX is a sentinel value used by some range calculations. * It is equivalent to `∞.∞.∞`. */export const MAX: SemVer = { major: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minor: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, patch: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, prerelease: [], build: [],};
/** * The minimum valid SemVer object. Equivalent to `0.0.0`. */export const MIN: SemVer = { major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0, prerelease: [], build: [],};
/** * A sentinel value used to denote an invalid SemVer object * which may be the result of impossible ranges or comparator operations. * @example * ```ts * import { equals } from "$STD_VERSION/semver/equals.ts"; * import { parse } from "$STD_VERSION/semver/parse.ts"; * import { INVALID } from "$STD_VERSION/semver/constants.ts" * equals(parse("1.2.3"), INVALID); * ``` */export const INVALID: SemVer = { major: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, minor: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, patch: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, prerelease: [], build: [],};
/** * ANY is a sentinel value used by some range calculations. It is not a valid * SemVer object and should not be used directly. * @example * ```ts * import { equals } from "$STD_VERSION/semver/equals.ts"; * import { parse } from "$STD_VERSION/semver/parse.ts"; * import { ANY } from "$STD_VERSION/semver/constants.ts" * equals(parse("1.2.3"), ANY); // false * ``` */export const ANY: SemVer = { major: Number.NaN, minor: Number.NaN, patch: Number.NaN, prerelease: [], build: [],};
/** * A comparator which will span all valid semantic versions */export const ALL: Comparator = { operator: "", ...ANY, semver: ANY,};
/** * A comparator which will not span any semantic versions */export const NONE: Comparator = { operator: "<", ...MIN, semver: MIN,};