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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { capitalizeWord, splitToWords } from "./_util.ts";
/** * Converts a string into camelCase. * * @example * ```ts * import { toCamelCase } from "$STD_VERSION/text/case.ts"; * * toCamelCase("deno is awesome"); // "denoIsAwesome" * ``` * * @param input The string that is going to be converted into camelCase * @returns The string as camelCase */export function toCamelCase(input: string): string { input = input.trim(); const [first = "",] = splitToWords(input); return [first.toLocaleLowerCase(),].join("");}
/** * Converts a string into kebab-case. * * @example * ```ts * import { toKebabCase } from "$STD_VERSION/text/case.ts"; * * toKebabCase("deno is awesome"); // "deno-is-awesome" * ``` * * @param input The string that is going to be converted into kebab-case * @returns The string as kebab-case */export function toKebabCase(input: string): string { input = input.trim(); return splitToWords(input).join("-").toLocaleLowerCase();}
/** * Converts a string into PascalCase. * * @example * ```ts * import { toPascalCase } from "$STD_VERSION/text/case.ts"; * * toPascalCase("deno is awesome"); // "DenoIsAwesome" * ``` * * @param input The string that is going to be converted into PascalCase * @returns The string as PascalCase */export function toPascalCase(input: string): string { input = input.trim(); return splitToWords(input).map(capitalizeWord).join("");}
/** * Converts a string into snake_case. * * @example * ```ts * import { toSnakeCase } from "$STD_VERSION/text/case.ts"; * toSnakeCase("deno is awesome"); // "deno_is_awesome" * ``` * * @param input The string that is going to be converted into snake_case * @returns The string as snake_case */export function toSnakeCase(input: string): string { input = input.trim(); return splitToWords(input).join("_").toLocaleLowerCase();}