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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2014-2021 Sindre Sorhus. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright 2021 Yoshiya Hinosawa. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright 2021 Giuseppe Eletto. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
type LocaleOptions = { minimumFractionDigits?: number; maximumFractionDigits?: number;};
/** Options for {@linkcode format}. */export interface FormatOptions { /** * Uses bits representation. * * @default {false} */ bits?: boolean; /** * Uses binary bytes (e.g. kibibyte). * * @default {false} */ binary?: boolean; /** * Include plus sign for positive numbers. * * @default {false} */ signed?: boolean; /** * Uses localized number formatting. If it is set to true, uses default * locale on the system. If it's set to string, uses that locale. The given * string should be a * {@link | BCP 47 language tag}. * You can also give the list of language tags. */ locale?: boolean | string | string[]; /** * The minimum number of fraction digits to display. If neither * {@linkcode minimumFractionDigits} or {@linkcode maximumFractionDigits} * are set, the default behavior is to round to 3 significant digits. */ minimumFractionDigits?: number; /** * The maximum number of fraction digits to display. If neither * {@linkcode minimumFractionDigits} or {@linkcode maximumFractionDigits} * are set, the default behavior is to round to 3 significant digits. */ maximumFractionDigits?: number;}
/** * Convert bytes to a human-readable string: 1337 → 1.34 kB * * Based on {@link | pretty-bytes}. * A utility for displaying file sizes for humans. * * This module is browser compatible. * * @example * ```ts * import { format } from "$STD_VERSION/fmt/bytes.ts"; * * format(1337); * //=> '1.34 kB' * * format(100); * //=> '100 B' * * // Display with units of bits * format(1337, { bits: true }); * //=> '1.34 kbit' * * // Display file size differences * format(42, { signed: true }); * //=> '+42 B' * * // Localized output using German locale * format(1337, { locale: "de" }); * //=> '1,34 kB' * ``` */export function format( num: number, options: FormatOptions = {},): string { if (!Number.isFinite(num)) { throw new TypeError(`Expected a finite number, got ${typeof num}: ${num}`); }
const UNITS_FIRSTLETTER = (options.bits ? "b" : "B") + "kMGTPEZY";
if (options.signed && num === 0) { return ` 0 ${UNITS_FIRSTLETTER[0]}`; }
const prefix = num < 0 ? "-" : (options.signed ? "+" : ""); num = Math.abs(num);
const localeOptions = getLocaleOptions(options);
if (num < 1) { const numberString = toLocaleString(num, options.locale, localeOptions); return prefix + numberString + " " + UNITS_FIRSTLETTER[0]; }
const exponent = Math.min( Math.floor( options.binary ? Math.log(num) / Math.log(1024) : Math.log10(num) / 3, ), UNITS_FIRSTLETTER.length - 1, ); num /= Math.pow(options.binary ? 1024 : 1000, exponent);
if (!localeOptions) { num = Number(num.toPrecision(3)); }
const numberString = toLocaleString( num, options.locale, localeOptions, );
let unit = UNITS_FIRSTLETTER[exponent]; if (exponent > 0) { unit += options.binary ? "i" : ""; unit += options.bits ? "bit" : "B"; }
return prefix + numberString + " " + unit;}
function getLocaleOptions( { maximumFractionDigits, minimumFractionDigits }: FormatOptions,): LocaleOptions | undefined { if (maximumFractionDigits || minimumFractionDigits) { return { maximumFractionDigits, minimumFractionDigits, }; }}
/** * Formats the given number using `Number#toLocaleString`. * - If locale is a string, the value is expected to be a locale-key (for example: `de`). * - If locale is true, the system default locale is used for translation. * - If no value for locale is specified, the number is returned unmodified. */function toLocaleString( num: number, locale: boolean | string | string[] | undefined, options: LocaleOptions | undefined,): string { if (typeof locale === "string" || Array.isArray(locale)) { return num.toLocaleString(locale, options); } else if (locale === true || options !== undefined) { return num.toLocaleString(undefined, options); }
return num.toString();}