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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { createExtractor, type Extractor, type Parser,} from "./create_extractor.ts";import { parse } from "../yaml/parse.ts";
/** * Extracts and parses {@link | YAML} from the metadata of * front matter content. * * @example * ```ts * import { extract } from "$STD_VERSION/front_matter/yaml.ts"; * * const output = `---yaml * title: Three dashes marks the spot * --- * Hello, world!`; * const result = extract(output); * * result.frontMatter; // 'title: Three dashes marks the spot' * result.body; // "Hello, world!" * result.attrs; // { title: "Three dashes marks the spot" } * ``` */export const extract: Extractor = createExtractor({ ["yaml"]: parse as Parser,});