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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { writeAll } from "./write_all.ts";import type { Writer } from "./types.ts";import { isCloser } from "./_common.ts";
/** Options for {@linkcode toWritableStream}. */export interface toWritableStreamOptions { /** * If the `writer` is also a `Closer`, automatically close the `writer` * when the stream is closed, aborted, or a write error occurs. * * @default {true} */ autoClose?: boolean;}
/** * Create a {@linkcode WritableStream} from a {@linkcode Writer}. * * @example * ```ts * import { toWritableStream } from "$STD_VERSION/io/to_writable_stream.ts"; * * const file = await"./file.txt", { create: true, write: true }); * await ReadableStream.from("Hello World") * .pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream()) * .pipeTo(toWritableStream(file)); * ``` */export function toWritableStream( writer: Writer, { autoClose = true }: toWritableStreamOptions = {},): WritableStream<Uint8Array> { return new WritableStream({ async write(chunk, controller) { try { await writeAll(writer, chunk); } catch (e) { controller.error(e); if (isCloser(writer) && autoClose) { writer.close(); } } }, close() { if (isCloser(writer) && autoClose) { writer.close(); } }, abort() { if (isCloser(writer) && autoClose) { writer.close(); } }, });}