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The Deno Standard Library
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno bench// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { crypto as stdCrypto, type DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES } from "../mod.ts";
import nodeCrypto from "node:crypto";
import { crypto as oldCrypto } from "";
const webCrypto = globalThis.crypto;
const BENCHMARKED_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES = [ "SHA-256", "SHA-512", "BLAKE3", "FNV32A", "FNV64A",] satisfies (typeof DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES[number])[];
const WEB_CRYPTO_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES = [ "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512",] satisfies (typeof DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES[number])[];
const NODE_CRYPTO_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES = [ "MD4", "MD5", "RIPEMD-160", "SHA-1", "SHA-224", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512",] satisfies (typeof DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES[number])[];
for ( const [length, humanLength] of [ [64, "64 B"], [262_144, "256 KiB"], [4_194_304, "4 MiB"], [67_108_864, "64 MiB"], [524_291_328, "512 MiB"], ] as const) { const buffer = new Uint8Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer[i] = (i + (i % 13) + (i % 31)) % 256; }
for (const name of BENCHMARKED_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES) { Deno.bench({ group: `digesting ${humanLength}`, name: `${name} from std/crypto Wasm digesting ${humanLength}`, async fn() { await stdCrypto.subtle.digest(name, [buffer]); }, });
if (name.startsWith("FNV")) { Deno.bench({ group: `digesting ${humanLength}`, name: `${name} from std/crypto (v0.220.1) TypeScript digesting ${humanLength}`, async fn() { await oldCrypto.subtle.digest(name, buffer); }, }); }
if ( (WEB_CRYPTO_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES as readonly string[]).includes(name) ) { Deno.bench({ group: `digesting ${humanLength}`, name: `${name} from runtime WebCrypto digesting ${humanLength}`, async fn() { await webCrypto.subtle.digest(name, buffer); }, }); }
if ( (NODE_CRYPTO_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAMES as readonly string[]).includes(name) ) { const nodeName = name.replace("-", "").toLowerCase();
Deno.bench({ group: `digesting ${humanLength}`, name: `${name} from runtime node:crypto digesting ${humanLength}`, fn() { nodeCrypto.createHash(nodeName).update(buffer).digest(); }, }); } }}