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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { ascend } from "./comparators.ts";import { BinarySearchNode } from "./_binary_search_node.ts";
type Direction = "left" | "right";
/** * An unbalanced binary search tree. The values are in ascending order by default, * using JavaScript's built-in comparison operators to sort the values. * * For performance, it's recommended that you use a self-balancing binary search * tree instead of this one unless you are extending this to create a * self-balancing tree. See RedBlackTree for an example of how BinarySearchTree * can be extended to create a self-balancing binary search tree. * * | Method | Average Case | Worst Case | * | ------------- | ------------ | ---------- | * | find(value) | O(log n) | O(n) | * | insert(value) | O(log n) | O(n) | * | remove(value) | O(log n) | O(n) | * | min() | O(log n) | O(n) | * | max() | O(log n) | O(n) | * * @example * ```ts * import { * BinarySearchTree, * ascend, * descend, * } from "$STD_VERSION/data_structures/mod.ts"; * import { assertEquals } from "$STD_VERSION/assert/assert_equals.ts"; * * const values = [3, 10, 13, 4, 6, 7, 1, 14]; * const tree = new BinarySearchTree<number>(); * values.forEach((value) => tree.insert(value)); * assertEquals([...tree], [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14]); * assertEquals(tree.min(), 1); * assertEquals(tree.max(), 14); * assertEquals(tree.find(42), null); * assertEquals(tree.find(7), 7); * assertEquals(tree.remove(42), false); * assertEquals(tree.remove(7), true); * assertEquals([...tree], [1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 13, 14]); * * const invertedTree = new BinarySearchTree<number>(descend); * values.forEach((value) => invertedTree.insert(value)); * assertEquals([...invertedTree], [14, 13, 10, 7, 6, 4, 3, 1]); * assertEquals(invertedTree.min(), 14); * assertEquals(invertedTree.max(), 1); * assertEquals(invertedTree.find(42), null); * assertEquals(invertedTree.find(7), 7); * assertEquals(invertedTree.remove(42), false); * assertEquals(invertedTree.remove(7), true); * assertEquals([...invertedTree], [14, 13, 10, 6, 4, 3, 1]); * * const words = new BinarySearchTree<string>((a, b) => * ascend(a.length, b.length) || ascend(a, b) * ); * ["truck", "car", "helicopter", "tank", "train", "suv", "semi", "van"] * .forEach((value) => words.insert(value)); * assertEquals([...words], [ * "car", * "suv", * "van", * "semi", * "tank", * "train", * "truck", * "helicopter", * ]); * assertEquals(words.min(), "car"); * assertEquals(words.max(), "helicopter"); * assertEquals(words.find("scooter"), null); * assertEquals(words.find("tank"), "tank"); * assertEquals(words.remove("scooter"), false); * assertEquals(words.remove("tank"), true); * assertEquals([...words], [ * "car", * "suv", * "van", * "semi", * "train", * "truck", * "helicopter", * ]); * ``` */export class BinarySearchTree<T> implements Iterable<T> { protected root: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = null; protected _size = 0; constructor( protected compare: (a: T, b: T) => number = ascend, ) {}
/** Creates a new binary search tree from an array like or iterable object. */ static from<T>( collection: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T> | BinarySearchTree<T>, ): BinarySearchTree<T>; static from<T>( collection: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T> | BinarySearchTree<T>, options: { compare?: (a: T, b: T) => number; }, ): BinarySearchTree<T>; static from<T, U, V>( collection: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T> | BinarySearchTree<T>, options: { compare?: (a: U, b: U) => number; map: (value: T, index: number) => U; thisArg?: V; }, ): BinarySearchTree<U>; static from<T, U, V>( collection: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T> | BinarySearchTree<T>, options?: { compare?: (a: U, b: U) => number; map?: (value: T, index: number) => U; thisArg?: V; }, ): BinarySearchTree<U> { let result: BinarySearchTree<U>; let unmappedValues: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T> = []; if (collection instanceof BinarySearchTree) { result = new BinarySearchTree( options?.compare ?? (collection as unknown as BinarySearchTree<U>).compare, ); if (options?.compare || options?.map) { unmappedValues = collection; } else { const nodes: BinarySearchNode<U>[] = []; if (collection.root) { result.root = BinarySearchNode.from( collection.root as unknown as BinarySearchNode<U>, ); nodes.push(result.root); } while (nodes.length) { const node: BinarySearchNode<U> = nodes.pop()!; const left: BinarySearchNode<U> | null = node.left ? BinarySearchNode.from(node.left) : null; const right: BinarySearchNode<U> | null = node.right ? BinarySearchNode.from(node.right) : null;
if (left) { left.parent = node; nodes.push(left); } if (right) { right.parent = node; nodes.push(right); } } } } else { result = (options?.compare ? new BinarySearchTree( : new BinarySearchTree()) as BinarySearchTree<U>; unmappedValues = collection; } const values: Iterable<U> = options?.map ? Array.from(unmappedValues,, options.thisArg) : unmappedValues as U[]; for (const value of values) result.insert(value); return result; }
/** The amount of values stored in the binary search tree. */ get size(): number { return this._size; }
protected findNode(value: T): BinarySearchNode<T> | null { let node: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = this.root; while (node) { const order: number = as T, node.value); if (order === 0) break; const direction: "left" | "right" = order < 0 ? "left" : "right"; node = node[direction]; } return node; }
protected rotateNode(node: BinarySearchNode<T>, direction: Direction) { const replacementDirection: Direction = direction === "left" ? "right" : "left"; if (!node[replacementDirection]) { throw new TypeError( `cannot rotate ${direction} without ${replacementDirection} child`, ); } const replacement: BinarySearchNode<T> = node[replacementDirection]!; node[replacementDirection] = replacement[direction] ?? null; if (replacement[direction]) replacement[direction]!.parent = node; replacement.parent = node.parent; if (node.parent) { const parentDirection: Direction = node === node.parent[direction] ? direction : replacementDirection; node.parent[parentDirection] = replacement; } else { this.root = replacement; } replacement[direction] = node; node.parent = replacement; }
protected insertNode( Node: typeof BinarySearchNode, value: T, ): BinarySearchNode<T> | null { if (!this.root) { this.root = new Node(null, value); this._size++; return this.root; } else { let node: BinarySearchNode<T> = this.root; while (true) { const order: number =, node.value); if (order === 0) break; const direction: Direction = order < 0 ? "left" : "right"; if (node[direction]) { node = node[direction]!; } else { node[direction] = new Node(node, value); this._size++; return node[direction]; } } } return null; }
/** Removes the given node, and returns the node that was physically removed from the tree. */ protected removeNode( node: BinarySearchNode<T>, ): BinarySearchNode<T> | null { /** * The node to physically remove from the tree. * Guaranteed to have at most one child. */ const flaggedNode: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = !node.left || !node.right ? node : node.findSuccessorNode()!; /** Replaces the flagged node. */ const replacementNode: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = flaggedNode.left ?? flaggedNode.right;
if (replacementNode) replacementNode.parent = flaggedNode.parent; if (!flaggedNode.parent) { this.root = replacementNode; } else { flaggedNode.parent[flaggedNode.directionFromParent()!] = replacementNode; } if (flaggedNode !== node) { /** Swaps values, in case value of the removed node is still needed by consumer. */ const swapValue = node.value; node.value = flaggedNode.value; flaggedNode.value = swapValue; }
this._size--; return flaggedNode; }
/** * Adds the value to the binary search tree if it does not already exist in it. * Returns true if successful. */ insert(value: T): boolean { return !!this.insertNode(BinarySearchNode, value); }
/** * Removes node value from the binary search tree if found. * Returns true if found and removed. */ remove(value: T): boolean { const node: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = this.findNode(value); if (node) this.removeNode(node); return node !== null; }
/** Returns node value if found in the binary search tree. */ find(value: T): T | null { return this.findNode(value)?.value ?? null; }
/** Returns the minimum value in the binary search tree or null if empty. */ min(): T | null { return this.root ? this.root.findMinNode().value : null; }
/** Returns the maximum value in the binary search tree or null if empty. */ max(): T | null { return this.root ? this.root.findMaxNode().value : null; }
/** Removes all values from the binary search tree. */ clear() { this.root = null; this._size = 0; }
/** Checks if the binary search tree is empty. */ isEmpty(): boolean { return this.size === 0; }
/** * Returns an iterator that uses in-order (LNR) tree traversal for * retrieving values from the binary search tree. */ *lnrValues(): IterableIterator<T> { const nodes: BinarySearchNode<T>[] = []; let node: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = this.root; while (nodes.length || node) { if (node) { nodes.push(node); node = node.left; } else { node = nodes.pop()!; yield node.value; node = node.right; } } }
/** * Returns an iterator that uses reverse in-order (RNL) tree traversal for * retrieving values from the binary search tree. */ *rnlValues(): IterableIterator<T> { const nodes: BinarySearchNode<T>[] = []; let node: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = this.root; while (nodes.length || node) { if (node) { nodes.push(node); node = node.right; } else { node = nodes.pop()!; yield node.value; node = node.left; } } }
/** * Returns an iterator that uses pre-order (NLR) tree traversal for * retrieving values from the binary search tree. */ *nlrValues(): IterableIterator<T> { const nodes: BinarySearchNode<T>[] = []; if (this.root) nodes.push(this.root); while (nodes.length) { const node: BinarySearchNode<T> = nodes.pop()!; yield node.value; if (node.right) nodes.push(node.right); if (node.left) nodes.push(node.left); } }
/** * Returns an iterator that uses post-order (LRN) tree traversal for * retrieving values from the binary search tree. */ *lrnValues(): IterableIterator<T> { const nodes: BinarySearchNode<T>[] = []; let node: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = this.root; let lastNodeVisited: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = null; while (nodes.length || node) { if (node) { nodes.push(node); node = node.left; } else { const lastNode: BinarySearchNode<T> =!; if (lastNode.right && lastNode.right !== lastNodeVisited) { node = lastNode.right; } else { yield lastNode.value; lastNodeVisited = nodes.pop()!; } } } }
/** * Returns an iterator that uses level order tree traversal for * retrieving values from the binary search tree. */ *lvlValues(): IterableIterator<T> { const children: BinarySearchNode<T>[] = []; let cursor: BinarySearchNode<T> | null = this.root; while (cursor) { yield cursor.value; if (cursor.left) children.push(cursor.left); if (cursor.right) children.push(cursor.right); cursor = children.shift() ?? null; } }
/** * Returns an iterator that uses in-order (LNR) tree traversal for * retrieving values from the binary search tree. */ *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T> { yield* this.lnrValues(); }}