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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { expect } from "./expect.ts";
class Duration { public time: number; public unit: "H" | "M" | "S";
constructor(time: number, unit: "H" | "M" | "S") { this.time = time; this.unit = unit; }
toString(): string { return `[Duration: ${this.time.toString()}${this.unit}]`; }
equals(other: Duration): boolean { if (this.unit === other.unit) { return this.time === other.time; }
if ( (this.unit === "H" && other.unit === "M") || (this.unit === "M" && other.unit === "S") ) { return (this.time * 60) === other.time; }
if ( (other.unit === "H" && this.unit === "M") || (other.unit === "M" && this.unit === "S") ) { return (other.time * 60) === this.time; }
return (this.time * 60 * 60) === other.time; }}
function isDurationMatch(a: Duration, b: Duration) { const isDurationA = a instanceof Duration; const isDurationB = b instanceof Duration;
if (isDurationA && isDurationB) return a.equals(b); if (isDurationA === isDurationB) return undefined; return false;}
const duration1 = new Duration(1, "S");const duration2 = new Duration(2, "M");const duration3 = new Duration(120, "S");
function* toIterator<T>(array: Array<T>): Iterator<T> { for (const obj of array) { yield obj; }}
Deno.test("Basic custom equality test", () => { expect(duration1).toEqual(duration1); expect(duration1).not.toEqual(duration3); expect(duration1).not.toEqual(duration2); expect(duration2).not.toBe(duration1); expect(toIterator([duration1, duration2])).not.toEqual( toIterator([duration2, duration1]), ); expect({ a: duration2, b: undefined }).toStrictEqual({ a: duration3, b: undefined, });});
Deno.test("Basic custom equality test may contain different Duration Object", () => { expect([duration1]).not.toContain(duration2); expect([duration1]).toContain(duration1); expect([duration2]).toContainEqual(duration3); expect({ a: duration2 }).toHaveProperty("a", duration3); expect(new Map([["key", duration2]])).toEqual(new Map([["key", duration3]])); expect(new Set([duration3])).toEqual(new Set([duration2])); expect([duration3, duration2]).toEqual([duration2, duration3]); expect(toIterator([duration3, duration2])).toEqual( toIterator([duration2, duration3]), );});