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The Deno Standard Library
The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { delay } from "../async/delay.ts";
/** Thrown by Server after it has been closed. */const ERROR_SERVER_CLOSED = "Server closed";
/** Default port for serving HTTP. */const HTTP_PORT = 80;
/** Default port for serving HTTPS. */const HTTPS_PORT = 443;
/** Initial backoff delay of 5ms following a temporary accept failure. */const INITIAL_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY = 5;
/** Max backoff delay of 1s following a temporary accept failure. */const MAX_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY = 1000;
/** * Information about the connection a request arrived on. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.ServeHandlerInfo} instead. */export interface ConnInfo { /** The local address of the connection. */ readonly localAddr: Deno.Addr; /** The remote address of the connection. */ readonly remoteAddr: Deno.Addr;}
/** * A handler for HTTP requests. Consumes a request and connection information * and returns a response. * * If a handler throws, the server calling the handler will assume the impact * of the error is isolated to the individual request. It will catch the error * and close the underlying connection. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.ServeHandler} instead. */export type Handler = ( request: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
/** * Options for running an HTTP server. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.ServeInit} instead. */export interface ServerInit extends Partial<Deno.ListenOptions> { /** The handler to invoke for individual HTTP requests. */ handler: Handler;
/** * The handler to invoke when route handlers throw an error. * * The default error handler logs and returns the error in JSON format. */ onError?: (error: unknown) => Response | Promise<Response>;}
/** * Used to construct an HTTP server. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.serve} instead. */export class Server { #port?: number; #host?: string; #handler: Handler; #closed = false; #listeners: Set<Deno.Listener> = new Set(); #acceptBackoffDelayAbortController = new AbortController(); #httpConnections: Set<Deno.HttpConn> = new Set(); #onError: (error: unknown) => Response | Promise<Response>;
/** * Constructs a new HTTP Server instance. * * ```ts * import { Server } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * * const port = 4505; * const handler = (request: Request) => { * const body = `Your user-agent is:\n\n${request.headers.get( * "user-agent", * ) ?? "Unknown"}`; * * return new Response(body, { status: 200 }); * }; * * const server = new Server({ port, handler }); * ``` * * @param serverInit Options for running an HTTP server. */ constructor(serverInit: ServerInit) { this.#port = serverInit.port; this.#host = serverInit.hostname; this.#handler = serverInit.handler; this.#onError = serverInit.onError ?? function (error: unknown) { console.error(error); return new Response("Internal Server Error", { status: 500 }); }; }
/** * Accept incoming connections on the given listener, and handle requests on * these connections with the given handler. * * HTTP/2 support is only enabled if the provided Deno.Listener returns TLS * connections and was configured with "h2" in the ALPN protocols. * * Throws a server closed error if called after the server has been closed. * * Will always close the created listener. * * ```ts * import { Server } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * * const handler = (request: Request) => { * const body = `Your user-agent is:\n\n${request.headers.get( * "user-agent", * ) ?? "Unknown"}`; * * return new Response(body, { status: 200 }); * }; * * const server = new Server({ handler }); * const listener = Deno.listen({ port: 4505 }); * * console.log("server listening on http://localhost:4505"); * * await server.serve(listener); * ``` * * @param listener The listener to accept connections from. */ async serve(listener: Deno.Listener): Promise<void> { if (this.#closed) { throw new Deno.errors.Http(ERROR_SERVER_CLOSED); }
try { return await this.#accept(listener); } finally { this.#untrackListener(listener);
try { listener.close(); } catch { // Listener has already been closed. } } }
/** * Create a listener on the server, accept incoming connections, and handle * requests on these connections with the given handler. * * If the server was constructed without a specified port, 80 is used. * * If the server was constructed with the hostname omitted from the options, the * non-routable meta-address `` is used. * * Throws a server closed error if the server has been closed. * * ```ts * import { Server } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * * const port = 4505; * const handler = (request: Request) => { * const body = `Your user-agent is:\n\n${request.headers.get( * "user-agent", * ) ?? "Unknown"}`; * * return new Response(body, { status: 200 }); * }; * * const server = new Server({ port, handler }); * * console.log("server listening on http://localhost:4505"); * * await server.listenAndServe(); * ``` */ async listenAndServe(): Promise<void> { if (this.#closed) { throw new Deno.errors.Http(ERROR_SERVER_CLOSED); }
const listener = Deno.listen({ port: this.#port ?? HTTP_PORT, hostname: this.#host ?? "", transport: "tcp", });
return await this.serve(listener); }
/** * Create a listener on the server, accept incoming connections, upgrade them * to TLS, and handle requests on these connections with the given handler. * * If the server was constructed without a specified port, 443 is used. * * If the server was constructed with the hostname omitted from the options, the * non-routable meta-address `` is used. * * Throws a server closed error if the server has been closed. * * ```ts * import { Server } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * * const port = 4505; * const handler = (request: Request) => { * const body = `Your user-agent is:\n\n${request.headers.get( * "user-agent", * ) ?? "Unknown"}`; * * return new Response(body, { status: 200 }); * }; * * const server = new Server({ port, handler }); * * const certFile = "/path/to/certFile.crt"; * const keyFile = "/path/to/keyFile.key"; * * console.log("server listening on https://localhost:4505"); * * await server.listenAndServeTls(certFile, keyFile); * ``` * * @param certFile The path to the file containing the TLS certificate. * @param keyFile The path to the file containing the TLS private key. */ async listenAndServeTls(certFile: string, keyFile: string): Promise<void> { if (this.#closed) { throw new Deno.errors.Http(ERROR_SERVER_CLOSED); }
const listener = Deno.listenTls({ port: this.#port ?? HTTPS_PORT, hostname: this.#host ?? "", cert: Deno.readTextFileSync(certFile), key: Deno.readTextFileSync(keyFile), transport: "tcp", // ALPN protocol support not yet stable. // alpnProtocols: ["h2", "http/1.1"], });
return await this.serve(listener); }
/** * Immediately close the server listeners and associated HTTP connections. * * Throws a server closed error if called after the server has been closed. */ close() { if (this.#closed) { throw new Deno.errors.Http(ERROR_SERVER_CLOSED); }
this.#closed = true;
for (const listener of this.#listeners) { try { listener.close(); } catch { // Listener has already been closed. } }
for (const httpConn of this.#httpConnections) { this.#closeHttpConn(httpConn); }
this.#httpConnections.clear(); }
/** Get whether the server is closed. */ get closed(): boolean { return this.#closed; }
/** Get the list of network addresses the server is listening on. */ get addrs(): Deno.Addr[] { return Array.from(this.#listeners).map((listener) => listener.addr); }
/** * Responds to an HTTP request. * * @param requestEvent The HTTP request to respond to. * @param connInfo Information about the underlying connection. */ async #respond( requestEvent: Deno.RequestEvent, connInfo: ConnInfo, ) { let response: Response; try { // Handle the request event, generating a response. response = await this.#handler(requestEvent.request, connInfo);
if (response.bodyUsed && response.body !== null) { throw new TypeError("Response body already consumed."); } } catch (error: unknown) { // Invoke onError handler when request handler throws. response = await this.#onError(error); }
try { // Send the response. await requestEvent.respondWith(response); } catch { // `respondWith()` can throw for various reasons, including downstream and // upstream connection errors, as well as errors thrown during streaming // of the response content. In order to avoid false negatives, we ignore // the error here and let `serveHttp` close the connection on the // following iteration if it is in fact a downstream connection error. } }
/** * Serves all HTTP requests on a single connection. * * @param httpConn The HTTP connection to yield requests from. * @param connInfo Information about the underlying connection. */ async #serveHttp(httpConn: Deno.HttpConn, connInfo: ConnInfo) { while (!this.#closed) { let requestEvent: Deno.RequestEvent | null;
try { // Yield the new HTTP request on the connection. requestEvent = await httpConn.nextRequest(); } catch { // Connection has been closed. break; }
if (requestEvent === null) { // Connection has been closed. break; }
// Respond to the request. Note we do not await this async method to // allow the connection to handle multiple requests in the case of h2. this.#respond(requestEvent, connInfo); }
this.#closeHttpConn(httpConn); }
/** * Accepts all connections on a single network listener. * * @param listener The listener to accept connections from. */ async #accept(listener: Deno.Listener) { let acceptBackoffDelay: number | undefined;
while (!this.#closed) { let conn: Deno.Conn;
try { // Wait for a new connection. conn = await listener.accept(); } catch (error) { if ( // The listener is closed. error instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource || // TLS handshake errors. error instanceof Deno.errors.InvalidData || error instanceof Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof || error instanceof Deno.errors.ConnectionReset || error instanceof Deno.errors.NotConnected ) { // Backoff after transient errors to allow time for the system to // recover, and avoid blocking up the event loop with a continuously // running loop. if (!acceptBackoffDelay) { acceptBackoffDelay = INITIAL_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY; } else { acceptBackoffDelay *= 2; }
if (acceptBackoffDelay >= MAX_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY) { acceptBackoffDelay = MAX_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY; }
try { await delay(acceptBackoffDelay, { signal: this.#acceptBackoffDelayAbortController.signal, }); } catch (err: unknown) { // The backoff delay timer is aborted when closing the server. if (!(err instanceof DOMException && === "AbortError")) { throw err; } }
continue; }
throw error; }
acceptBackoffDelay = undefined;
// "Upgrade" the network connection into an HTTP connection. let httpConn: Deno.HttpConn;
try { // deno-lint-ignore no-deprecated-deno-api httpConn = Deno.serveHttp(conn); } catch { // Connection has been closed. continue; }
// Closing the underlying listener will not close HTTP connections, so we // track for closure upon server close. this.#trackHttpConnection(httpConn);
const connInfo: ConnInfo = { localAddr: conn.localAddr, remoteAddr: conn.remoteAddr, };
// Serve the requests that arrive on the just-accepted connection. Note // we do not await this async method to allow the server to accept new // connections. this.#serveHttp(httpConn, connInfo); } }
/** * Untracks and closes an HTTP connection. * * @param httpConn The HTTP connection to close. */ #closeHttpConn(httpConn: Deno.HttpConn) { this.#untrackHttpConnection(httpConn);
try { httpConn.close(); } catch { // Connection has already been closed. } }
/** * Adds the listener to the internal tracking list. * * @param listener Listener to track. */ #trackListener(listener: Deno.Listener) { this.#listeners.add(listener); }
/** * Removes the listener from the internal tracking list. * * @param listener Listener to untrack. */ #untrackListener(listener: Deno.Listener) { this.#listeners.delete(listener); }
/** * Adds the HTTP connection to the internal tracking list. * * @param httpConn HTTP connection to track. */ #trackHttpConnection(httpConn: Deno.HttpConn) { this.#httpConnections.add(httpConn); }
/** * Removes the HTTP connection from the internal tracking list. * * @param httpConn HTTP connection to untrack. */ #untrackHttpConnection(httpConn: Deno.HttpConn) { this.#httpConnections.delete(httpConn); }}
/** * Additional serve options. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.ServeInit} instead. */export interface ServeInit extends Partial<Deno.ListenOptions> { /** An AbortSignal to close the server and all connections. */ signal?: AbortSignal;
/** The handler to invoke when route handlers throw an error. */ onError?: (error: unknown) => Response | Promise<Response>;
/** The callback which is called when the server started listening */ onListen?: (params: { hostname: string; port: number }) => void;}
/** * Additional serve listener options. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.ServeOptions} instead. */export interface ServeListenerOptions { /** An AbortSignal to close the server and all connections. */ signal?: AbortSignal;
/** The handler to invoke when route handlers throw an error. */ onError?: (error: unknown) => Response | Promise<Response>;
/** The callback which is called when the server started listening */ onListen?: (params: { hostname: string; port: number }) => void;}
/** * Constructs a server, accepts incoming connections on the given listener, and * handles requests on these connections with the given handler. * * ```ts * import { serveListener } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * * const listener = Deno.listen({ port: 4505 }); * * console.log("server listening on http://localhost:4505"); * * await serveListener(listener, (request) => { * const body = `Your user-agent is:\n\n${request.headers.get( * "user-agent", * ) ?? "Unknown"}`; * * return new Response(body, { status: 200 }); * }); * ``` * * @param listener The listener to accept connections from. * @param handler The handler for individual HTTP requests. * @param options Optional serve options. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.serve} instead. */export async function serveListener( listener: Deno.Listener, handler: Handler, options?: ServeListenerOptions,): Promise<void> { const server = new Server({ handler, onError: options?.onError });
options?.signal?.addEventListener("abort", () => server.close(), { once: true, });
return await server.serve(listener);}
function hostnameForDisplay(hostname: string) { // If the hostname is "", we display "localhost" in console // because browsers in Windows don't resolve "". // See the discussion in return hostname === "" ? "localhost" : hostname;}
/** * Serves HTTP requests with the given handler. * * You can specify an object with a port and hostname option, which is the * address to listen on. The default is port 8000 on hostname "". * * The below example serves with the port 8000. * * ```ts * import { serve } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * serve((_req) => new Response("Hello, world")); * ``` * * You can change the listening address by the `hostname` and `port` options. * The below example serves with the port 3000. * * ```ts * import { serve } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * serve((_req) => new Response("Hello, world"), { port: 3000 }); * ``` * * `serve` function prints the message `Listening on http://<hostname>:<port>/` * on start-up by default. If you like to change this message, you can specify * `onListen` option to override it. * * ```ts * import { serve } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * serve((_req) => new Response("Hello, world"), { * onListen({ port, hostname }) { * console.log(`Server started at http://${hostname}:${port}`); * // ... more info specific to your server .. * }, * }); * ``` * * You can also specify `undefined` or `null` to stop the logging behavior. * * ```ts * import { serve } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * serve((_req) => new Response("Hello, world"), { onListen: undefined }); * ``` * * @param handler The handler for individual HTTP requests. * @param options The options. See `ServeInit` documentation for details. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.serve} instead. */export async function serve( handler: Handler, options: ServeInit = {},): Promise<void> { let port = options.port ?? 8000; if (typeof port !== "number") { port = Number(port); }
const hostname = options.hostname ?? ""; const server = new Server({ port, hostname, handler, onError: options.onError, });
options?.signal?.addEventListener("abort", () => server.close(), { once: true, });
const listener = Deno.listen({ port, hostname, transport: "tcp", });
const s = server.serve(listener);
port = (server.addrs[0] as Deno.NetAddr).port;
if ("onListen" in options) { options.onListen?.({ port, hostname }); } else { console.log(`Listening on http://${hostnameForDisplay(hostname)}:${port}/`); }
return await s;}
/** * Initialization parameters for {@linkcode serveTls}. * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.ServeTlsOptions} instead. */export interface ServeTlsInit extends ServeInit { /** Server private key in PEM format */ key?: string;
/** Cert chain in PEM format */ cert?: string;
/** The path to the file containing the TLS private key. */ keyFile?: string;
/** The path to the file containing the TLS certificate */ certFile?: string;}
/** * Serves HTTPS requests with the given handler. * * You must specify `key` or `keyFile` and `cert` or `certFile` options. * * You can specify an object with a port and hostname option, which is the * address to listen on. The default is port 8443 on hostname "". * * The below example serves with the default port 8443. * * ```ts * import { serveTls } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * * const cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; * const key = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"; * serveTls((_req) => new Response("Hello, world"), { cert, key }); * * // Or * * const certFile = "/path/to/certFile.crt"; * const keyFile = "/path/to/keyFile.key"; * serveTls((_req) => new Response("Hello, world"), { certFile, keyFile }); * ``` * * `serveTls` function prints the message `Listening on https://<hostname>:<port>/` * on start-up by default. If you like to change this message, you can specify * `onListen` option to override it. * * ```ts * import { serveTls } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * const certFile = "/path/to/certFile.crt"; * const keyFile = "/path/to/keyFile.key"; * serveTls((_req) => new Response("Hello, world"), { * certFile, * keyFile, * onListen({ port, hostname }) { * console.log(`Server started at https://${hostname}:${port}`); * // ... more info specific to your server .. * }, * }); * ``` * * You can also specify `undefined` or `null` to stop the logging behavior. * * ```ts * import { serveTls } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server.ts"; * const certFile = "/path/to/certFile.crt"; * const keyFile = "/path/to/keyFile.key"; * serveTls((_req) => new Response("Hello, world"), { * certFile, * keyFile, * onListen: undefined, * }); * ``` * * @param handler The handler for individual HTTPS requests. * @param options The options. See `ServeTlsInit` documentation for details. * @returns * * @deprecated This will be removed in 1.0.0. Use {@linkcode Deno.serve} instead. */export async function serveTls( handler: Handler, options: ServeTlsInit,): Promise<void> { if (!options.key && !options.keyFile) { throw new Error("TLS config is given, but 'key' is missing."); }
if (!options.cert && !options.certFile) { throw new Error("TLS config is given, but 'cert' is missing."); }
let port = options.port ?? 8443; if (typeof port !== "number") { port = Number(port); }
const hostname = options.hostname ?? ""; const server = new Server({ port, hostname, handler, onError: options.onError, });
options?.signal?.addEventListener("abort", () => server.close(), { once: true, });
// deno-lint-ignore no-sync-fn-in-async-fn const key = options.key || Deno.readTextFileSync(options.keyFile!); // deno-lint-ignore no-sync-fn-in-async-fn const cert = options.cert || Deno.readTextFileSync(options.certFile!);
const listener = Deno.listenTls({ port, hostname, cert, key, transport: "tcp", // ALPN protocol support not yet stable. // alpnProtocols: ["h2", "http/1.1"], });
const s = server.serve(listener);
port = (server.addrs[0] as Deno.NetAddr).port;
if ("onListen" in options) { options.onListen?.({ port, hostname }); } else { console.log( `Listening on https://${hostnameForDisplay(hostname)}:${port}/`, ); }
return await s;}