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The Deno Standard Library
The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import type { GlobOptions } from "../_common/glob_to_reg_exp.ts";import { normalize } from "./normalize.ts";import { SEPARATOR_PATTERN } from "./constants.ts";
export type { GlobOptions };
/** Like normalize(), but doesn't collapse "**\/.." when `globstar` is true. */export function normalizeGlob( glob: string, { globstar = false }: GlobOptions = {},): string { if (glob.match(/\0/g)) { throw new Error(`Glob contains invalid characters: "${glob}"`); } if (!globstar) { return normalize(glob); } const s = SEPARATOR_PATTERN.source; const badParentPattern = new RegExp( `(?<=(${s}|^)\\*\\*${s})\\.\\.(?=${s}|$)`, "g", ); return normalize(glob.replace(badParentPattern, "\0")).replace(/\0/g, "..");}