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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { access, accessSync } from "./_fs/_fs_access.ts";import { appendFile, appendFileSync } from "./_fs/_fs_appendFile.ts";import { chmod, chmodSync } from "./_fs/_fs_chmod.ts";import { chown, chownSync } from "./_fs/_fs_chown.ts";import { close, closeSync } from "./_fs/_fs_close.ts";import * as constants from "./_fs/_fs_constants.ts";import { readFile, readFileSync } from "./_fs/_fs_readFile.ts";import { readlink, readlinkSync } from "./_fs/_fs_readlink.ts";import { exists, existsSync } from "./_fs/_fs_exists.ts";import { mkdir, mkdirSync } from "./_fs/_fs_mkdir.ts";import { copyFile, copyFileSync } from "./_fs/_fs_copy.ts";import { writeFile, writeFileSync } from "./_fs/_fs_writeFile.ts";import { readdir, readdirSync } from "./_fs/_fs_readdir.ts";import { realpath, realpathSync } from "./_fs/_fs_realpath.ts";import { rename, renameSync } from "./_fs/_fs_rename.ts";import { rmdir, rmdirSync } from "./_fs/_fs_rmdir.ts";import { unlink, unlinkSync } from "./_fs/_fs_unlink.ts";import { watch } from "./_fs/_fs_watch.ts";import { open, openSync } from "./_fs/_fs_open.ts";import { stat, statSync } from "./_fs/_fs_stat.ts";import { lstat, lstatSync } from "./_fs/_fs_lstat.ts";
import * as promises from "./_fs/promises/mod.ts";
export { access, accessSync, appendFile, appendFileSync, chmod, chmodSync, chown, chownSync, close, closeSync, constants, copyFile, copyFileSync, exists, existsSync, lstat, lstatSync, mkdir, mkdirSync, open, openSync, promises, readdir, readdirSync, readFile, readFileSync, readlink, readlinkSync, realpath, realpathSync, rename, renameSync, rmdir, rmdirSync, stat, statSync, unlink, unlinkSync, watch, writeFile, writeFileSync,};