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title: on tags: browser,event,intermediate


Adds an event listener to an element with the ability to use event delegation.

Use EventTarget.addEventListener() to add an event listener to an element. If there is a target property supplied to the options object, ensure the event target matches the target specified and then invoke the callback by supplying the correct this context. Returns a reference to the custom delegator function, in order to be possible to use with off. Omit opts to default to non-delegation behavior and event bubbling.

const on = (el, evt, fn, opts = {}) => {
  const delegatorFn = (e) => &&, e);
    evt, ? delegatorFn : fn,
    opts.options || false
  if ( return delegatorFn;
const fn = () => console.log("!");
on(document.body, "click", fn); // logs '!' upon clicking the body
on(document.body, "click", fn, { target: "p" }); // logs '!' upon clicking a `p` element child of the body
on(document.body, "click", fn, { options: true }); // use capturing instead of bubbling