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A better Deno framework to create web application.
import { assertEquals, assertStringIncludes,} from "./vendor/https/";import { Status } from "./vendor/https/";import { createMockBodyReader, createMockRequest } from "./test_util.ts";import { Context } from "./context.ts";import { Header, MIME } from "./constants.ts";const { test } = Deno;
test("context string resp", function (): void { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest() }; const results = [ `{foo: "bar"}`, `<h1>Title</h1>`, `foo`, `foo=bar`, `undefined`, `null`, `0`, `true`, ``, ]; const c = new Context(options); for (const r of results) { c.string(r); assertEquals(c.response.status, 200); assertEquals(c.response.body, new TextEncoder().encode(r)); assertStringIncludes( c.response.headers!.get("Content-Type") ?? "", "text/plain", ); }});
test("context json resp", function (): void { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest() }; const results = [{ foo: "bar" }, `{foo: "bar"}`, [1, 2], {}, [], `[]`]; const c = new Context(options); for (const r of results) { c.json(r); assertEquals(c.response.status, 200); assertEquals( c.response.body, new TextEncoder().encode(typeof r === "object" ? JSON.stringify(r) : r), ); assertStringIncludes( c.response.headers!.get("Content-Type") ?? "", "application/json", ); }});
test("context html resp", function (): void { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest() }; const results = [ `{foo: "bar"}`, `<h1>Title</h1>`, `foo`, `foo=bar`, `undefined`, `null`, `0`, `true`, ``, ]; const c = new Context(options); for (const r of results) { c.html(r); assertEquals(c.response.status, 200); assertEquals(c.response.body, new TextEncoder().encode(r)); assertStringIncludes( c.response.headers!.get("Content-Type") ?? "", "text/html", ); }});
test("context file resp", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest() }; const c = new Context(options); await c.file("./mod.ts"); assertEquals( c.response.headers!.get("Content-Type"), "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8", );});
test("context req with cookies", function RequestWithCookies(): void { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest() }; const c = new Context(options); c.request.headers.append("Cookie", "PREF=al=en-GB&f1=123; wide=1; SID=123"); assertEquals(c.cookies, { PREF: "al=en-GB&f1=123", wide: "1", SID: "123", }); c.setCookie({ name: "hello", value: "world", }); assertEquals(c.response.headers?.get("Set-Cookie"), "hello=world");});
test("context redirect", function (): void { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest() }; const c = new Context(options); c.redirect(""); assertEquals(c.response.headers?.get(Header.Location), ""); assertEquals(c.response.status, Status.Found); c.redirect("", Status.UseProxy); assertEquals(c.response.headers?.get(Header.Location), ""); assertEquals(c.response.status, Status.UseProxy);});
test("context multipart/form-data req", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest({ body: createMockBodyReader( `------WebKitFormBoundary4HgCv3WldXbH8Iob\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"\r\n\r\nbar\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary4HgCv3WldXbH8Iob\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="foo1"\r\n\r\nbar1\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary4HgCv3WldXbH8Iob\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="foo2"\r\n\r\nbar2\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary4HgCv3WldXbH8Iob--`, ), headers: new Headers({ [Header.ContentType]: MIME.MultipartForm + "; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary4HgCv3WldXbH8Iob", }), }), }; const c = new Context(options); const body = await c.body;
assertEquals(body, { foo: "bar", foo1: "bar1", foo2: "bar2", });});
test("context application/x-www-form-urlencoded req", async function (): Promise< void> { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest({ body: createMockBodyReader("foo=bar"), headers: new Headers({ [Header.ContentType]: MIME.ApplicationForm }), }), };
const c = new Context(options); const body = await c.body;
assertEquals(body, { foo: "bar" });});
test("context application/json req", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest({ body: createMockBodyReader(`{"foo":"bar"}`), headers: new Headers({ [Header.ContentType]: MIME.ApplicationJSON }), }), };
const c = new Context(options); const body = await c.body;
assertEquals(body, { foo: "bar" });});
test("context text/plain req", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest({ body: createMockBodyReader(`{"foo":"bar"}`), headers: new Headers({ [Header.ContentType]: MIME.TextPlain }), }), };
const c = new Context(options); const body = await c.body;
assertEquals(body, `{"foo":"bar"}`);});
test("context custom", function (): void { class CustomContext extends Context { constructor(c: Context) { super(c); }
hello(): string { return "hello"; } }
const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest() }; const c: Context = new CustomContext(new Context(options)); const cc = c.customContext;
assertEquals(cc.hello(), "hello");});
test("context get set", function (): void { const c = new Context({ app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest() });
c.set("Hello", "World"); assertEquals(c.get("hello"), undefined); assertEquals(c.get("Hello"), "World");
const key = Symbol("Hello"); c.set(key, "World"); assertEquals(c.get(Symbol("Hello")), undefined); assertEquals(c.get(key), "World");});
test("context read body twice", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { app: undefined!, r: createMockRequest({ body: createMockBodyReader(`{"foo":"bar"}`), headers: new Headers({ [Header.ContentType]: MIME.ApplicationJSON }), }), };
const c = new Context(options); const body = await c.body;
assertEquals(body, { foo: "bar" }); assertEquals(await c.body, body);});