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A better Deno framework to create web application.
import { Status } from "./vendor/https/";
export interface HttpExceptionBody { message?: string; error?: string; statusCode?: number;}
export function createHttpExceptionBody( message: string, error?: string, statusCode?: number,): HttpExceptionBody;export function createHttpExceptionBody<T extends Record<string, any>>( body: T,): T;export function createHttpExceptionBody<T extends Record<string, any>>( msgOrBody: string | T, error?: string, statusCode?: number,): HttpExceptionBody | T { if (typeof msgOrBody === "object" && !Array.isArray(msgOrBody)) { return msgOrBody; } else if (typeof msgOrBody === "string") { return { statusCode, error, message: msgOrBody }; } return { statusCode, error };}
export class HttpException extends Error { readonly message: any; constructor( readonly response: string | Record<string, any>, readonly status: number, ) { super(); this.message = response; }}
export class BadGatewayException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Bad Gateway", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.BadGateway), Status.BadGateway, ); }}
export class BadRequestException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Bad Request", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.BadRequest), Status.BadRequest, ); }}
export class ConflictException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Conflict", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.Conflict), Status.Conflict, ); }}
export class ForbiddenException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Forbidden", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.Forbidden), Status.Forbidden, ); }}
export class GatewayTimeoutException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Gateway Timeout", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.GatewayTimeout), Status.GatewayTimeout, ); }}
export class GoneException extends HttpException { constructor(message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Gone") { super(createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.Gone), Status.Gone); }}
export class TeapotException extends HttpException { constructor(message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Teapot") { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.Teapot), Status.Teapot, ); }}
export class MethodNotAllowedException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Method Not Allowed", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.MethodNotAllowed), Status.MethodNotAllowed, ); }}
export class NotAcceptableException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Not Acceptable", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.NotAcceptable), Status.NotAcceptable, ); }}
export class NotFoundException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Not Found", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.NotFound), Status.NotFound, ); }}
export class NotImplementedException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Not Implemented", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.NotImplemented), Status.NotImplemented, ); }}
export class RequestEntityTooLargeException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Request Entity Too Large", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.RequestEntityTooLarge), Status.RequestEntityTooLarge, ); }}
export class RequestTimeoutException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Request Timeout", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.RequestTimeout), Status.RequestTimeout, ); }}
export class ServiceUnavailableException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Service Unavailable", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.ServiceUnavailable), Status.ServiceUnavailable, ); }}
export class UnauthorizedException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Unauthorized", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.Unauthorized), Status.Unauthorized, ); }}
export class UnprocessableEntityException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Unprocessable Entity", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.UnprocessableEntity), Status.UnprocessableEntity, ); }}
export class InternalServerErrorException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Internal Server Error", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.InternalServerError), Status.InternalServerError, ); }}
export class UnsupportedMediaTypeException extends HttpException { constructor( message?: string | Record<string, any> | any, error = "Unsupported Media Type", ) { super( createHttpExceptionBody(message, error, Status.UnsupportedMediaType), Status.UnsupportedMediaType, ); }}