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Create and manage your GitHub workflows with TypeScript and Deno.
class Step
implements HasActionTemplate<Base>
import { Step } from "";


continueOnError(continueOnError?: WithContext<ExpressionValue, Base, "jobs:jobId:continueOnError">)

Prevents a job from failing when a step fails. Set to true to allow a job to pass when this step fails.

Calling with no arguments will set the value to true.

env<Env extends EnvProps>(env: WithContext<Env, Base, "jobs:jobId:steps:env">): Step<CombineAsUnion<Base | { env: StringKeyOf<Env>; }>>

Sets environment variables for steps to use in the runner environment. You can also set environment variables for the entire workflow or a job. For more information, see env and jobs.<job_id>.env.

When more than one environment variable is defined with the same name, GitHub uses the most specific environment variable. For example, an environment variable defined in a step will override job and workflow variables with the same name, while the step executes. A variable defined for a job will override a workflow variable with the same name, while the job executes.

Public actions may specify expected environment variables in the README file. If you are setting a secret in an environment variable, you must set secrets using the secrets context. For more information, see "Using environment variables" and "Contexts."

id<Id extends string>(id: Id): Step<CombineAsUnion<Base | { stepId: Id; }>>

A unique identifier for the step. You can use the id to reference the step in contexts.

if(statement: WithContext<ExpressionContent | undefined, Base, "jobs:jobId:steps:if">)

You can use the if conditional to prevent a job from running unless a condition is met. You can use any supported context and expression to create a conditional.

When you use expressions in an if conditional, you may omit the expression syntax (${{ }}) because GitHub automatically evaluates the if conditional as an expression. For more information, see "Expressions."

Using contexts

This step only runs when the event type is a pull_request and the event action is unassigned.

import { Step, e } from '';

const step = Step
  .name('My first step')
  .if(ctx => e.op(
    e.op(ctx.github.event_name, '==', 'pull_request'),
    e.op(ctx.github.action, '==', 'unassigned')
  .run('echo This event is a pull request that had an assignee removed');
Using status check functions

The my backup step only runs when the previous step of a job fails.

import { Job, e, Step } from '';

const usesStep = Step
const conditionalStep = Step

const job = Job
Using secrets

Secrets cannot be directly referenced in if: conditionals. Instead, consider setting secrets as job-level environment variables, then referencing the environment variables to conditionally run steps in the job.

If a secret has not been set, the return value of an expression referencing the secret (such as ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }} in the example) will be an empty string.

import { Workflow, e } from '';

const workflow = Workflow
  .create({ name: "ci", fileName: "ci" })
  .job('myJobName', job => job
    .env({ SUPER_SECRET: e.expr(e.ctx.secrets.SUPER_SECRET) })
    .step(step => step
      .if(ctx => e.op(ctx.env.SUPER_SECRET, '!=', ''))
      .run('echo "This step will only run if the secret has a value set."')
    .step(step => step
      .if(ctx => e.op(ctx.env.SUPER_SECRET, '==', ''))
      .run('echo "This step will only run if the secret does not have a value set."')
name(name: WithContext<ExpressionValue<string>, Base, "jobs:jobId:steps:name">)

A name for the step to display in the GitHub UI.

run<Type extends AnyCommand>(run: WithContext<Listed<Type | string | Expression>, Base, "jobs:jobId:steps:run">): Step<CombineAsUnion<Base | ExtractCommand<Type>>>

Runs command-line programs using the operating system's shell. If you do not provide a name, the step name will default to the text specified in the run command.

Commands run using non-login shells by default. You can choose a different shell and customize the shell used to run commands. For more information, see jobs.<job_id>.steps[*].shell.

Each run keyword represents a new process and shell in the runner environment. When you provide multi-line commands, each line runs in the same shell.

import { Step } from '';

const step = Step
  .run('npm install');
shell(shell: LiteralString | `${Shell}`)

You can override the default shell settings in the runner's operating system using the shell keyword. You can use built-in shell keywords, or you can define a custom set of shell options. The shell command that is run internally executes a temporary file that contains the commands specified in the run keyword.

import { Step } from '';

const step = Step
  .run('echo $PATH')
timeoutMinutes(minutes: WithContext<ExpressionValue<number>, Base, "jobs:jobId:steps:timeoutMinutes">)

The maximum number of minutes to run the step before killing the process.

TODO(@ifiokjr): add type to the json result

uses(uses: string)

Selects an action to run as part of a step in your job. An action is a reusable unit of code. You can use an action defined in the same repository as the workflow, a public repository, or in a published Docker container image.

We strongly recommend that you include the version of the action you are using by specifying a Git ref, SHA, or Docker tag. If you don't specify a version, it could break your workflows or cause unexpected behavior when the action owner publishes an update.

Using the commit SHA of a released action version is the safest for stability and security. If the action publishes major version tags, you should expect to receive critical fixes and security patches while still retaining compatibility. Note that this behavior is at the discretion of the action's author. Using the default branch of an action may be convenient, but if someone releases a new major version with a breaking change, your workflow could break. Some actions require inputs that you must set using the with keyword. Review the action's README file to determine the inputs required.

Actions are either JavaScript files or Docker containers. If the action you're using is a Docker container you must run the job in a Linux environment. For more details, see runs-on.

Using versioned actions
import { Job } from '';

const job = Job
  // Reference a specific commit
  .step(step => step.uses('actions/checkout@a81bbbf8298c0fa03ea29cdc473d45769f953675'))
  // Reference the major version of a release
  .step(step => step.uses('actions/checkout@v3'))
  // Reference a specific version
  .step(step => step.uses('actions/checkout@v3.2.0'))
  // Reference a branch
  .step(step => step.uses('actions/checkout@main'))
with(props: WithContext<Record<string, ExpressionValue> & DefaultStepInputs, Base, "jobs:jobId:steps:with">)

A map of the input parameters defined by the action. Each input parameter is a key/value pair. Input parameters are set as environment variables. The variable is prefixed with INPUT_ and converted to upper case.

workingDirectory(workingDirectory?: WithContext<ExpressionValue, Base, "jobs:jobId:steps:workingDirectory">)

Using the working-directory keyword, you can specify the working directory of where to run the command.

import { Step } from '';

const step = Step
  .run('rm -rf *')

Static Methods

create<Base extends ActionTemplate = { stepId: never; }>(): Step<Base>

Create a leniently typed Step.