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Create and manage your GitHub workflows with TypeScript and Deno.
interface App
import { type App } from "";

GitHub apps are a new way to extend GitHub. They can be installed directly on organizations and user accounts and granted access to specific repositories. They come with granular permissions and built-in webhooks. GitHub apps are first class actors within GitHub.


id: number

Unique identifier of the GitHub app

slug: string

The slug name of the GitHub app

node_id: string
owner: User
name: string

The name of the GitHub app

description: string | null
external_url: string
html_url: string
created_at: string
updated_at: string
permissions: { actions?: "read" | "write"; administration?: "read" | "write"; blocking?: "read" | "write"; checks?: "read" | "write"; content_references?: "read" | "write"; contents?: "read" | "write"; deployments?: "read" | "write"; discussions?: "read" | "write"; emails?: "read" | "write"; environments?: "read" | "write"; issues?: "read" | "write"; keys?: "read" | "write"; members?: "read" | "write"; merge_queues?: "read" | "write"; metadata?: "read" | "write"; organization_administration?: "read" | "write"; organization_hooks?: "read" | "write"; organization_packages?: "read" | "write"; organization_plan?: "read" | "write"; organization_projects?: "read" | "write"; organization_secrets?: "read" | "write"; organization_self_hosted_runners?: "read" | "write"; organization_user_blocking?: "read" | "write"; packages?: "read" | "write"; pages?: "read" | "write"; pull_requests?: "read" | "write"; repository_hooks?: "read" | "write"; repository_projects?: "read" | "write"; secret_scanning_alerts?: "read" | "write"; secrets?: "read" | "write"; security_events?: "read" | "write"; security_scanning_alert?: "read" | "write"; single_file?: "read" | "write"; statuses?: "read" | "write"; team_discussions?: "read" | "write"; vulnerability_alerts?: "read" | "write"; workflows?: "read" | "write"; }

The set of permissions for the GitHub app

events: (
| "branch_protection_rule"
| "check_run"
| "check_suite"
| "code_scanning_alert"
| "commit_comment"
| "content_reference"
| "create"
| "delete"
| "deployment"
| "deployment_review"
| "deployment_status"
| "deploy_key"
| "discussion"
| "discussion_comment"
| "fork"
| "gollum"
| "issues"
| "issue_comment"
| "label"
| "member"
| "membership"
| "merge_group"
| "merge_queue_entry"
| "milestone"
| "organization"
| "org_block"
| "page_build"
| "project"
| "projects_v2_item"
| "project_card"
| "project_column"
| "public"
| "pull_request"
| "pull_request_review"
| "pull_request_review_comment"
| "push"
| "registry_package"
| "release"
| "repository"
| "repository_dispatch"
| "secret_scanning_alert"
| "secret_scanning_alert_location"
| "security_and_analysis"
| "star"
| "status"
| "team"
| "team_add"
| "watch"
| "workflow_dispatch"
| "workflow_run"
| "workflow_job"

The list of events for the GitHub app