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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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interface PackagePublishedEvent
import { type PackagePublishedEvent } from "";


action: "published"
package: { id: number; name: string; namespace: string; description: string | null; ecosystem: string; package_type:
| "npm"
| "maven"
| "rubygems"
| "docker"
| "nuget"
| "container"
; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; owner: User; package_version: { id: number; version: string; summary: string; name: string; description: string; body: string; body_html: string; release: { url: string; html_url: string; id: number; tag_name: string; target_commitish: string; name: string; draft: boolean; author: User; prerelease: boolean; created_at: string; published_at: string; }; manifest: string; html_url: string; tag_name: string; target_commitish: string; target_oid: string; draft: boolean; prerelease: boolean; created_at: string; updated_at: string; metadata: unknown[]; docker_metadata: unknown[]; package_files: { download_url: string; id: number; name: string; sha256: string; sha1: string; md5: string; content_type: string; state: string; size: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }[]; author: User; source_url: string; installation_command: string; }; registry: { about_url: string; name: string; type: string; url: string; vendor: string; }; }

Information about the package.

repository: Repository
sender: User
organization: Organization