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Create and manage your GitHub workflows with TypeScript and Deno.
interface WorkflowRun
import { type WorkflowRun } from "";


artifacts_url: string

The URL to the artifacts for the workflow run.

cancel_url: string

The URL to cancel the workflow run.

check_suite_url: string

The URL to the associated check suite.

check_suite_id: number

The ID of the associated check suite.

check_suite_node_id: string

The node ID of the associated check suite.

| "success"
| "failure"
| "neutral"
| "cancelled"
| "timed_out"
| "action_required"
| "stale"
| "skipped"
| null
created_at: string
event: string
head_branch: string
head_commit: SimpleCommit
head_repository: RepositoryLite
head_sha: string

The SHA of the head commit that points to the version of the workflow being run.

path: string

The full path of the workflow

html_url: string
id: number

The ID of the workflow run.

jobs_url: string

The URL to the jobs for the workflow run.

logs_url: string

The URL to download the logs for the workflow run.

node_id: string
name: string

The name of the workflow run.

pull_requests: { url: string; id: number; number: number; head: { ref: string; sha: string; repo: RepoRef; }; base: { ref: string; sha: string; repo: RepoRef; }; }[]
repository: RepositoryLite
rerun_url: string

The URL to rerun the workflow run.

run_number: number

The auto incrementing run number for the workflow run.

| "requested"
| "in_progress"
| "completed"
| "queued"
| "waiting"
updated_at: string
url: string

The URL to the workflow run.

workflow_id: number

The ID of the parent workflow.

workflow_url: string

The URL to the workflow.

run_attempt: number

Attempt number of the run, 1 for first attempt and higher if the workflow was re-run.

referenced_workflows: ReferencedWorkflow[]
run_started_at: string

The start time of the latest run. Resets on re-run.

previous_attempt_url: string | null

The URL to the previous attempted run of this workflow, if one exists.

actor: User
triggering_actor: User