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Create and manage your GitHub workflows with TypeScript and Deno.
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method Step.prototype.if
import { Step } from "";

You can use the if conditional to prevent a job from running unless a condition is met. You can use any supported context and expression to create a conditional.

When you use expressions in an if conditional, you may omit the expression syntax (${{ }}) because GitHub automatically evaluates the if conditional as an expression. For more information, see "Expressions."

Using contexts

This step only runs when the event type is a pull_request and the event action is unassigned.

import { Step, e } from '';

const step = Step
  .name('My first step')
  .if(ctx => e.op(
    e.op(ctx.github.event_name, '==', 'pull_request'),
    e.op(ctx.github.action, '==', 'unassigned')
  .run('echo This event is a pull request that had an assignee removed');
Using status check functions

The my backup step only runs when the previous step of a job fails.

import { Job, e, Step } from '';

const usesStep = Step
const conditionalStep = Step

const job = Job
Using secrets

Secrets cannot be directly referenced in if: conditionals. Instead, consider setting secrets as job-level environment variables, then referencing the environment variables to conditionally run steps in the job.

If a secret has not been set, the return value of an expression referencing the secret (such as ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }} in the example) will be an empty string.

import { Workflow, e } from '';

const workflow = Workflow
  .create({ name: "ci", fileName: "ci" })
  .job('myJobName', job => job
    .env({ SUPER_SECRET: e.expr(e.ctx.secrets.SUPER_SECRET) })
    .step(step => step
      .if(ctx => e.op(ctx.env.SUPER_SECRET, '!=', ''))
      .run('echo "This step will only run if the secret has a value set."')
    .step(step => step
      .if(ctx => e.op(ctx.env.SUPER_SECRET, '==', ''))
      .run('echo "This step will only run if the secret does not have a value set."')


statement: WithContext<ExpressionValue, Base>